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Khellendros Tel'Nessar

Player Name: John Tate
Race: Amani Elf
Class: Scholar
School of Magic: Earth
Homeland: Simoondale
House Name: Baronial Court of Simoondale, House Coreel
Concept: Healer

Character History

The Background and Family History Of

Khellendros and the Tel’Nessar Family

        My name is Khellendros Tel’Nessar.  I am the only child of Qu’ellis and Sara Tel’Nessar.  I was born in the city of Caulder; in the Barony of Simmondale; in the Duchy of Elysia, on September 11, 475.  The only child of an elven swordsman and a human healer, I was raised as an elf, on the stories of battle tactics and war.

        My father had been a loyal soldier of the Elven Army for seventy-five years.  He told me many stories of his exploits.  He told me of the friends and companions that he had lost to the marauding monster attacks.  He also told me stories of the times that he had died but been resurrected.  He had been born into a family of warriors, so most of his life revolved around combat training, weapons training, and battle.  When he was seventy-five years old he enlisted in the Elven Army and fought with them for many years.  He told me that he had been involved in a skirmish with trolls outside of Caulder.  While engaged with two of them, a third crept up behind him and ripped open his back from neck to waist, and killed him.  He then told me that it was my mother who had performed his resurrection. 

        My mother was a human healer.  She was the youngest child of a merchant family.  She told me the story of how she was orphaned at the age of nine.  Her family had joined a caravan and was travelling to Caulder to sell their goods.  Outside of the city, they were attacked by a band of orcs who were looking to pick a few caravans clean.  Her entire family, herself included, was murdered.  She was the only one to safely resurrect.  She resurrected in the Healer’s Guild of Caulder.  When her family failed to resurrect, the Guild took her in and began training her to be a Healer.

        My mother told me that after she had performed my father’s resurrection successfully and he was recovering from his wounds, they began to fall in love.  When she believed that he was well enough to travel, they set off for the Amani Forest.  When they arrived he put in for a discharge from service.  The Elven King approved and awarded him an honorable discharge. This was in the year 470.

        My father had never been the kind of person that could sit at home and do absolutely nothing.  Soon after they returned to Caulder, he joined the town militia.  Five years after they settled in the city my mother became pregnant with me.  After my birth my mother retired her position in the guild to a strictly volunteer status.  My father had made a good bit of money while serving in the army and he also retired to volunteer duty only.

        My mother took on the responsibilities of my education and my father took on the task of raising me to be a warrior.  I learned how to read and write in 479 at the age of four.  My father began my sword lessons when I was twelve years old.

        I was orphaned at the age of sixty when my parents died defending the guild and city from the liche brothers and their undead horde.  After the assault was turned back and the city began treating their wounded and preparing their dead; the Guildmaster came to me and informed me that neither one of my parents spirits had been saved.  I mourned for a little while, then grabbed my father’s swords and ran away.  I managed to survive on the streets by doing whatever odd jobs I could find and stealing what I could not get.

        After living that lifestyle for a while, I came to the realization that I needed to belong to something or someone.  At this point I returned to the Amani Elves and was taken under their wing by my father’s surviving relative, a younger sister, and her husband and kids.  I was never looked at with as much respect as their own kids, but when is a half-breed ever looked at like that?  I hold no ill will to her or her family; after all they took me when no one else would.  After living with them for a period of time, fifty years or so, I had to return to my original roots.

        When I was 110 years old, I joined a mercenary band called the Bloodwolves.  I went on several campaigns with them in the ten years I traveled with them.  I worked on developing my sword skills.  At the age of 120, I had had enough. We were in the middle of a campaign, in which we were working for a Greater Vampire. I do not like undead, so I left after stealing some money from the captain of the band, a Captain Rourke. After I made my escape, I hid in the Barony of Ebonmarr.  After surviving on the streets for a while, I was taken in by the Thieve’s Guild of Brynn.  They trained me as an alchemist, and then apprenticed me to their top assassin, Klaus Shadowwalker.  I trained with him for four years. In 599, they sent me on my first solo assassination.  The target was a merchant of silk; the reason for the hit was purely revenge.  I had never killed a man in cold blood and couldn’t bring myself to finish the attempt.  I gave the merchant some money and sent him into hiding.  I then returned to the guild and reported the mission a success.  At my first opportunity, I grabbed some money and gas globes and headed home to Caulder.

        I have many acquaintances but only one true friend.  I have a fear of getting too close to anyone or letting anyone get close to me.  I’m afraid that if I do, I will lose them.  My one true friend is Stephen. When I was enroute towards Caulder I was attacked by a band of Hobgoblins.  I fought well, but there were too many of them for me to defeat.  Suddenly, a man rushed out and began fighting by my side.  Together we defeated them and he introduced himself to me.

        My only goals in life at the moment, are to survive, and in surviving, to fulfill my oath to my liege, the Lord Baron Talorin Coreel.  At the moment I am an adventurer by choice.  I’m constantly looking back over my shoulders because I’ve left many enemies behind me.  In a further attempt to hide myself from them, I have changed my career through a formal magic ritual.  I’ve always wanted to be a healer, but at a younger age my talents lay more with the sword than any-where else.  However, through the good graces of my liege, my talents lie now more along the lines of magic. 

        I know my enemies, Capt. Rourke of the “Bloodwolves,” the Thieve’s Guild of Brynn, and their top assassin Klaus Shadowwalker, are still hunting me, but if they should find me, I know that I have the sword arms of the entire Baronial Court of Simmondale to help me defend myself.  I will fight and kill as is necessary to protect my friends, brothers, and my liege.  My oath of fealty is the strongest tie I have to anyone, and so it shall carry over to those who my liege has sworn fealty to.


Khellendros Tel’Nessar

Baronial Court of


Information on John Tate:

Email Addresses:

Pro Volunteer: New Player Trainer
Phone Contact Number: (724)283-8083