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Just for the record, this is an old log, as in years old (1996). It was forwarded to me by a friend, and I just wanted to share. When you think you're having a bad day, just remember those who have gone before us... and smile.
[Monitor] Sylke has connected at Fri May 24 22:53:21 1996 CDT
[Monitor] Fa'biel has connected at Sat May 25 00:44:53 1996 CDT
[Birthplace] Fa'biel has connected.
[Birthplace] Fa'biel wakes up.
[Birthplace] Seamus smiles, "Hello Fa'biel! Welcome to Harper's Tale!"
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "Whoa. A rider! :)"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Gold guest from before?"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "yep"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "i changed my name :)"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "like it?"
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "Um, not that you have a dragon, but it rules! ;)"
[Birthplace] Stefanie sits at the help desk.
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "I know this sounds anal, but I'm pretty sure you're gonna meet some resistance to having an abbreviated name without impressing, unless you've talked to people that I don't know about. :)"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "i have "
[Birthplace] Stefanie nods in agreemment...
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Oh? Who? This isn't necessarily checking up on you, just plain curiosity. :>"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "say ummm... oh geez i forget:)"
[Birthplace] M'hael hehs.
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Okaaay..."
[Birthplace] Stefanie chuckles...
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, ":p"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "hehehehe"
[Birthplace] Sylke grins, well, the boy's got sass. :)
[Birthplace] Stefanie says, "was it Kira? Saria? F'rin?"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "not boy girl"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "you thought i was a BOY ahhhh (in your case im insulted)"
[Birthplace] Sylke eeks, my bad. :) Well, that's seomthing differnt. Almost no female riders have abbreviations with apostrophes, and noone without a dragon, not including you at the moment, has an abbreviation at all.
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "im not like other girls"
[Birthplace] Stefanie nods...
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Well, you can't blame me, when all the other people on here with apostrophes are male. I can see that already."
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Fa'biel, please accept my sincerest apologies. :)"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "thers a first on every thing"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "i accept:) i hold no grunges"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "But still, to keep yu from getting flamed by the hugh-ups, you may want to check with the apostrophe. There were some problems in teh past with people getting annoyed with abbreviated non-rider names. I dunno if those attitudes are still around."
[Birthplace] Ophelia sits at the help desk.
[Birthplace] Kessry thinks they are.
[Birthplace] Stefanie thinks soo too...
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "are what?"
[Birthplace] Seamus grins and translates. "The ' is used after one has Impressed a Dragon. :)"
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "Attitudes about non-riders taking honorifics."
[Birthplace] Stefanie says, "are still around... what Seamus said..."
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "What I think we're trying to tell you is that having the abbreviated name won't go over well, and you'll probably be asked several times to change to a regular name."
[Birthplace] Kessry says, "Prolly even by wizzen, too."
[Birthplace] Yvella says, "How about a hyphen instead of an apostrophe?"
[Birthplace] Stefanie nods, exactly...
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "wizzen?"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "The wizards."
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "Wizzen==Wizards."
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "How much have you M*'d before?"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "m*?"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Ah, dear..."
[Birthplace] Kessry is odd that way. Folk of the wizard ilk I refer to as 'wizzen'.
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Well, M*, MOO, MUD, MUSH, MUSE, MUCK, those things."
[Birthplace] Stefanie sighs... okay, lets start at the beginning folks...
[Birthplace] Sylke nods, good plan. Ok, basic questinos: How much have you M*'d before, specifically, have you MOOed at all?
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "moo?"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Okay. Let's start from the VERY beginning."
[Birthplace] Stefanie says, "what brought you to HT?"
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "What you are on now, Fabiel, is a MOO."
[Birthplace] Seamus smiles, "This would be a MOO, specifically built around Pern."
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "say ok"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "MUD object oriented, the virtual reality everyone is scared of. :>"
>>>>> 1:00 AM CDT
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "okie dokie"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Have you ever played in an RPG before? Role playing game?"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "no i haveent"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Then you're not familiar with the concept of RPGs?"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "not really"
[Birthplace] Ophelia gets up from the help desk.
[Birthplace] Seamus smiles, "Basically, you have a character with which to act out a role. This MOO functions much like theatre, where you act out your character's actions."
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "What he said. ;>"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "i get it i get it..."
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "I, for instance, play a weyrling--one who has Impressed a dragon, but is trash, basically. ;>"
[Birthplace] Stefanie is the C2 of the weavers....
[Birthplace] Sylke is a full rider. Which of Anne's books have you read?
[Birthplace] M'hael chuckles. :P
[Birthplace] Talmer mentions something slightly silly. "Fa'biel, I might suggest you change your name. The apostrophe is supposed to be reserved as an honourific for those who have Impressed a Dragon."
[Birthplace] Stefanie groans...
[Birthplace] M'hael nodies to Talmer. "Already had that discussion with ... what gender are you? ;)"
[Birthplace] Yvella disolves into quiet laughter
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "ok then lead me to a dragon and ill impress it "
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Ahm, it's not that easy."
[Birthplace] Stefanie groans again...
[Birthplace] M'hael snorts.
[Birthplace] Talmer is not all that psychic, despite what other people say.
[Guides] Stefanie cries
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "female"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "But, if you like, we can help you apply for Search,
[Guides] Ophelia: What am I missing. Blood/Sweat/Tears?
