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Kellendia (Dia) Evermore


Player Name: Stephanie Meade
Race: Human
Class: Scholar
School of Magic: Earth
Homeland: N/A, currently residing in the duchy of Elysia
Title: Wife of Lasadar Evermore, Elysia's First Unemployed Herald

-Healer Extraordinaire

-All around really nice person
-And too cute to be evil

Character History

My likes are: -Children  
-Strategy arguments with Cosheeto
-Life spelling Artanis at the last possible moment  
My dislikes are: -Spiders  
-People I care for getting hurt
-Anything that can charm me  
My hobbies include: -Writing down quotes  
-Collecting weird things found on the ground
-Taking long walks that eventually end up to be marches (-oh, wait...)  

        I am currently one of the healers under Kysol Azeel's command (I'm the short one who runs around a lot and smiles too much). I WAS the Herald to the Court of Northumberland, but some unforeseen circumstances have since caused me to be unemployed in that vocation. Additionally, everyone says that I look like this gypsy girl named Sarina- hmmm isn't that interesting?  

Information on Stephanie Meade:

Email Address:
Residing in: I'll never tell, you'll never take me alive coppers!
Plot: For detailed character history please contact (since this is IG)