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3rd of April, 2001
Logfile from G'deon

Candidate's Barracks (#1942)
Long and low, this large room angles back into the mountain in a near-perfect rectangle, devoid of windows and hearth. A functional room -- all black volcanic rock and simple earthen tapestries, there is nothing but stark simplicity in the seemingly endless rows of cots that scatter back into the shadows. A small clothespress sits at the end of each puce-covered bed -- yes, puce. Every cot sports a rather gaudy and obnoxiously purple cotton coverlet, leftovers from PranksPast. Boys to the right, girls to the left. Enjoy.
Hanging out on a long wooden shelf on the wall are nine firelizards.
You see Saille's Cot, Sorcen's Cot, Tierza's Cot, Tstar's Cot, Beyla's Cot, Libby's Cot, Merra's Cot, Khaelyn's Cot, Kaltia's Cot, Nevarre's Cot, Nanoc's Cot, Filli's Cot, Marianne's Cot, Naomi's Cot, Jozelle's Cot, Egan's Cot, Izzady's Cot, Hannah's Cot, and Lorrie's Cot here.
You notice Lorsalia, Kaltia, Jozelle, Sorcen, Tstar, Libby, Filli, Marianne, and Khaelyn asleep here.
Egan, Hannah, Nanoc, Merra, Naomi, Tierza, Beyla, Pyrene, and Char are here.
Obvious exits:

Kwa creeps, delicate ebon material swirling about her form, in from the South Caverns.

Char turns on the log and then we can get started... :)

Kwa sics Jhia on Gids again.

G'deon perches on his cookie throne.

Pyrene slaps Gid. Behave. We're representing HRW y'know. Have to /act/ respectable at least. ;)

Nanoc bites Gid's cookie throne.

Kwa eats G'deon's cookie throne.

Merra perches on Gids lap.

You say, "I feel so loved!"

Sya sidles sideways in from the South Caverns.

Merra pops a ' in there. And chokes. HRW? Respectable?

Nanoc mrows.

Kwa chuckles quietly...

G'deon grins at Char and shrugs helplessly. "Sorry, this happens everywhere I go. You were saying?..."

R'kan shuffles in from the South Caverns.

Pyrene facepalms.

Kwa gnaws on R'kan instead, he's studlier then G'deon. *nods*

Beyla eyes Gids. You do, huh? Bet your life's never dull. :)

Merra keeps Gids occupied for a bit. ;-)

Char snickers. "Okay, folks. Let's get this thing started. Since Pyrene informed me that she's going to need to go pretty soon, we'll start with her comments on gold. And, for the candidates' information, this seminar is supposed to help you decide on what color you want.. possibly change your mind. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

Tierza sighs at them all and waits.. impatiently..

You sense Nylanth randomly mates while you're away.

Egan feels free to ask. *shutsup*

R'kan brushes down his dress. Ooooh, y'like Kwa? ;) Any laps free? I'm feeling dancey.

Sabriel quietly walks in from the South Caverns.

Merra pulls out a spotlight and shines it on Py, making her glimmer goldly. <g>

Pyrene smooches Char and starts off with the disclaimer that she's got experience of gold at /High Reaches/ and not Ista, and it /is/ one of those colours that changes from weyr to weyr. Basically, if you have any specific questions, Saria or Torey or somebody might be better to ask, but I'll see what I can do.

Sya sits on R'kan. And his dress.

Sabriel quietly walks to the Caverns.

Kwa steals R'kan and Sya and plops 'em in her lap while gnawing on Sya's hair.

Hannah listens to Pyrene.. ^_^

Pyrene rolls out the spiel that she typed out between poses once Char asked her to do this ;) "I take it you've already read all the goldrider pages and various information out there so you know about the coveted-ness and the fishbowl effect and stuff. Fortunately, for me at least, this hasn't been a major problem--what I /have/ had to keep reminding myself is that people aren't necessarily RPing with me just because I have a gold dragon. I think that's one of the dangers, to assume that people are sucking up to you. Don't go /looking/ for fishbowl. My tactic is to ignore it where possible."

Tierza /tries/ to listen to Pyrene

Char grins. "And, thank you very much, Pyrene, for playing goldrider for us." :)

Pyrene says, "My biggest problem as a goldrider... I think more people than you realise now are aware of the fact that goldriders are a big focus of attention, and so you get a lot of people falling over themselves /not/ to do that. Lots of times, you go to RP with people and they don't know how to take you. I've been ignored often in RP and probably because the people in question didn't want to be seen to be playing only to the goldrider. "

Beyla isn't listening, she's reading. Intently. ;)

R'kan ooohs. Sya 'n Kwa. 'N Pyrene... Meow. *listens*

Dea toe dances in from the South Caverns.