[Birthplace] Stefanie says, "okay first things first do this '@gender f'"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "ok to impress a dragon i will"
[Guides] M'hael: Talmer mentioned that honorifics are for people who have Impressed a dragon. Fa'biel said ok then lead me to a dragon and ill impress it
[Guides] Ophelia snickers.
[Birthplace] Ophelia sits at the help desk.
[Guides] Stefanie: really thinks she is not a newbie... its toooo much, I mean how did she find h
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "Additional point - Honourifics are only used by the male Riders. Goodness knows exactly why. Female Riders do shorten their names in place of the honourific, though."
[Guides] Ophelia flips on BP T.V. So it's not really legal. :>
[Guides] Stefanie: HT without atleast knowing what a M** is?
[Guides] Seamus: Web browser, Search Engine:Pern, Advice, Recommendations. Need I say more?
[Guides] Stefanie sighs, true...
[Birthplace] Talmer, the Healer CraftMaster apologizes for seeming so short. "I presume that Yvella's got things in hand for introducing y'all to the HealerCraft from here, so I'll not interject further."
[Guides] Stefanie: but then she would of have to of been a guest first too
[Birthplace] Ophelia says, "On other Perns, some females have honorifics. But not on HT's Pern. Really, you should just take it out for now. It's not terrible canon (canon == allowable in game-play by the theme)."
[Guides] Seamus knows from experience. ;) "That's how I found this place, looking up Pern."
[Guides] Seamus: She did. For ... 10 minutes?
[Guides] Stefanie shakes her head... ohwell
[Birthplace] Ophelia says, "terribly. that's what I meant. Yuh. :>"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, ":("
[Birthplace] Stefanie says, "Fa'biel, how familar are you with the Pern books?"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Well, if you apply for Search, get Searched, and then impress, you can put the apostrophe back in. :)"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "how do i impress"
[Birthplace] Sylke nods, and reasks one of her previous questions: Which books haev you read,?
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "RP. RP. And... RP s'more. ;)"
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "`Sylke Only if she's male (for this MOO), dear."
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "'Talmer I wish I could remember that silly character!"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Oh? I didn't know that was a rule. My mistake."
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "And my apologies for bringing it up."
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "where are the dragons?"
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "At Ista Weyr."
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "how do i get there"
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "A Weyr is a place where all the dragons and their riders live... directions. Um, I'm not in that department. :)"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Well, you can't just show up at the weyr and hope to impress a dragon. In fact, you may have a better chance at being searched if you first go to a hold, apply for Search, and then get taken to the Weyr."
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "where is a hold"
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "'ahead'. :)"
[Birthplace] Stefanie says, "it won't let her out without a desc and gender "
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "ummm..... where?"
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "Mind you, if you wanted to take a look around the Weyr anyways, you could go ahead, and that would get you started in finding your destination, whether Weyr or Hold or CraftHall."
[Birthplace] Sylke nods. "Well, first type '@describe me as ' but put in a description of what you look like in place of the , then type 'ahead'.
[Birthplace] Talmer walks in.
>>>>> 1:20 AM CDT
[Birthplace] Ophelia gets up from the help desk.
[Birthplace] Stefanie gets up from the help desk.
[Guides] Ophelia watches via flit.
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "ok"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "ummm... "
[Birthplace] Talmer hmms?
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "ok"
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "now what?"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Fa'biel, you need to type '@gender female'"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "And then you need to describe yourself."
[Birthplace] Talmer pauses. "Now you need a description. You are welcome to take a look at myself, or those at the help desk for an example of what descriptions have been/can be like. Think about what you'd like to look like for a moment or two, and then I'll/we'll let you know how to do that...."
[Birthplace] Stefanie sits at the help desk.
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "describe what i look like , what?"
[Guides] M'hael bangs his head into a wall.
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "What do you want people to see when they look at you? For example, look at me. (look Talmer) ...."
[Birthplace] Fa'biel says, "hhuh now im really confused"
[Guides] Stefanie joins you...
[Guides] Sylke offers a couple pillows, this person isn't worth personal damage. :>
[Guides] Stefanie chuckles, how dense can you get?
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "You are on a role-playing MOO. You, the person, control 'Fa'biel'. What does she look like? What do you want her to look like?"
[Guides] Seamus points to himself then blushes. "Ignore that."
[Guides] Stefanie lol... oh really Seamus?
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "Now try looking at Seamus (look #5551) and Sylke (look #5075)"
[Guides] Seamus bows. "Dense is my specialty."
[Birthplace] Seamus says, "Um."
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "What if we have *one* person in charge of explaining all that Fa'biel needs to know? That way, she only gets one set of viewpoints. That could make things a bit less confusing. Anyone?"
[Guides] Stefanie: ahhh.....
[Birthplace] Stefanie says, "all yours sylke..."
[Birthplace] Talmer nods that he is actually physically present in the birthplace at the moment, if that's of any relevance.
[Guides] Seamus: Talmer's doin' a good job. :)
******* It took until now to get her to take the apostrophe out *******
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "ok let me write"
[Guides] Stefanie hopes she/it/he doesn't decide to join the weavers!!
>>>>> 1:30 CDT
[Guides] Stefanie will prolly regret that when she turns out to desc very well....;/
[Birthplace] Sylke nods, Talmer, you'd probably be best for right now. I'd be more than willing, but I'm RPing for once, and happen to be a tad reluctant to leave. :>
[Guides] Ophelia thinks about posing Hydra and confusing her even more. >:>
[Guides] Stefanie lol... I'd send my gold if I could get her in there....
