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Jaryn (Ket) Morderex

Picture coming soon

Player Name: Simon Crawley
Race: Human
Class: Scholar
School of Magic: Earth
Age: 15
Homeland: unknown
Concept: little healer

Character History

The Morderex Family History:

        Morderex is a clan that consisted of all kinds of races. They were peaceful and not a well known tribe. The clan consisted mostly of Sarrs, Humans, and Barbarians. There were about a total of 200 tribe members. Morderex was considered their last name. The clan lived peacefully until it was overtaken by a horde of Undead. Some of the clan who survived were taken to the infernal plane. Others fled and were never heard from again.

        There are only 2 clan members left known, myself Jaryn (Ket) Morderex, and Koren Morderex. I have been on the run from Slave drivers ever since I escaped from them and fled to the closest town I could find. It turned out to be a small village of Sarrs. I was eventually given a home with a family of Sarrs that wanted me as their own. After a year of living with them I turned 14 and soon met a wonderful Sarr named Kiftel. We married about 4 months after we met. I settled down with a lovely wife and everything was going good. But then my worst fear happened. My wife was suffering from a sickness that was unheard of. After a year of suffering she died. I was heartbroken. So I packed my belongings and started my journey. I soon became interested in making things so I traveled to the mountain to practice my magic and skills. I soon became curious about, and decided to travel to, Simmondale, for I heard of a gathering that was going to occur there. I traveled and met some friends (in and out of game) along the way.

        Shortly after that gathering I became an apprentice of Kellendia Evermore. Then shortly after I was taken under the wing of Kysol. Then shortly after that I became part of Northumberland and now wear the colors.

Information on Simon Crawley:

Email Address:
Resides in: Dormont, Pittsburgh, PA