Pyrene says, "There's also the relative lack of RP that goldriding brings when you're not clutching/proddy. It was actually easier to interact when I was a nanny. I could trundle out a group of NPC brats to play with people or at the very least, they knew what my duties were and could ask about it--nobody really knows what goldriders do all day, beyond vague ideas of poring over records and generally taking care of the boring business in the weyr. There's no real RP fodder there..."

Nanoc grins. So that's why you come to Ista :)

Pyrene says, "Finally and on the OOC side of things, I think everybody has their own idea of how goldriding should be done, and their own agenda as to how they're going to do it. And there's no /right/ way just as there aren't wrong ones. You're all the best possible person to ride gold the way /you/ want to ride gold, so Ista can't really get it wrong there. They just have to decide who wants to ride gold the way /they/ want this gold to be ridden (are you all still with me? ;>). And that's no disgrace to those of you who don't Impress her. To a large extent, you can follow your gold-riding agenda off-gold as well. Just have to approach it from a different angle!"

Tierza says, "Can't a gold give themselves a hobby?"

Merra has never noticed any real difference in the amount of RP you, personally, do now, as compared to before you Impressed, honestly.

Pyrene hees at Nanoc. That and the fact that I received a tip-off about the food fight.

G'deon grins at Merra. Except now she has a big gold bodyguard.

Nanoc grins innocently at that :)

Tierza gasps, "I missed a food fight! That's it.. no more comp time for the kids!"

Char puts down a note to add chores to the candidates' list when this meeting is over. ;)

Tierza (My kids, so I can have it!)

Pyrene nods at Tierza, oh it's /vital/ that you keep trying to develop your character, it's just that gold in of itself does not provide RP. And there probably isn't a great deal of difference in the amount of RP, Merra, it's just the type of RP differs. It was one heck of a lot easier to get really fun RP as a nanny. ;)

Nanoc eeps.

Hannah raises her hand dutifully, and asks, "Knowing all of this now, if you knew that before, would you still do it over again? Go for gold, that is?" Obviously, I know some of what I'm getting into by wanting gold, but you just can't know what golding is like until you gold..

Beyla thppts and notes it was all Carelock's fault.

Nanoc nods. It was.

Naomi blames Naomi. The other Naomi.

Merra notes that I wasn't there, ICly, so... <g>

Char bahs and shushes you guys. "You should know better."

You say, "Ooh, good question, Hannah..."

Tierza wails at missing the fun.

Egan agrees, randomly. Nanny-ing is fun.

Merra agrees with Gids and hides in the corner.

Pyrene grins at Hannah. I knew when I applied that I'd lose a lot of the RP of being a nanny, and I still miss nannying, but I don't regret it at all. It's been a lot of fun, and what makes goldriding ultimately worthwhile for me /is/ Cadgwith, who's just so incredibly spiffy. And I have a great PD for her, and a huge backlog of friends to play off, so I'm very happy with Pyrene now.

Pyrene adds that since she's now become a teacher RL, I'd probably go mad playing a /nanny/ for escapism, so it's probably just as well I Impressed. ;)

R'kan wooos. Go former nannies. ;)

Tierza was the adjustment a hard one to make?

Hannah nods and smiles, "That's good."

Kwa remember Py as the nanny, tho I haven't RPed with her 'nuff in the past oh... year or so to see how she is with the big gold sea monster that is Cadgwith.

Char grins.

Pyrene shakes her head at Tierza, although I was lucky in that I was already very much a part of High Reaches. Pyrene was there for 2 RL years before she Impressed Cadgwith. So I had a solid foundation to work from. Not that you can't Impress or enjoy Impression from outside the Weyr, it's just that for me personally that aspect of it was easier.

Merra idly thinks Py gets a lot of RP from the sheer number of cracks people make concerning Cadge.

Char nods and adds her own question: You highlighted a lot of the downside of riding gold. What would you say is the upside?

You say, "The dashing young bronze riders of course."

Nanoc oooh's...

Merra chokes.

R'kan hi5s G'deon and flexes.

You say, "Or the old ones, whatever your preference is..."

Char groans. "Men."

Sya nudges Kwa. Should we muffle R'kan?

G'deon preens and leers.

R'kan cuddles Char. You know you luv us.

Kwa shoves a cork in G'deon's mouth and smiles innocently.

Tierza pokes Gid and R'kan

Sya adds duct tape on top. Yes. I'm evil. So, about those gorgeous greenriders.

G'deon grins. "You were saying, Pyrene...?"