[Guides] Ophelia: @unlock her, then move her to #11.
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "i dont know what to write"
[Birthplace] Stefanie gets up from the help desk.
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "What do you see in your head when you think of what you look like, Fabiel?"
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "my heads blank rite now"
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "Hair colour?"
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "red"
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "Eyes?"
[Birthplace] Ophelia sits at the help desk.
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "brown"
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "Build? (Heavy, light, too skinny... just right?)"
[Birthplace] Hydra dives for the empty depths of *between*.
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "really tall "
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "Tall and lean? Tall and fat? Or just leave that to other people's imagination?"
[Guides] Stefanie LOL... do 'who/g'
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "tall and ..well thin but muscley"
[Guides] Sylke is afraid...
Player Name On For Idle Gender
Fabiel 00:51 7s feamal
[Guides] M'hael winces. :/
[Guides] Stefanie: go on be daring!
[Guides] Sylke grimaces...
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "How does tall and slightly built sound to you then?"
[Guides] Stefanie: who wants to tell her?
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "ok"
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "ohohoh i have a idea"
[Guides] Ophelia: feamal?
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "One more thing. Anything that other people might see that would distinguish you from others? (What's the idea? Do tell....)"
[Guides] Ophelia thinks now is a good time to leave.
[Guides] Stefanie wonders how old she is
[Guides] Ophelia doesnt want to know.
[Guides] Ophelia: In fact, the less I know the better. :> I'm just a wee bit tired and not well-equipped atm to deal with Ms. FeamalWhat'sADescription. Meyybe later, when I'm coherent.
>>>>> 1:39 AM CDT
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "Well, what's on your mind, Fabiel?"
[Birthplace] Talmer waves a hand about, wondering if Fabiel is just typing her description, or is just idling normally...
[Birthplace] Caviar chrips softly
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "ok now im done"
You see a player who should type '@describe me as ...'.
You can't make out what it's wearing at this distance.
It is awake and looks alert.
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Where did you put it?"
[Birthplace] M'hael winces. "It didn't go through, Fabiel."
[Birthplace] Caviar chirps inquiringly.
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "Did you type '@describe me as '?"
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "I don't think @desc works."
[Birthplace] Talmer says, "Did you write it by hand? Or do you still remember what it said?"
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "you......"
[Birthplace] Seamus says, "@desc me is "Blah.""
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "No, I thjink it has to be @describe me as ""
[Birthplace] M'hael nods to Sylke.
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "In fact, it does."
[Birthplace] Caviar chrips her agreement with Sylke...
[Birthplace] Seamus nods, "The "s are importante."
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "ill do it again"
[Birthplace] Caviar wonders if you have a recall function? ie what are you using to get here?
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "exactyl what do i write befor the drisiption?"
[Birthplace] D'thon gets up from the help desk.
[Birthplace] M'hael says, "@describe me as "
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "Exactly this: @describe me as "
[Birthplace] Talmer nods. "Type '@describe me as ' and then whatever you want."
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "not @gender feamale?"
[Guides] M'hael groans.
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "For example: @describe me as You see a young woman with long red hair and brown eyes."
[Guides] Stefanie pounds her head against a wall again....
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "You need to do that entirely seperately."
[Birthplace] Talmer umms... "female should have only one a..."
[Guides] M'hael gleefully joins Stefanie.
[Birthplace] Fabiel says, "ok wait"
>>>>> 1:50 AM CDT
[Guides] Stefanie: she fixed the spelling though...
[Guides] M'hael greets Seamus. "Welcome back to Hell."
[Birthplace] Talmer tosses the baton to Sylke, as he is about to be automatically logged out. "She's all yours, dear one."
[Birthplace] Talmer mentions one thing before he goes. "Riders and High Rank Crafters (and Harpers as a general rule) tend to be very good at what people like to see here. They're some of the best people to ask for advice."
[Birthplace] Talmer waves, returning to whence he came.
[Birthplace] Talmer walks out.
***** And here I take over for the next 3 1/2 hourse *****
[Guides] Stefanie is off for a while bbl...
You say, "Ok, Fabiel, let's see what you have so far..."
You see a player who should type '@describe me as ...'.
It is awake, but has been staring off into space for 3 minutes.
You say, "Type EXACTLY this: @gender female"
Talmer pages, "For now, her gender property is correct, but she needs to @gender again because it didn't reset her pronoun properties. I suspect that she's also typing her description at the moment.... Good luck... And best of patience be upon you."
Fabiel says, "stop writing please"
Talmer pages, "That seems to be an indication of raw telnet. When everything is said and done, let her know how and where to find a client program."
You paged Talmer with: From afar, Sylke took a year to find her own...I'm not the person to ask about a client. :)
Talmer pages, "Someone else on the bp channel will know where to find a good one. Just ask them when she has a desc. That is, if you don't mind me kibbitzing."
You say, "Let me know when you're done with your description. :)"
Fabiel says, "look at me"
the girl stood, the waves in her sky blue cloak seemed to dance in the wind, as the gold rope tied around her hips floated in the breeze. The long gold rimmed sleeves seemed to hug her hands. Glancing up , her red gold banded hood rimmedr
She is awake and looks alert.
Sylke nods, you'll pass for now.
Fabiel says, "well....."
Fabiel says, "i only made up what i was wearing..."
