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San-Drax Nightson

Player Name: Shawn Arbuckle
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Age: 24
Homeland: Niman
Concept: Battle Rogue/Alchemist

Character History

        San-Drax Nightson was born and raised in Niman. His parents were the leaders of a group of bandits, calling themselves the “Death Lilly Raiders”. Their chosen symbol was a skull and a black Lilly.

        San-Drax’s father was a Barbarian warrior named Braxis, and his mother was a human Earth scholar named Tanila. When San-Drax was old enough to become a member of the Death Lilly Raiders, he trained as an Earth Templar to honor both his mother and his father. During an ambush by Nimani warriors, Braxis was slain. Tanila was captured and drug off to a Nimani slave farm. After the battle, San-Drax recovered his father’s body and weapons, and entombed him in a cave, deep within the forest. Once this task was completed, San-Drax took command of the raiders. To avoid the fate of his parents, San-Drax took to wearing a full helm into combat, so that his victims would have no idea who he was, or what he looked like. This tacit allowed San-Drax to move freely through the various towns of Niman. During one of his excursions into Skoya he learned  of his mother’s fate. Several townsfolk spoke of a captured bandit woman who was bought by the local Baron, a man named Tempus Greymoon. San-Drax returned to his camp immediately upon hearing this, and began planning a raid on the noble’s manor. That night, San-Drax led the attack. His bandits quickly overran the baron’s guards and set about searching for San-Drax’s mother, as well as looting anything of value. 

        During the confusion, several of the baron’s servants managed to escape and alert several town guards in the nearby town. The Nimani soldiers quickly closed in, and the Raiders were forced into a fight for their lives. They dropped their plunder and grimly prepared for battle. The fighting was furious and raged for several hours, but the bandits finally managed to break through, and the survivors fled into the woods. During the battle, San-Drax lost his helm, and while making his own escape, he was severely wounded and left for dead. He did not perish however, and through the use of his magic, San-Drax managed to heal his own wounds. Several days later he stumbled into camp, exhausted and starving. After several hours of rest and upon filling his stomach, he was strong enough to attend to his mother.

        Tanila had suffered several severe wounds at the hands of the baron and during the battle. Try as he might, San-Drax was not strong enough to heal his mother’s wounds. She died that night. Three days later, San-Drax dissolved the Death Lilly Raiders, telling them that he would one day seek their aid once more. As the bandits went their separate ways, San-Drax carried his mother’s body to the cave he entombed his father in, and placed her beside Braxis. San-Drax’s last action before sealing the tomb once and for all, was to claim his fathers two short swords named “Honor” and “Glory”, and his mother’s shield, vowing that he would use the swords and the shield in battle when he felt he was worthy of their legacy.

        When San-Drax left the tomb, he made his way straight to the Nimanese/Voltan border. To avoid any unnecessary battles, he disguised himself as a simple tradesman and arranged to travel with a merchant caravan, journeying from Xak Einna to Brunn, for the cost of a few ales and a couple gold. Once the caravan reached the mountain town Brunn, San-Drax collected his gear, bid his farewells to the merchants, and set off to where ever adventures awaited him.

        As he traveled through the realm, San-Drax met many fellow warriors, and even fought alongside a few, but he never remained with any of these warriors for very long. He never felt that he could fully trust these men. During one of his travels though, San-Drax met a Celestial Templar by the name of Ard'n Darkblade. San-Drax saw something in this warrior's eyes, something that he knew he could trust, a deep sense of honor that mirrored his own. San-Drax never spoke of his past to Ard’n, but he gladly fought with him and aided him when the need arose.

        In the year 600, San-Drax, along with Ard’n, gathered components to have Spirit Forge rituals performed on themselves. San-Drax had the honor of having the “old mojo” taken out of him, and the “new mojo” to create a new spirit, by a barbarian Earth Scholar known by many to be a very worthy caster. At the completion of the ritual (which involved mild flogging by monkey and ferret furs thanks to the creative rituals of the barbarian caster), San-Drax’s spirit learned the skills of a Rogue. He kept his reasons for having the Spirit Forge performed, to himself.

Information on Shawn Arbuckle:

Email Address:
PRO Volunteer: Emergency Medical Technician
Resides in: Pittsburgh, PA
Currently: Paramedic Student at Pittsburgh EMS Training Center