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Grevdar Tyr Dunkfarstson Von Asgard

Picture coming soon

Player Name: Dan Matcuk
Race: Barbarian
Class: Fighter
Homeland: Bergenheim,Turingen. Residing near Greyhorn
Concept: WarBoss

Character History

       I was born to a middle class Barbarian family. My mother, Celentha, was a normal house wife who raised myself and my older brother Oshmere. My father Dunkfarst was the war lord of our tribe up in the north. He was a greatly respected man and a vicious warrior. Our family was happy for most of my life at home. My father was wining battles and my brother was becoming quite the swordsman. I remember when we would be out side with the other children and they would spar my brother would usually come out on top. My brother and I were very close and spent most of our time together. It was one day that I heard a yell from out side. It was my brother. He said," Hey Tyr, why don't you come out here and give some sparing a try." I hadn't sparred anyone except my brother who always made it a point to loose to me to make me feel better. I went out though. I wanted to try it out. When i went out I saw a boy there who I had seen some times before but never really had met. His name was Alric. He was a strong child. Some said that one day he would be chieftain. We sparred until we were to beat to lift our swords. it was from there on that we were friends.

    It was then that the Great War came. My brother and my father went to battle to fight the forces of Sgt. D. It had been months since my mother and I had seen them. Then one day sad news came. My father and my brother had been killed in battle with the forces of evil. My mother and I ran to the Earth Circle hoping to see them arrive, they did not. We were never sure whether or not they had resurrected elsewhere in safety, but we would never see them again. It was during the days after the news had arrived that Sgt. D. would flee and disappear never to be seen again as well. If only my father and brother had lasted out a few more days they would still be alive and with me and my mother sitting around the fire enjoying stories of great deeds in battle. But this can not be for shortly after the end of the war my mother caught ill and passed away.

    While she was on her death bed she told me about my father things I had never known. She told me that I was according to the High Shaman to be the child who would grow to protect the people. That I would be a great warrior when i was my fathers age. That is how I got my family name of Tyr. Tyr was a great Barbarian hero of our people. He fought alongside the great Etzel and had been killed in a great battle where he alone challenged a great dragon. She also told me something that intrigued me. My father carried a sword with him. It is said that only a person of descent from The great Etzel could wield it and it was able to cut through even a death knight who need a magical aura to hit. It was lost with my father although it was not destroyed because even the strongest magician could not shatter it. I hope to one day find it because along with it will be my father and my brother.

    I now am living by Greyhorn in search of my father and trying to find out the truth about whether I am a Descendant of Etzel. I hope that one day I will find the truth and when that day comes I will rest peacefully.

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