You say, "All right, there are a couple things you may want to improve on in the future, but for your first night it'll do. :)"
Fabiel says, "ok"
You say, "So, now. How many of Anne's books have you read, and which ones?"
Fabiel says, "dolphns of pern, white dragon and a few others i cant remembwe"
You say, "All right, Fabiel, good, you've read a few. Have you read Dragonsflight, DragonsDawn, or Dragonsong, dragonsinger, any of those sound familiar?"
Fabiel says, "all except dragonsdawn"
You say, "Good. So, you knwo the basic concept of the world? Thread, dragons, firelizards, etc.?"
Fabiel says, "what are exactly thread ?"
[+++] Sylke: Why am I doing this? Because if I were this hopeless, i'd hope someone would help me.
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "Fungus, at its basic level."
You say, "Thread, the silvery strands from the Red Star."
Fabiel says, ""
Fabiel says, "i thought they wer a bug but how can the dolphing eat thread? they say they can in the book?"
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "The Thread drowns in water and is then edible,
yes. No, it's not a bug."
Fabiel says, "i know that now"
You say, "All right. Any more questions just on Pern in general?"
Fabiel says, "nope"
You say, "Ok then. :) Now, why do you want to be on HT?"
Fabiel says, "ht?"
You say, "Or were you just exploring and decided to drop in? HT, Harper's Tale, the nickname for this MOO."
Fabiel says, "i ended up here when i came on remember this is my first night here in pern"
Fabiel says, "i want to go impress a dragon "
You say, "Right, ok, good, that's what I was wondering. It'll take some time, but there's a clutch coming up."
Fabiel says, "cluch?"
You say, "Of dragon eggs?"
You say, "How long ago did you read the books?"
Fabiel says, "oh goodie"
[$$$] Sylke: This is Hell.
Fabiel says, "in the last year or two"
[Birthplace] Aligore wavers
Fabiel says, "hi ali"
You say, "Ok, wait just a moment while I check and see what exactly you do to send in a search application..."
Fabiel says, "ok good"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "type 'help search'"
Fabiel says, "why "
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "it'll tell you what to do"
You say, "That will tell you some basic information about applying."
[Guides] Fletcher hehehehes. "She's so suspicious of doing what we tell her. :)"
To let you know the additional stresses on me, Aligore and Fletcher then proceded on channel to basically trash the way Search was run on HT and put down the Weyr in general, and rider that I am I tried to defend it. Ever tried to win an argument with those two? Almost as difficult as dealing with Fa'biel.
Fabiel says, "ok i will "
[Guides] Sylke: That's not the half of it...
You say, "Have you read the help file?"
Fabiel says, "yeup"
You say, "All right, any questions?"
Fabiel says, "do i apply?"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "If that is what you wish to do, yes"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "If not, no"
Fabiel says, "ok "
You say, "Yes. You send Nuff your email address. Need help with that?"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "You get to descide your own future to some extent :)"
Fabiel says, "what is nuff"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "A character"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "She's riding a gold atm"
Fabiel says, "who"
[Birthplace] Sylke says, "atm: at the moment."
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "most likely it'll be her clutch"
Fabiel says, "whos"
You say, "Nuff is the Weyrwoman riding the gold that will be the next to lay eggs."
Fabiel says, "lets go see her"
You say, "She's not connected right now."
You say, "You have to send her a message via the MOO mailing system"
Fabiel says, "shoot"
[Birthplace] Aligore pulls out a gun and fires...
Sylke giggles.
Fabiel says, "what do i write her?"
You say, "All right. Now, wait until Im' done typing before typing any of this on your own."
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "the info you have...your e-mail addy and that you are interesated in a search"
Fabiel says, "stop"
You say, "You type: @send Nuff That takes you into the mailing room."
You say, "Hold on, Ali, let's not get too confusing. :)"
[Birthplace] Aligore nodnods
You say, "You will be prompted for a subject. Type in "Search" or "Search application" or something along those lines so that Nuff will know what you want. All you need is a word or two."
You say, "Then, you type out your message as if you were reciting it. In order for what you're saying to go onto your message, you have to use the 'say' command."
Fabiel says, "like...."
You say, "Questions so far? There's more, ready for it?"
Fabiel says, "yes"
You say, "Yes, you're ready?"
Fabiel says, "yeup"
You say, "If you want to see what your message looks like, then type: print"
Fabiel says, "it dosent go "
You say, "You haven't typed @send yet. Wait until I'm done, and then type @send, then put in your one, two word subject, example 'Search application' then say what you want your message to be using the say command, then type 'send' to send it to Nuff."
You say, "Ready?"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "if you get stuck, you can 'p = "
You say, "Do you understand what Ali just said, Fabiel?"
Fabiel says, "ok"
Fabiel says, "yes"
You say, "Ok. then go for it."
Fabiel says, "now??"
You say, "Why not?"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "warum nicht?"
Fabiel says, "ok"
Fabiel says, "huh"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Same thing Sylke said"
Sylke grins, German.
[$$$] Sylke: You're confusing her.
[$$$] Aligore: I'm sorry! Its just too damn easy!
Fabiel says, "gimmi ideas for what to write i want to impress her"
[Birthplace] Aligore sorries
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "impressing her comes with RP. This is more of a way to let her know you are interested"
You say, "Don't try to impress her just yet, she'll see right through it. All you want to do is give her your email address, and say you want the information pack. She will email it to you, and you can read over it at your leisure. That will be a thorough explanation of what to do to get searched, and what NOT to do to get searched."