Pyrene sniffles and pats her poor dragon. She's gorgeous really. The upside? What you make of it, I guess. *thwaps Gid* I had huge fun doing the NPC clutch last Christmas, which isn't something I'd have done otherwise. Cadgwith herself is the big upside--my absolute dream gold. And for somebody who's mad on Search, the chance to play clutchmother. Which I haven't done for a PC clutch yet, so I can't tell you if it's all it's cracked up to be. ;)

R'kan winks at Sya. I'll say, lovely.

Char snickers. Okay, children. Don't make me tie you up and gag you.

Kwa flutters lashes at Char, promise?

G'deon flutters at Char. "Will you?"

Nanoc is being good, *nod* O:)

G'deon eats Kwa's braincell.

[ChannelZ] Kwa: Hey! My braincell!

Merra wonders about any OOC responsibilities that come with goldriding. Like, what are they, how many, and such? <g>

Char groans.

Izzady stands up from Izzady's Cot.

Merra pastes R'kan to the MOO. Anyway.

Tierza idly tapes R'kan to the computer, the server and HT.

Egan superglues R'kan. Spammy.

Sya cat-fights with R'kan's ISP.

R'kan has disconnected.
R'kan falls asleep.
R'kan has connected.
R'kan yawns noisily and sits up. Yup, he's awake...

Egan faints. Well. So much for the superglue.

Tierza hmmms, needs new tape..

Pyrene mms at Merra. That'd be different in Ista. I know at HRW that goldriders dont' get anymore OOC responsibility than another rider, unless they specifically ask for it. The main difference that applies /everywhere/ is that they are expected to be able to offer clutchmother duties at some point. Also, due to the attitudes to goldriders in general, they are often role models, so there's a kind of responsibility right there.

Pyrene thinks you'd get different answers to that question from each goldrider you asked though. Each person has their own agenda.

R'kan has disconnected.
R'kan falls asleep.
R'kan has connected.
R'kan yawns noisily and sits up. Yup, he's awake...

Merra says, "So there's no set standard that every goldrider follows, beyond being clutchmother at some time?"

Char believes that goldriders, here, are expected to join weyr council after weyrlinghood. Then there's the typical expectation of activity and getting out to roleplay, but then that's expected of all riders. :P

You say, "I think the role-model bit is important to note..."

Pyrene chuckles. There's the most obvious upside to riding gold--getting to have a go at it the way you think it should be done. Not the most noble advantage, but it's an opportunity nonetheless. And yes, not that there's a guarantee that you /will/ be clutchmother, although I think every gold on HT barring Cadge who's the youngest has had a PC clutch.

Hannah has a question for Char, "Each gold search is intrinsically different. I remember last Ista Gold Search, Annie spoke of Ista looking for an RPish gold. What about this time around?" I'm not sure if I'm making sense, but I'm pulling from what Annie said last Search..

Pyrene nods to what Char said. Please check with the goldriders here for more specific OOC stuff.

The housekeeper arrives to cart R'kan off to bed.

Char nods. "You'd probably have to ask Saria for anything more specific, since she's the one in charge, this time around, but I /do/ think we're looking for someone who will rp."

Hannah nodnods. "Makes sense :)" Thanks ^_^

Kwa says, "That was said last time. *squeaks*.."

Pyrene adds for herself that she thinks RPing is one of the most important things for goldriders, since it /is/ an IC position when it comes down to it. And I personally think that all IC positions need to be RP'ed to a fair extent if possible.

Char grins and eyes the unruly people. "Okay.. are we ready to move on?"

Nanoc nodnods.

Char nods in agreement to Pyrene's comment.

Beyla isn't unruly. I'm just concentrating. Sure. I'm ready. :)

Egan is.

Hannah doesn't have any more questions, so yeah. *nods* to Pyrene. Exactly

Kwa isn't unruly, she's unsane.

Pyrene hehs. No more questions? Kay! I'll go to bed then!

G'deon licks Kwa's unsanity

Char grins. "everyone thank Pyrene for being such a wonderful person in joining us. :)"

You say, "Oh right, respectable... sorry."

Egan thanke's Pyrene.

G'deon pounces Pyrene into a snowbank.

Merra raises an eyebrow. Yet, and not goldriders, but riders in general, there are a great deal of riders at both Weyrs who you do @cwho and you never see them outside of their weyr.

Merra luffs Py and smooches. Thankee!]

Char chuckles. "Shall we move to bronze, or green, next? Looks like R'kan is having a terrible time of it."

Pyrene beams. Oh, no really... it was nothing... Just part and parcel of being the wonderful person that is me. Ahem.

Nanoc ooh's "Bronze!"

Kwa says, "Green!!"

G'deon nods at Merra.

