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Faille Liru Wildfire

Player Name: Kat
Race: Wild Elf
Class: Scholar
School of Magic: Celestial
Homeland: Songhaven, but currently nowhere in particular, used to be Aberdeen
Title: Sometimes I'm referred to as 'that wild elf chick'.
Concept: Anything BUT having a hero complex, it runs in the family.

Character History

      I was born one night about 79 years ago to a family of a mother, father and brother. My brother, Arandel, was schooled in the ways of earth magic, and I was schooled in the ways of the celestial arts. It was a budding family until one fatal night when the undead army rolled into town and rolled everyone else out. Arandel’s leg was broken at that time and he had to be left in an earth circle to be saved, while me and my parents ran and took salvage in the Wildfires’ place of permanent residence in Songhaven.  

        I soon rubbed elbows with another young and fiery elf, Ahyven. We soon knew that we were cousins and spent hardly any time away from each other and soon became identified as sisters more than cousins. But not every elf can stay with their family and Ahyven bounded off to go adventuring. Soon after I was asked to become an apprentice to one of the seven elders, Turvaran. Surprised at this lucky chance at such fame that was commonly only for those of the higher born elves, I took the chance. Becoming slowly stronger I often kept in contact with Ahyven telling her how I would soon venture into Elysia and bring the Wildfire name to the people there.  

        Soon enough, Ahyven was back home and we decided that in the year 599 in the month of June we would go to Elysia.  But quite to our dismay and surprise a new face popped up in the ranks. My brother Arandel had not died that night after all, and had returned home to the Wildfires. He had already gone to Elysia and promised to take me and Ahyven in the month of August if we would wait for him. We complied and resumed playing, slowly I began to drift away and escaped the sight of my brother and cousin one weekend to go play in Elysia. On the road I ran into some nice people who were also traveling there for the June gathering in Vindale. They took me under their wings and wiped my face of my wild paint and soon enough we arrived in Elysia. My adventures there brought me only to believe that I needed to return soon enough.  When I returned home, I told Ahyven of my many journeys. Soon enough the month of August was upon us, and we all traveled to Elysia and joined in the many festivities. Slowly yet surely the tribesmen of the Wildfire tribe are journeying to the many lands of Tyrra. Tenayenor has finally joined the gatherings as well. I joined the noble House Avalon in late November and swore my oath to Zanderith Avalon there in Therandry. Unfortunately, circumstances have caused us to be only a commoner house as of late.  

        Other than that, I spend my time taking long walks along the beaches of..  oh wait, I should save that for the Glavorn Gazette Personals. I used to be part of Zanderith Avalon's traveling party, but he has recently taken his final death. We will all remember him in spirit. At this present time I am with NorthUmberland, and mostly travel in and around Elysia.... as for my brother, we have not spoken in almost a year. Alejandro is MIA and I miss watching him attest to being able to drink Death under the table. Until next time kiddies!

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