[Birthplace] Fletcher nods and suggests, "Capitalize and use proper grammar. :)"
Fabiel says, "rp"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Role playing..."
You say, "Role=playing."
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Like being an actor/tress in a play"
Fabiel says, "i get it"
Fabiel says, "what di i type first?"
Fabiel says, "di=do"
Sylke will repeat everything.
Fabiel says, "good cuz im confused a little"
You say, "Type @send Nuff and hit return. Type in 'Search Application' and hit return again. Use the 'say' comand and say your email address and just that you want an application, for example: say then: say I want the information packet on getting searched. Then: send"
You say, "Do you underestand?"
Fabiel rolls into a message tube and is carried away.
Fabiel says, "ok i wrote to her and mailed it "
Fabiel says, "you still there"
You say, "Yes."
Fabiel says, "i wrote and mailed it "
You say, "All right, you have a couple options."
Fabiel says, "like..."
You say, "You can either go out and try to get yourself settled in a hold, which I would recommend, or you can wait until after Nuff sends you the information adn then decide what you want to do."
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "please not that the info wont be ready until some time in JUNE"
Fabiel says, "ill go with the "find a hold""
[Birthplace] Fletcher snickers.
You say, "Good plan. :)"
Fabiel says, "oh you be quiet flecher im gonna be a dragon rider :p"
You say, "Would you mind if I asked how old you are? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'm just curious."
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "No, what Aligore said. The Weyr is... slow with this sort of thing in my experience. :)"
Fabiel says, "how old are you?"
You say, "16, almost 17. You?"
Fabiel says, "15 almost 16:p"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Welcome aboard :)"
Fabiel says, "thanx"
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "Hello Fabiel! Welcome to Harper's Tale!"
Fabiel says, "hahaha"
You say, "What's so funny? "
Fabiel says, "flecher (scarcasam)"
Fabiel says, ":)"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "AKA Flecther Fletchmo Fletcherino"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "and Feltcher"
Fabiel says, "im gonna be fa'biel soon"
You say, "Well, I'm not sure if they'll allow women to contract their names with apostrophes."
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Well good :) Something to look forward too :)"
You say, "Any ideas of what color you want?"
[Birthplace] Fletcher doesn't think they will. "Leanna made an issue of it and they decided she was wrong. Besides, it's not IC (in chgaracter)."
[$$$] Sylke: If she says gold...*shudder*
Fabiel says, "ill change sexsx"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Sussex?"
You say, "Well, then, you'd better do that now, because they won't like it if you try to change soemthing that fundamental after esablishing your character."
Fabiel says, "well a bronze would be nice...."
You say, "If you want a bronze, then you *have* to be male."
You say, "Only males can impress bronzes, and only females can impress golds. Either sex can impress browns, blues, or greens."
Fabiel says, "why nuff has a gold and she is a she"
[Birthplace] Seamus pouts, "I wanted a Gold. ;)"
You say, "Right...where's the problem."
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Lesa had a gold F'lar a bronze :)"
You say, "And Seamus is male, so he couldn't have a gold. :)"
Fabiel says, "well then ill have a gold then"
You say, "If you want a gold, you'll have to wait a while, then, dear."
You say, "Golds are NOT easy to come by."
Fabiel says, ":("
[Birthplace] Seamus sighs as his dreams of being WeyrWoman gets shattered. :P
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Golds are few and far between"
[Birthplace] Rorie waves.
[Birthplace] Rorie gets up from the help desk.
You say, " I know. We have over 50 dragons currently, and two active golds."
Fabiel says, "ill get a gold youll see"
You say, "I don't want to dissapoint you, but there may not even be a gold at this clutch."
[Guides] Fletcher: And why can't anyone who wants a gold have one? Are we really chosing ICness over personal happiness? Are we losing sight of WHY we're playing this game- to have fun and ENJOY ourselves?
[Guides] Sylke: Why can't everyone who wants to be a master be a master?
From afar, Seamus winces as the sound of shattering dreams comes to his ears. "Unless she's an entirely different person by Hatching..."
[Guides] Sylke: The golds are status symbols, like it or not. Gold riders are leaders.
Fabiel says, "i wont stop looking till i find one"
[Guides] Fletcher: Ahhh! Is difference- they can be!!! Not everyone can be a gold rider. It's chosen when you're at the beginning. Any Apprentice can become a Master, not every Rider can become a goldrider. Well, don't you think if there were more of them, they wouldn't be so much so?
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "We all have to have dreams"
You say, "Would you be dissappointed if it took you a while? One girl I know on here had to go to five hatchings, and then she got a gold. Would you be willing to wait that long?"
[Guides] Fletcher: And she didn't even do anything with her gold after she got it. Waste of a gold.
Fabiel says, "say i would keep looking and looking and....."
You say, "But she still got a gold. If you wait long enough and try hard enough, you will probably get one."
[Guides] Fletcher: That's another problem- riders burn out so freaking easily. That would be solve if they drafted directly from the player ranks like the Crafts do.
You say, "If you want a gold that badly, then keep trying."
Fabiel says, "i will"
You say, "And dont' get discouraged. Even if you don't get searched, keep applying. You'll get in sooner or later, if your RP is good."
You say, "However, I feel obligated to warn you that if you say in your application that you only want a gold, then that severely cuts down your chances of being searched."
