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Player Name: Jessica Miller
Race: Mystic Wood Elf
Class: Earth Scholar


The Mystic Wood, Greyhorn, anywhere else she likes to be
Member of: Clan Ahora, GEAR
Concept: The Innocent, Sailor Moon

Character History

        NectaReverie was born as Koanlaureth in the northern woods of Evandarr July 16, 546. She grew up raised by both her parents (Tulip and Chase) and has two older brothers (Crikey and Morrisey) and three younger sisters (who have not received their road names yet) from the same parents, and does not know how many other siblings she has from each parent. Her mother is a respected healer and teacher and her father is a grape farmer. Her youth was loving, happy, and largely sheltered from the difficulties many others faced daily. As a result, she doesn't know how to hate and she easily forgives most grudges. She was allowed to follow her own direction growing up, but Tulip secretly hoped that one day Necta would sit still long enough to learn the healing spells that her mother made her living upon.

        That direction led her at the age of 38 to the arms of a cousin of questionable repute, known on the road as "Sailor". He was considered a bit of a pariah in the wood for his practice of charm casting, which he denied to the end. The two became involved to the dismay of many, most notably her parents. They, along with a few clan Ahora elders, urged her to break up with him. Still, Necta stayed with him, despite the fact that sometimes he would become violent toward her. This is an area of her past that she refuses to discuss or think about.

        One day, clan elders from the Ahora and Jongleur clans banished Sailor from the wood for raging and subsequently deathing a prominent Jongleur counselor's son. He tried to convince NectaReverie to follow him into exile. She did not feel ready to leave all that she knew behind just yet, so she made an oath to him that exactly one year and a day from when he left, he would again be in her arms, no matter what. In that exact time period, his lifeless body washed onto her lap as she bathed by the shore, waiting for his return.

While clan Ahora is known for being emotionally mercurial, NectaReverie stayed in her grief for several years, only coming out when her brother Morrisey taught her how to put her talents of writing and reading to good use and trained her in the different methods of the literary arts. Her skill gave her happiness again and attracted the notice of an art center in Niman that offered her a free education, free housing, two "strapping, well oiled manservants and a comely buxom wench" and a 15 gold per week allowance. At the urging of her social activist brother Crikey, she declined and instead began her adulting rite by travelling the land, spending two years in Myrrh to hear Gorbe legends and experience Sarr culture, amongst other activites.

Toward the end of her journey, she found a slain white tiger with a triumphant, whooping Barbarian at one side and four helpless cubs crying for their mother, soon to die also. Because cruelty to animals is repugnant to Necta (as well as cruelty to children and others who are vulnerable, and of course slavery and charms), she marched right up to the Barbarian and read him the riot act. He made short work of Necta and she too lay next to the dead tiger. A fae who had dominion over those woods lifed her and encouraged her to apologize to him and try to save the cubs again, this time nicely. He came along and this time, she successfully rescued them and was in his goodwill. The fae guard taught Necta how to perform first aid so that she could care for the baby tigers. Now that she could perform first aid, she was able to use simple spells *up to the second level* that her mother had passed on. All recovered fully and were freed, except for the runt named Rhanjit who remains NectaReverie's companion.

At the age of 53 and at the Autumn Equinox gathering, NectaReverie was accepted as an adult of good standing in clan Ahora and got her roadname of NectaReverie and clan tattoo upon her left hip. While she has no qualms over revealing herself, she makes it a point to wear a strip of cloth to cover her tattoo so that those who are not ready to see it don't. Only a few non mystic wood elves have been allowed to see this tattoo.

NectaReverie arrived in Elysia during the second Winter Rose festival. Here she met Etrius as well as many people who would become close to her from Greyhorn. Perhaps intrigued by her blue horns *a result of a fae poker game* and docile tiger cub, or perhaps out of desire for a pupil, Etrius befriended NectaReverie and taught her much about Earth magic. She is still under his tutelage and has become a paternal influence away from home. He encouraged her to come to Greyhorn and while she found it to be too violent and harsh at first, she grew to love the land and adapt to it. Her favorite town is Stormsport, although she likes the festivals held in Cora's Woods also.

Currently she is married to Dante Infernate, Greymalkin Sayaad, Kitche Rothe, Offred, Insomnia, and Libertine. She still writes, but her new hope in life is to gain a pure and worthy heart. This goal came about after being banished from the Elemental Plane of Chivalry during an attempt to retrieve Elladon Al'Seer from his permanent death. She is now trying to purge herself of all fear, malice, and anything else corrupting her spirit. However, she still enjoys romancing attractive people, gambling, and triumphing over opponents and improbable odds.

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