Pyrene goes home.

Kwa chants, green green green!

Merra beams. Green.

Nanoc said it firrrrst!

Sya adds to Kwa -- green-green-green!

Egan says, "Green."

Char laughs. Looks like you're outnumbered, Nanoc. ;)

Nanoc sniffles.

Kwa hi5's Sya, we rule!

Izzady facepalms. "I think Green outnumbers."

G'deon grins and will be here all night... ;)

Char chuckles and gives the floor to our greenriders, then.

Merra looks nice and innocent and... green. ;-)

Sya hi6's Kwa! (Mutant and all that she is). Kwadoll, what shall we tell them first?

Nanoc wonders if he can hide for this part? :P

G'deon yells from the peanut gallery: "Go proddy and go often!"

Merra ahems. Proddy dragons and greenriders? Good place to start, methinks. *bites Gids*

Tierza loves those greens...:>

Egan dumps peanuts on G'deon.

G'deon will shuddup now, honest

Merra thinks about the sterling examples of greeness she's known at HRW. *cough* Listening now, really.

Nanoc whistles.

Tierza gives Nanoc a green, and calls him Nanette.

Nanoc dies.

Kwa clears her throat since she doesn't have canned stuff she'll /try/ to go fast with this! Ahem. "Okay first off, greens are the best, what more can I say? I ride other colors on other games, but truly, greens just take the cake. They're small, have proddiness--which I have to say I do miss when I ride a male--and they don't have to sit for /months/ on the sands while you search for RP 'round the weyr--I personally think we need some better weyr-to-weyr relations! But that's another discussion! Anyway, flights are way fun, give way to interesting TPs and all that jazz." Pause. "But best of all is how much you can /do/ with a green, once you impress one that's it, you're stuck." *nod* "Just... hope you don't end up with a green like mine." *cough*

G'deon wants a N'ano N'ano

Dea pounces on G'deon

Char winces. Bad pun. Very bad pun.

Kwa whaps G'deon. Bad!

Tierza No, no, Nanette...

Nanoc decomposes.

Izzady whees! Nanoc-compost.

Tierza take sit for ehr gardens

Love it and weep.

Tierza takes it for her gardens (take two)

Egan takes out his notepad. "Don't get green like Kwa's..."

Kwa nods to Egan, definitely not, Jhia's skerry!

Sya duct tapes G'deon. So, about the obvious superiority of greens. Yesh, remember that. I like riding a small dragon, and (well, duh, me) greens are the smallest. For me, it makes it easier to relate to cute little Ber-baby-wynth than something the size of a 747 plane. And, because Kwa is cool and copy-able, flights are /amazing/. Greens go proddy more often, and proddy RP is always heaps of fun. And we don't have to do all the stuff behind the scenes unless we volunteer, so it means less stress. And you'lljust look at so many of Ista's finest. They ride green! Like Teza. (Sorry, other riders in here!) And green-riders are just inherently sexy.

You say, "But beautiful when she's angry"

Kwa says, "But more skerry when she's angry. -.-;"

Nanoc is just scared in general of 'em.

Naomi dies laughing.

Merra just quickly interjects that I may have to go very soon. I can hardly move from shoulders up because of this headache.

Sya sits on Nanoc, as well.

Kwa noddles, "Ista's last X1 was a greenie! *beams at the offline Silvera!* So it doesn't mean you /can't/ have responsibility, or look at HR's R'sli who's also the X1 of HR. That should /prove/ that greens are just the ultimate spiffy dragon!"

Nanoc oifs.

Nanoc begs to differ. *ducks*

Egan makes notes. "Greens - capable of Weyr domination."

Tierza Nanoc begs..

G'deon winks. "Or that we have about twice as many greens which gives them better odds." ;>

Char harrumphs. Blues are better.

Sya nods! Respsonibility is fully optional. Well, you RP and everything, but you can be like me and ignore anything related to work beyond RPing in the weyr.

Dea loves her brown

Kwa makes Egan a honorary greenie just because he takes /such/ good notes!

Merra can never remember: how often does a green darling rise? :-)

Tierza no Fair!!!

Char thinks it's about 4 times in a turn.

Tierza every RL month

You say, "Um... about three times a year I thought it was? Gold go once every two Turns? Depends on the greenie too."

Kwa coughs quietly... "I think it's about... oh, to be nice about once every two or three months? I mean ICly they rise more but you shouldn't really be doing /on-camera/ flights that often because... I dunno, it looks bad?" *squeak* Sorta?

G'deon digs out his mating seminar foo.

Egan thought golds were twice a Turn, ICly. I don't know about OOCly.

Hannah always thought it was 4xturn for greens and twice a turn for gold.

Merra just... makes plans for a permanent partner should she Impress green. Or is variety the spice of life? <g>

Egan nods at Hannah.

G'deon grins. Never mind me...

Kwa says, "Oh! And ask for a weird colored dragon, you get some funky things, *points at Jhia* Perfect example! Everyone should know of my little psychotic schizoid of a dragon."

Naomi snickers. I think it's pretty hard to get people to show up to flights if you hold them every other week or something. You have to be reasonable with it. ;)

Kwa nods to Naomi, exactly, you want to make people /want/ to make your flight, not have people groan every time you go proddy and mutter 'Oh gee, /another/ one of <dragonth's> flights.'

Sya agrees. I keep Ber's open flights scarce, so there's more demand. (*elbows G'deon* You ride male. Isn't Ber irrisitable?)

Char chuckles and nods. "Also, even if several dragons are going up at various times.. too many flights at once=people bored with flights." :p

Char grins. "All righty, then. You gals area already sold on green. Let's shut the green gals up and turn it over to me. ;)"

Izzady beams.

Nanoc grins.

Kwa cries to Sya, they don't love me. *wipes away nonexistent tears before cuddling with Sya*

T'nar walks in from the South Caverns.

Kwa steals T'nar. Hers. *nod*

Tierza but, but.. Green.. is so.. Green...

Dea pounces on T'nar.

Merra worships the greenriders. <g>

T'nar acks and drowns.

Sya kidnaps Merra. Kwa, she's wonderful!

Kwa makes Merra an honorary greenie too.

Dea luves her brownie

Naomi just... flies Sya 'n Kwa. Mm.

Tierza and they glow so pretty when they are proddy..heh.

T'nar fears :)

Nanoc bonds with T'nar. Sceeeery.

Naomi flies T'nar, too, for the heck of it. *leers at Nanoc*

Nanoc lubs Naomi.

Sya has numerous Naomi-spawn, but calms down for the Charka speech!

Hannah is still parital to gold, but green's fun too. Ivrylth proddy flights are mucho fun. ^_~

Beyla blinks at y'all. I disappear to get a drink for one minute...

Naomi eats Beyla. Shh. Blueee.

Izzady noddles. Yes. Blue.

Kaltia wakes up.

Merra needs to go. I'm in serious Pain here. I'll be coercing for logs later. <g> Bye!

Char clears her throat. "Ahem. Blues are also small, but, unlike greens, they aren't burdened by stereotype. They go anywhere from laid back to high strung and everywhere in between. Being male, you don't have to bother with being proddy, but you can be, if you want. After all.. with as many as what is it? 15 greens going up a day, your little blue guy could become /very/ proddy."

Kaltia stares. I thought it was later. *sigh* Blues are cool!

Naomi dies.

Nanoc ponders that. Eep?

Izzady hrms... Blues... Choice... Hrm....

Char grins. "Like the other chromatics, you can become administration, if that's your bag, but you don't /have/ to."

Char eyes Kwa, who rides blue elsem*. Want to add anything, or do you think I covered it?

Kwa puts on her little blue hat that says Xweth on it. "AHem, yeah, blues can be /anything/ you want, you don't have to deal with the traditional hosting flights--which I admit can be sort of sad when people don't show or what not. Blues can be biggish, super small, they can be babyish like my Xwe dear, or they can be total 'kingly' dragons. The only thing that they have 'set' from AM is that they make good search dragons, that's it. *winks* So they can be a total blast."

Dea played a blue pd elsem* and loved picking on his rider.

Jozelle wakes up.

Kwa steals Joze!!

Egan ohs. So I'd be in superluck if I put myself green and blue as top choices. Or, maybe I can make a new color of dragon. The ultimate turqoise, or something. Blue and green in one. Eh, heh. *cough* *shutsup*

Jozelle eeps and squeals, "My Kwa!" :)

Tierza Lapis and Malachite..! They usually are found bonded in a lum.

Tierza p.

Filli wakes up and looks around, Where is the Klah?.

Kaltia has a blue ElseM*.

Kwa winks at Egan, you can't lose, nope!

Char grins. "To point out the differences in blueriding characters, take C'ran and Char. C'ran is laidback, loose, about as close to a greenrider as you can get without actually having the green. ;) Whereas Char is uptight and prudish.

Jozelle puts green and blues at the top of her list, always have. I have a green elsemu*, juts peachy!

Tierza chuckles.. "we noticed, Char.."

Nanoc coughs.

Dea pouts. "No one asked for a brown?"

Sya notes that C'ran has probably been made an honorary green rider by now. Char, on the other hand, is just .. Char. ;)

G'deon hops in Dea's lap. "Can I get a brown?"

Filli looks around.

Izzady says, "So basically, if you ride a blue, you can pretty much totally invent who you and your dragon are?"

Dea squeeels with delight and snuggles G'deon.

Jozelle whines and wants Dea's lap, "Brown is my third choice."

Naomi thinks you can invent who you and your dragon are with any color?

Naomi says, "To an extent."

Filli grins. "Brown is my second choice."

Izzady blinks and put brown second.

Char cackles and preens. "I should also point out here, that you don't /have/ to follow the stereotypes. If you want a green who is a born leader, or a bronze who's a total ditz, go for it."

Beyla's third choice is brown. :)

Dea says, "Browns were my first choice, next to a gold."

G'deon is THE model bronzer ditz

Nali meanders in from the South Caverns.

Char chuckles. "Okay. Now, onto brown... Nali, you're just in time. ;)"

Dea cheeeers!

Kwa kisses Nali's cheek. Woo!

Nali sneaks in, hi-fives Dea, smooches Kwa, and waves a "Brownies Rock!" sign. ;-)

You say, "They taste good too *lick*"

Jozelle says, "Actually, I do not have any preferences . I believe the personality of a dragon is more the key. Jozzie's character just likes smaller dragons, her own personal preference- but that could change." Then snugs Nali!"

Dea beams at Nali. "Brownies rock."

You say, "Have a smaller type brown?..."

Nali snugs all and sundry. "So, Dea, how shall we expound on the virtues of riding the best color?"

Jozelle says, "That is true, a small brown. Although Jozzie does not know. So all you riders out there know, I has Jozzie's character know, although she does not. Color does not matter at all. "

Char grins. "But then, it isn't Jozzie who's choosing what color she wants.. it's Jozzie's player. ;)

Dea smiles at Nali, "Browns are the backbone of the wing. Without us browns to pick on them the bronzes are nothing but stick jocks."

Sya coughs. Best colour. Cough. /Green/.

G'deon grins. Color doesn't matter, it's all in how you fly. O;>

Kwa has the same sick cough that Sya has *coughGreencough*

Jozelle says, "Is there really a difference in personalities between colors? Although greens are not good-mothers, and they are a bit ditzy- or is that just what I have noted in the book. :) Char, you are right- I do have my favorite colors but that does not mean I am open to the others as well. "

Tierza so does Tie... *coughgreencough* Must be contagious...

Hannah decides to be different and not hint: Gold ^_~

Kaltia has a sophisticated green and a riddle-loving blue ElseM*s? And its Gold! Not green.

Egan admits to having the majority of his characters go for brown. But Egan's different. He's.. unbrownish. More green-blue. *alters the cough* *coughEgan'sAwesomecough*

Kwa warns Jozelle never to call Jhia ditzy.

Char chuckles and grins at Joz. "Actually, greens aren't /all/ not good-mothers or a bit ditzy. I ride a green elsem* who thinks she's an Emperor and is about as intelligent as a dragon can get... just a little insane. ;)

Beyla stuffs y'all with cough drops. No more coughin.

Egan nods at Beyla. Coughing is getting old. *sneezeEgan'sAwesomesneeze*

You say, "That's more typical of firelizards, not dragons."

Dea says, "My brown is an imp. he thinks Threadfall is a game for him to play and beat."

Jozelle is really quite a green-blue goer, and yes- most of my characters elseMu* do go (or have) greens/blues. That is mu point, personalities are a strong point. :)

Naomi slaps Egan around with Beyla. ;) *nod* I've seen insane golds, even. I think the personalities can be stretched quite a bit as far as the color goes.

Kwa notes both her greenies think to some extent that they are queens. *runs away from queen greenies now*

Nali nods to Dea, then hands Kwa and Sya handkerchiefs. Tierza, too... "Anyway, browns are just a lot of fun to play. For the girls, it's an opportunity to ride a BigMaleDragon. Or a NotSoBigMaleDragon. They can go either way. Aside from the Canth stereotype, there aren't so many preconceptions as some of the other colors."

Char cackles. "Okay. Are we going to get anymore on brown, or shall we move onto bronze.. and all you green freaks, hush. ;p"

Nanoc beams!!!!

You say, "Hey, don't forget to mention that browns have a good chance of flying both greens /and/ golds. ;)"

Dea nods to Char. "Think of having a big macho brown protecting your virtue, girls."

Tierza "Am I the only no-rider elseM** as well as here?"

Nanoc nods.

Naomi nods! Browns have that flexibility... they can fully participate in both green 'n gold flights. *beam*

You say, "HT is the only MOO I play one"

You say, "on, not one"

Beyla is also a no-rider anywhere. *bonds with Tierza*

Marianne wakes up.

Izzady shakes head vehemently. "I'm not even /on/ another M**" Bonds as well...

Nali beams at G'deon. Definitely. *winks at Dea* Banoth's not too concerned with virtue, being based on James Bond, y'know. ;)

Nanoc plays a big 'ol bronze elsemu*... chub chub.

Nanoc er's... has, rather.

Marianne just gets home and diiiiiiives online!!

Kaltia has her wonderful blue and green, but I haven't had either for more then a few months.

Marianne falls on people and whimpers. I missed it, didn't I? *peeks*

Nali hi5's Nanoc. I'm an ElseMu* bronzer, as well.

Nanoc oooh's!

Naomi can get you a log, Mari.

Char points out that a log will be sent to /all/ candidates.

Egan doesn't thiink. We've done gold, green, blue, brown and... well, unless you're going for bronze. ^^;

G'deon grins at Marianne. "Just in time for the last, and the best. Bronze! And by the way, I'll be posting this log soon after we finish up here...?"

G'deon grins

Naomi nods. What Char said.

Naomi says, "And G'deon. ;P"

Nanoc bonds with Gids!!

Marianne adores and worships G'deon..... Thank you. *smooches Char*

Jozelle offers chocolate-chip cookies?

Tierza grabs a cookie to have with ehr now cold klah.

You say, "Okay, done with brown? T'nar, care to take it away?"

Marianne cries and munches on cookies...

T'nar says, "Ack :)"

Jozelle wonders what colours we have already discussed. (?)

You say, "Gold, Green, Blue, and Brown."

Tierza says, "all but Bronze"

Nanoc grins. "Saving the best for last!"

Kaltia pouts and misses Gold. The one she needed.

T'nar says, "Frankly, as far as I'm aware, Bronzes tend to be the big-strong fighting dragons, they (I think all can?) fly a full fall from start to finish, have fairly good stamina for their size, but tend not to be as agile in the skies as other colors (probably save for gold)"

Tierza gives Nanette another Green... Saileth

Jozelle can't impress a bronzie, she's a giiirrl! :P

T'nar says, "Feel free to slap me around if I get it wrong ;)"

Egan must admit. Bronze is a shekshah color. But I'm biased, being bronze elsemu*. ;>

Naomi adores bronzes, but... not an option this time 'round, unless Nao goes through some... ahm... changes.

You say, "Nope, sounds about right. Bronzes are like the flagships in a navy, the flying fortresses of the air force, and the... um... Rolling Thunders of the army (GI Joe reference)"

Nanoc snickers.

Filli snickers.

You say, "The bronzes stay the entire Fall unless injured and fly at the highest altitudes."

Dea says, "And depends on the browns to save their tails."

Nali quietly woos. Go, Dea. :)

G'deon tips his hat to Dea. "Of course. Any hero has a sidekick." ;>

Dea sticks out her tongue at G'deon.

T'nar says, "I don't know if there's supposed to be any sort of 'standard mentality' of bronzes, but I've always seen them as sort of dad-like in qualities. Because of their ability to last a fall and such, they can cover for other dragons when they tire. Just my opinion, however. That agility thing does come back to haunt them, though, as in a Fall, they often depend on smaller dragons to catch pieces they can't chase, etc."

Sya pssts: like greens. *duck*

Char grins. "What about personality-wise, you guys? I don't think they're interested in the fact that bronzers can fly an entire fall. ;)"

Marianne beamwinks. Although I'm sure that the rest of the dragons are mightily impressed by it... *ducks*

T'nar shrugs, "I'm not aware of any kind of bias of personality, as I said, I just see them as reassuring, confident, bold, that sorta thing.

Jozelle whoos! And finds the spot "The greens will be the smallest, the fighters; the blues sturdier, with more staying power; the browns sort of anchor fighters with even more endurance..." from DragonsDawn. Though I can not find anything on bronzes and golds. Although, bronzes have to be quite strong, more staying than even browns?

G'deon nods to T'nar. "Exactly. As for the characteristics... again, it really depends on how you want to play, on the inspiration of your dragon if you decide to follow it, and on your PlayerDragon if you decide to have one. As for Nylanth, he's more the dashing gallant than father-figure... unless you're counting a Pimp Daddio."

G'deon hushes Char. ;>

Nali puts on a bronzer-hat. "There are a few stereotypes attached to bronzeriders... some people seem to be under the impression that all bronzers are real ladies' men, to put it delicately. But as with any color, how you play the dragon and yourself is completely up to you."

Char grins. As someone who also plays a bronze dragon, I have to point out that the possibility of being clutchdaddy for a gold is snifty keen. I think bronzes also have a stereotype to get over, though.

MoniqueBean blinks in from ::between::!

T'nar chortles, "My bronze is sort of a rogue. Strong, dominant, yet wierd and sneaky :)"

Nanoc's bronze elsemu* is happy-go-lucky and a major flirt *nod*

G'deon grins. Nylanth is based on the poem "The Highwayman" if you've ever read it. ;)

Marianne Has! I love that song..... *melts*

Nanoc lurves Nyls :)

You say, "And Nylanth /was/ the one who cause a bit o' damage to your local Hold. ;>"

Jozelle nods, "My dragon's colour elseMu* was chosen from her personality (her inspiration) than just because."

Char chuckles. "So, the point of the color seminar, I think, is to show you that, when choosing a dragon, you don't have to consider stereotypes. If you have a ditzy character, that doesn't mean she (or he) should only ride green. ;)

You say, "Talk about your rogues... ahem."

Nali 's elsemu* bronze is based on Scorch, the Beanie Baby...

Marianne wonders to G'deon if you've ever heard the song by Loreena McKennit.. it's a take on that... It's beautiful.. *dies*

T'nar says, "And I was going to go down and visit about that, too ;) Missed my chance, I think."

Jozelle grins at Nali, my green elseMu* is based off of Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Whoo! :)

You say, "I /do/ want to mention that I've noticed riding bronze can (not always) bring with it a bit of a fishbowl effect, much like gold, so be prepared to fend for your lives... unless like me you live on attention. And yes, I bought the CD the day after the Hatching! :)"

Char chuckles. "Before the seminar dissipates into further unruliness, are there any questions the candidates have?"

Kaltia giggles. My green is based off of Ariel (The Little Mermaid) and my blue is off of the opera Turandot. *g* Nope?

Dea says, "My brown is based on HObbves"

MoniqueBean *must add her piece that browns are best. Y'know since I missed the brown part.

Dea says, "Hobbes"

You say, "As for OOC stuff... I know at High Reaches you're expected to be out there RPing, hopefully taking on OOC duties if you can. After all, next to Golds, we don't impress many bronze riders..."

Egan's bronze, elsemu*, is based off of Angel from... Angel. ^^

T'nar himself tries to avoid said fishbowl effect. Just another role to play, not any "better" or worse.

Marianne beamers and drapes on G'deon. You've actually heard it.... Wow. This is soo rare. Don't you *love* it? *peers* But the OOC stuff isn't too bad, is it? Just more stuff to have fun with.. well.. most of the time.. *laughs* Ariel? I like that....

MoniqueBean bonds with Egan. Dsalth is based on Giles.

G'deon nods to T'nar. "Like /any/ role on HT, it's totally what you make of it. Life/RP/Responsibilities and Respect will not be handed to you on a silver platter just because you rider Dragonth."

G'deon grins at Marianne. The whole CD is fantastic.

Jozelle smiles and nods, "You earn the right, it is not given to you."

You say, "Ok... questions??"

Nanoc shakes head.

Izzady ponders. "I don't think so..."

Jozelle shakes her head too, "I can not think of any off-hand." :)

Sya goes home.

Beyla nopes. Unless you're all hiding a deep dark dirty secret. :)

Egan belatedly bonds Dsalth-person. We are so shekshah.

Char grins. "If there aren't any questions, I"m going to turn this log off. :P"

Nali snugs everyone and has to head out. "G'night, folks -- you're all fabulous." :)

G'deon puts in a shameless plug for PDs. Seriously, I totally recommend you consider it, it totally rocks. :)

Marianne ooohs and cuddles to G'deon. Can I take you home? *beam* Oooh.. it is, isn't it? Mummer's Dance and Dante's Prayer.... wheee.... *beams to Char* No more questions!

Nanoc beams.

Egan has no questions.

Nali goes home.

Naomi says, "No questions here. ;)"

Tierza says, "Forgive my thickheadedness, I've been pretty sick for two weeks.. do we suggest directly who to base our 'dreamDragon' off of, or is that down for us.. beyond what personalitytraits and desc we give her/him."

Hannah has no questions at this time. :)

You say, "That comes later I think, Tierza..? *looks at Char* It did for us anyway..."

Jozelle nods, "Yeah, I seem to have a personality I like?"

Char phews and goes to edit this thing. (to Tierza) You can put what you want your dreamDragon based off of and we'll try to honor it, but can't promise anything.

Char goes home.

G'deon goes to edit his log then! :) Oh, and for the record, the DLG /does/ say golds rise two to three times a Turn, my bad earlier on.

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