Fabiel says, "you should have seen me in the play hammlet at our school i was the star"
You say, "You were Hamlet?"
Fabiel says, "no silly eric was "
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Ophelia?"
You say, "Do you really enjoy acting? RP is actually a bit like improvisational acting."
Fabiel says, "i was the girl ali was saying"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "The one who went loopy and threw herself into the creek"
You say, "Ophelia, then. Do you like Improv acting?"
Fabiel says, "oh shut up"
[Guides] Fletcher: Well, lemme know if anyone can argue this. :)
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Its the truth! She did!"
Fabiel says, "not you him"
[Guides] Seamus: Argue hm?
Sylke grins, but he's right.
You say, "It's not meant as a personal insult."
Fabiel says, "i dident jump into a creek "
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "That just happens to be one of my favorite plays :)"
Fabiel says, ":)"
You say, "How did you handle that scene?"
You say, "No, wait, just kidding, that's not in the play on-camera, as it was. :>"
Fabiel says, "with much diffulty"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "The image of her floating down the creek with the dead flowers in her hand is quite powerful"
You say, "To be, or not to be..."
You say, "A rose by any other name."
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "Oh, please, not Shakespeare quotes!"
You say, "Is that actually from hamlet?"
Fabiel says, "stop it let me forget"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "the first, yes...the second no"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "the second is from Romeo and Juliet"
Fabiel says, "please STOP"
You say, "Ok, well, you still haven't told me if you like improv acting or not."
Fabiel says, "i do but i do"
You say, "Shall we go back to talking about why you want a gold?"
Fabiel says, "say maby there will be a gold in her cluch...."
Fabiel says, "the moms a gold..."
You say, "Yes, there may be, but I happen to know that two people from the previous clutch would have made excellent gold riders, so you'll have some tough competition. "
Fabiel says, "i need to have a historie in a hold where do i go???"
[Guides] Aligore has joined this channel.
[Guides] Fletcher: Ahh! Scot!
[Guides] Fletcher: been waiting for you.
You say, "Now you're asking the right questions. :> We can answer these, or help you answer them for yourself."
[Guides] Sylke: Poor guy didn't knwo abou;it 'til I told him. :)
[Guides] Aligore: yupyup :)
[Guides] Fletcher: Oops. Hehehehe. He's an oldie so I thought he knew of it. I thought most guides who were on here long ago knew it. Sowwy.
You say, "Choose a hold. Which hold do you *want* to be from?"
Fabiel says, "wheres a hold a can goin???"
[Guides] Aligore: let me know if I get on anyones verves
[Guides] Aligore: um...nerves too
Fabiel says, "what are my choices"
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Ista...or Ista"
You say, "You can choose to have been born in any hold you want, but for residency the only major hold we have is ISta."
Fabiel says, "what is the subjeck "
You say, "Your history can be whatever you like it to be. It doesn't have to be that thorough, but you have to have some idea of how you got to Ista. Maybe you've lived there all your life."
You say, "What subject?"
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "You can live in Grinstead, Ista, or Paradise Holds."
[Guides] Sylke: Poor dear, if she knew I was on the search committee for this next clutch...I dont' want to see what she'd do.
Fabiel says, "where do you live?"
[Guides] Fletcher: *I* do!
You say, "Me? I live at the weyr, because I have a dragon."
[Guides] Sylke: You say a word, and I'll disownyou.
[Guides] Seamus hehs.
[Guides] Sylke giggles. ;)
Fabiel says, "what color?"
[Guides] Sylke: I'll prolly end up sayin git anyway.
You say, "Brown."
Fabiel says, "kewl"
[Guides] Seamus conspires with Fletch...
Sylke nods, very much so. :)
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "You can live at the Weyr, too, if you like. As a Weyrfolk. Person who does all the work, etc."
You say, "Actually, it was my first choice. :)"
You say, "NO!"
[Guides] Fletcher: I didn't know you ...
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "Errr, what?"
You say, "Sorry, but if you want to get searched, I HIGHLY recommend against living at the weyr. :)"
Fabiel says, "say where would the best place for me be?"
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "Really? I disagree. Especially if you're shooting for a gold. It'll take a while to Impress, and if you're able to stay at the Weyr that long without going mad, they have to give you SOMETHING."
[Monitor] Relan has connected at Sat May 25 03:19:29 1996 CDT
You say, "Ista, or Paradise holds. Fletcher, I'm a Search rider, I know these things."
Fabiel says, "maby i should live at the wyer where do you live flecher?"
[Guides] Aligore: You just spilled the beans missy :)
You say, "Don't listen to him, he's notorious for hating all weyrfolk. :>"
Fabiel says, "where does he live??"
[Guides] Sylke: I know, I thought about it before I did it. If she changes attitudes, she's not search material.
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "I know, but on general principles I must disagree. When was the last time ANYONE came to live at the Weyr just to be there? Think of it, if someone came and passes up applying for a few cluthces, then applied, wouldn't it make an impression?"
You say, "Harper Hall, where he lives."
From afar, Seamus grumbles as the person he's prepping for Search is currently living at the Weyr. Not officially yet. ;) "Why does no one tell me this?! :P"
Fabiel says, "oh"
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "I .. Yeah, in harper Hall."
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Then again...Harpers are like weyrfolk :) They're all mad :)"
[Guides] Fletcher: Of course she's not. IF she stays, she'll snap out of it.
You paged Seamus with: Sylke pages, "They can be asked to stand on the sands, but they won't be officially searched, is my understanding."
Fabiel says, "oh shut up"
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "Hehehehe!"
Fabiel says, "you too flecher:("
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "Well, it's true, you see. :)"
From afar, Seamus nods. "Spiffy. And, bleh. :)"
[Monitor] Raija has disconnected at Sat May 25 03:22:59 1996 CDT
Fabiel says, "why do you have to be mean to eachother"
You say, "Listen, ok, everyone, this includes you psycho harpers, too. If You Want To Impress, You Must First Read The Information Packet That Is Coming Out In June. This will give you some pointers as to what will help you impress, and what will keep you from impressing."
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "We tease eachother because we're all friends. :)"
[Monitor] Gabrielle has connected at Sat May 25 03:23:28 1996 CDT
You say, "They don't see it as being mean, Fabiel, they're just teasing."
[Guides] Aligore: Why do scenes from the empire strikes back keep flashing through my head? 'He is too young, yes, too young.' 'you were young yourself once Yoda'
[Monitor] T'lis has disconnected at Sat May 25 03:23:48 1996 CDT
You say, "You can live wherever you like. No matter wehre you are, you will still have to apply."
help search
* Ain't they kewt? Well... so perhaps rather large and lunky beasts with an insatiable desire for /oil/... but still, they do need lifemates. This could be *you*. We'll be looking for SpiffyPeople with a good grounding in Pern, a good sense of character, and strong rp-abilities. You are encouraged to go out and settle your character in Craft and Hold; the more history you have, the more fun riding will be if that is what you decide to pursue.
* You must be older than 12 turns, 16-17 the norm, and be unmarried. ICly craft-masters and Lord/Ladies are Out. And you must have the permission of your Craft/Hold in order to be released for Search. Weyr-residents will not be Searched; they may, at the discretion of the weyrleaders, be 'asked to stand' and should apply in the normal manner. Thread /is/ falling on Ht and clutches swell to about 30 eggs. Generally 6 eggs will be impressed to Pc's, though this number is not set in stone.
*** So... you've decided to Search. Right now just be sure to @send Nuff your email address requesting SearchInfoPack (available in June - 96, so be patient. :) * Thank you for your interest in Ista Weyr! PC search a'coming soon!!
[Birthplace] Seamus hasn't said a thing. See? He's nice. Honest. Really... "Don't say a *thing*, Fletch. ;)"
[Guides] Fletcher: Young, but completely clueless? Almost sent that to birthplace.. :(
You say, "Read the second point on 'help search'. that's that I was saying about Weyrfolk being searched."
[Birthplace] Aligore wonders if that included him :)
[Birthplace] Fletcher takes the ducttape off Seamus' mouth. "Did you say something?"
Fabiel says, "girls only"
[Birthplace] Seamus says, "Naw. Ali's free to make fun of me all he wants. :P"
You say, "Guys, I don't know what's happening, and it's probably just me, but I AM ABOUT TO LOSE MY TEMPER!!!!!!! And I don't normally do that. :> Please, now, can we all just read the help file on search, and THEN debate? O:)"
[+++] Fletcher: Eeek, I';m sorry, love.
[Birthplace] Seamus chuckles and hasn't said anything about Se ... the s-word for some time. :)
You say, "I'm sorry, it's just incredibly late, I'm tired, and I hate trying to say things fifty times. Twice, even three times I can handle, but please, just read the help file."
You say, "I quote:"Weyr-Residents will not be searched." They go through a different process."
Fabiel says, "maby paradice hold......"
From afar, Seamus nods. "I sees it. :) No problemo. When did this get updated?"
Fabiel says, "....dolphins.....hmmmmmmmmmmm........"
You say, "Paradise or Ista holds would be alright."
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "To answer your question, Fabiel: Paradise, Ista, Grinstead, Weyr. Paradise is a small island next to Ista island which was founded largely for the healers to use as a hospital. Ista is the main Hold of the island where most of the Crafts have their Halls. Grinstead is a farming Hold largely. the Weyr is... well, the Weyr."
You say, "Now, there's an idea! Beinga dolphineer interest you, or you still set on being a gold rider?"
You paged Seamus with: Sylke pages, "I don't know. Nuff is turning the whole search system upsidedown."
Fabiel says, "a gold rider then i can add a ' in my name"
From afar, Seamus nods. "So me sees. :) Ye're part o' The Committee. Don't you have input to the thingamajig?"
You say, "Is that the only reason you want a gold? Is for the apostrophe?"
You paged Seamus with: Sylke pages, "Yes, but I don't have the damn time to help!!! Sorry, I'm gettin greally short tempered right now."
You say, "Fabiel?"
Fabiel says, "no if i was a daulphineer i cant add a ' becids ive allways wanted a dragon....."
You say, "But is that the only reason you want a dragon? For the apostrophe?"
From afar, Seamus sorries. "Bleh. Chill. Go for a walk. Let Fletcher handle the dudette. :)"
You paged Seamus with: From afar, Sylke is about toogo night-night, as soon as she gets this one answer from Fabiel.
Fabiel says, "no it would be cool you have one your cool i want one " You say, "Why a gold?"
From afar, Seamus grins. "The ever-important question, hm? Why Gold? Status symbol or Dedication."
[$$$] Sylke: No, it took 20 minutes of several guides telling her several times to change it.
Fabiel says, "i wanted a bronze really"
You say, "Why a bronze instead of a brown?"
