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Dakael D'Lieman

Picture coming soon

Player Name: Chaz Linn
Race: Human
Age: 18
Class: Templar
School of Magic: Celestial
Homeland: Trandusk, In the Kingdom of Antillia
Group: Shadow Dragons (Battle Mage)

Character History

        My name is Dakael D'liemen. I am the youngest son of Murdoch and Cecillia. My two brothers, Articus and Brauhne are both warriors in the Antillian Army, under the control of King Cyrill Tiberion XIII.

        I was born in the quaint but bustling town of Trandusk, in the kingdom of Antillia. My father Murdoch was in the Antillian army for most of his youth, fighting beside the present king as a young man. In his later years, he was stricken down with an injured leg, giving him a limp for the rest of his life. With his service to the army useless now, he opened a small Smithy and has produced our town's best armor and weaponry from then on.

My mother's story is different however. My mother was adopted by a band of Mystic Wood Elves when her parents were killed by a Necromancer's raid on the Mage town of Mystisia. While living with them, she learned to use and even create magic, eventually learning to master both Earth and Celestial magic. She had been living with the elves 15 years when the same Necromancer came to destroy the Elven village. She viewed this as a test of something she must do to repay them for their kindness. So she fought the Necromancer and his hordes for three long days. On the last day, she broke through his undead army to deliver the final blow with a Celestial Magic Storm. She left the village the next day, thanking them for her hospitality and leaving for Antillia. She met my father there and fell instantly in love with him, marrying him days later. My father, against magic of all kinds, forbid her to use any magic, and out of love for him, she has not used magic unless absolutely necessary since then.

When I was 12 and taking weapons training from my father, I got lost and was attacked by a newly risen zombie. I remembered my mother's words and stood completely still, knowing that a Zombie will not attack anything that doesn't move. I stood there for nearly an hour as it looked me over, breathing it's rotten breath into my face. It finally lost interest in me and I ran all the way back to camp. To this day, I am apprehensive about fighting the undead.

When I turned 14 I asked my mother to teach me some magic, which provoked my father to give me the most severe beating of my life. After which, my mother secretly healed me, and taught me a few things about magic, such as reading and writing.

My father entered me in a junior fighting competition at 15, in which I made it to the final round against my childhood foe Dengarion Nightwood. His swordsmanship was unmatched until I fought him, slicing at him relentlessly, until he cheated by pinning my sword and kicked me backwards, cracking my head against the wall. Without thinking, I said the incantation, healed myself and began volleying him with Magic Missiles. He forfeited, as he couldn't compete against my magic, but I could not accept victory  because my father had dragged me home.

That night I fought my father in an "honor duel" for the right to leave home, and the right to use magic. We dueled with our shortswords until I finally swept his feet from under him and placed my blade against his chest, claiming the victory. My father said if I left, he never wanted to see me again, and if I left he would no longer call me "son". So I said my final goodbyes and left.

I settled in the town of Gannondarr as an entertainer in a bar, playing an instrument that my hobling friend Nitchett created, the "Nitchefone". I stayed there until news of an attack on Trandusk came to light, to which, my response was to rush right home to save my family.

When I arrived the town was burning, and full of undead warriors. I readied my staff and fought my way through to my house, where my father lay impaled on a fence post, slowly dying.

"Father, who has done this?" I asked with tears arising.
"It......It was......... Dengarion..." He said, his final breath passing his lips as he died.
I tried my hardest to bring him back, but I could not revive him.
I ran inside to see my mother. She too was laying on the ground, dying.
"Dakael.... I'm so glad to see you..... you must stop Dengarion.... you must..." Her voice trailed off.

Just as I turned, Dengarion walked into the house. He had seen me and had come for his rematch. I fought him with everything I had, not managing to overcome him so easily, and was defeated. However, as he raised his sword to kill me, my mother arose to stop him, gripping him tightly, she used an ancient spell to encase herself, along with Dengrion in stone, leaving behind only a shred of her dress for me to remember her by.

I traveled for months coming across my two dear friends Me-Lei and Gleason. We adventured for weeks until we found ourselves in the town of Simoondale, a town famous for it's undead problems. We then met with the Shadow Dragons, Ekhimo, Dargo, Tye, and Hennet. I hired the warriors for a silver a piece to be my traveling partners. Later that day, I paid them and asked to join their courageous group along with Me-Lei and Gleason.

After fighting hordes of undead we left Simoondale with our new friends and entered Meddlar, a peaceful looking town that seemed like a fine place to stay. I fought alongside the Dargons to raise money for their pot, until a merchant came to us with a job.

"There are a bunch of undead in a cave, eating babies, come help!" he said.
 We followed into the trap and were killed and brought back to life by the Bear Barbarian Clan of werebears. They thought us to be "Red Caps" and turned us in to Baroness Alora, who later let us go.

In return for them letting us go, we set out to take revenge on the red caps and stowed away on one of their supply ships. We waited and attacked, I pitched magic missile from behind Dargo and Drake's shields until we all rushed their captain and beat him to death.

We stole their red caps and capes and gave them to the Bear Clan as a peace offering, and was thanked by Baroness Alora. We then returned to our cabin to rest.

The next day while wandering through a cave to find and destroy a Necromancer's laboratory I was possessed by an earth Scholar named Healenn who wanted to kill the undead that had killed her. She had given me the ability to use all levels of earth magic, which I used to Life spell my fallen Dark Elf comrade, and to kill most of the remaining undead.

With Healenn in my body and the Dragons by my side we next went with Baroness Alora to help a Seer with his nightmares. I administered protectives and elemental and enchanted blades to many fighters and we were whisked away into the dream realm of the seers head.

His fear and anger came after me, which I stopped with two shun spells. Tye and the Baroness were being attacked so they ran behind me. I blocked every attack on them and waited until the manic depressive healing fey came to help.

I rounded the corner to find my dark elf friend dying. I first aided him and guarded him with my life until he arose. We cleared the Seers mind of all evil and horrible Nightmares and we returned to the real world.

Later that night we split up again, and I wander alone looking for good friends, good fun, and great adventure!


Information on Chaz Linn:

Email Address:
Resides in: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania