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Tara Elisabeth Starfire

Picture coming soon, promise!

Player Name:
Carla Doernberg
Race: Amani Elf
Class: Templar
Age: 75
Elfstone Forest
Elven Archer, Healer, Weaponsmith

Character History

       Tara Elisabeth Starfire was born in 526. She lives in The Duchy of Elysia and comes from Elfstone Forest, in the barony of Ehonmakr. At a young age she learned how to use magic from her mother, an elven scholar. Her father was a fighter and when she was a young elf of 25, he was killed in battle by a litche. That is why Tara's mother taught her to use only good magic. She soon took up archery in order to defend herself but never really was any good at it. She got frustrated because arrows were starting to get very expensive and she gave up archery. She lived with her mother until the age of 75 when she went out to find adventure. Then one day she met a dwarf. She could tell he did not like her at first and this made her very upset. He was a weaponsmith and she decided that he could help her learn to make her own arrows so she could be an archer again. He agreed since even though she was an elf, she was an elf who would learn to do something useful. She learned how to make shields, staffs, and arrows. He told her one day she would be able to make a silver sword like his. With her new skills Tara went on a journey to find adventure. She started her journey in Vindale and made many friends.

Information on Carla Doernburg:

Email Address:
Resides in: Pittsburgh
Age: 16