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Jaceran Goldark Evermore

Photo of Jaceran coming soon (hopefully)! In the meantime, this drawing of him is cool:

Player Name: Jason Fabus
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Homeland: Northern Greyhorn
Concept: Raging Woolly Mammoth, masked  

Character History

Hi, my name is Jaceran . If you need help, with anything at all, come find me and my brother , we'll help you. We're the dwarves wearing the dwarven battle masks. You can find me with the rest of the Evermores , I'm sure you know where they are, or you can find my brother , Konor , with The Big Blue Ball . We'll come help you out . Ask around and you'll find out we're darn good helpers.

Information on Jason Fabus:

Email Address: