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Leafton Adirondak

Player Name: Jp Krhovsky
Race: Stonewood Elf
Class: Fighter
Age: 22
Homeland: Stonewood
Title: Lackey to the Highest Bidder
Concept: master decoy/beggar

Character History

    Although I am young, I have already come to hate the people of Niman!  I was enslaved by orcs at an early age, only to be trained in the arts of being a decoy.  Due to my incredibly poor sense of direction, I "accepted", and found myself lost in the far southern lands where I was captured by slavers from Niman, (who treated me even worse than the orcs might I add).  But once again I proved to be not worth the effort and I accepted.  I took up the age old, and rather honorable profession, of begging for money and scraps of food.  This is when the town I was in fell prey to an evil force that ravaged the village. This is also when I learned that I could make more money being a decoy than a street beggar; and that puts me where I am today.  LOST! ..and trying to establish a decoy's guild.

Information on Jp Krhovsky:

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