Fabiel says, "the bronze are bigger than brown right?"
You paged Seamus with: Sylke pages, "Right. And I'm a Search Rider, and I'm logging this, and will present this as evidence to ANYONE who...Just lok at that. Pbpbpth."
You say, "Yes...Does that matter? Currently a blue dragon is the Second in command."
Fabiel says, "blue looks like there suffocating"
From afar, Seamus sighs. "That's unkind. Give her time; she's got, what, a couple weeks to learn and develop? You'd be amazed how far some could go. I doubt she'd get a gold, but ... green, maybe. With luck."
[Guides] Sylke: Ok, for all those I was short/mean/angry at, I apologize, I've calmed down now. :)
Fabiel says, "and the first in command is a gold right?"
You paged Seamus with: Sylke pages, "You're right. But look! I hope we get her straightened out."
You say, "Yes."
Fabiel says, "sooo...."
You say, "Do you feel you have good leadership qualities?"
You say, "Do you want it, then, for the status?"
[Guides] Fletcher: It's okay, love. It's hard to be this patient with a newbie AND us .
Fabiel says, "im a aries there born leaders of cours i do"
[$$$] Aligore: She seems to want them for all the wrong reasons
You say, "And, just as a hint, I wouldn't tell any blue riders that their dragons look like they're suffocating..."
Fabiel says, "i wont"
From afar, Seamus nods. "Understandable."
[Birthplace] Fletcher grins.
[$$$] Sylke: No, $h!t, sherlock...;) That's why I'm quizzing her like this, without her being prepared.
Fabiel says, "oh shut up flech"
[$$$] Aligore: and she's rather rude to boot
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "WHAT? Jesus!"
[Birthplace] Seamus chuckles, "Aries. Fire. The Ram. Action and Energy. Initiative and Inspiration. Stubborn. Fierce. War-like and Angry. Quick of Temper. Seamus."
You say, "Dear, I have to tell you this. You have to hear it soemtime, and the soner the better. You have to get rid of the bias against colors. "
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "It was amusing, Fabiel. *I*'m here to have fun. I grinned at an amusing comment. If you can't handle that, you have a major problem."
You say, "If you only want a dragon for status reasons, you Will Not impress. The people here see that."
Fabiel says, "say if i had one i wouldnt be a nobody id be a somebody...."
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "I think you should stop telling people who're having fun to shut up, Fabiel."
Fabiel says, ":p"
You say, "I know, it's cool having a gold dragon. At first I wanted one, but you have a WHOLE lot of responsibility. "
Fabiel says, "i have 3 sisters that i have to babysit after school i think i can handle it"
You say, "Even if you have a bronze, you could still end up being a nobody, dependin gon what you do with it. This is NOTHING like babysitting. "
[Birthplace] Fletcher nods. "T'rell, for example, has a bronze and doesn't DO much with it."
Fabiel says, "no it taking care for somthing or someone"
You say, "It's not like all of a sudden you're high and above everyione else. They are your superiours in experience, most likely. In fact, one of the most well-known and one of the leaders in the weyr...His vote MEANS a blue rider."
You say, "The WeyrSecond...You remember what and who that is?"
You say, "From the books - what the position is?"
Fabiel says, "i think so"
You say, "The Weyrsecond has some power, right?"
Fabiel says, "yep"
You say, "You remember the weyrleader?"
You say, "Even more power?"
Fabiel says, "yes"
You say, "Our Weyrsecond is a blue. Our weyrLEADER is a BROWN. Not a bronze."
Fabiel says, "i under stand and il settle for a green "
You say, "Before you get any Ideas, though, Anne McCaffrey has already said that, if women are allowed to impress browns, their dragons can't win leadership flights. So no women weyrlieaders."
You say, "And don't think of it as settling for a green!"
You say, "some people want a green most of all, more than golds, even."
[Guides] Sylke: FINALLY! got her at least a bit straightened out.
[Guides] Sylke: I can rest in a bit of peace.
[Guides] Stefanie: your joking?
[Guides] Sylke: Abou what?
[Guides] Stefanie: that you've only just now got her sorted out for the basics?
[Guides] Aligore: Oh no...She's not
[Guides] Sylke: No, I've just now got her sorted out about colors being status sybols. The girl had her heart set on a gold, and now I've convinced her how unrealistic that would be.
[Guides] Stefanie blinks, oh god! how dense is she?
[Guides] Aligore: Sylke's been working her butt of with this one
[Guides] Fletcher (to Stefanie): Very.
[Guides] Stefanie thinks sylke deserves a reward for it!!!!
[Guides] Aligore: Granite? Obsidion? Lead? :)
You say, "One more question. How much time do you think you'd be able to spend playing here each week?"
[Guides] Sylke almost forgot the activity question.
[Guides] Fletcher (to Aligore): uranium?
[Guides] Aligore chuckles
[Guides] Fletcher wonders why ye're conducting a partial Search interview NOW, love? Shouldn't that wait for an application?
[Guides] Seamus: Aluminum. It's recyclable. ;)
[Guides] Sylke grins, I want you guys to support me when I want more power from the High-up people. :>
[Guides] Aligore: Not a problem :)
[Guides] Sylke: I figure if I set her straight now, she won't get herself nuked and has a chance of redemption.
[Guides] Stefanie blinks at the esc...
[Guides] Fletcher rolls his eyes. "Like *I* have an option. :)"
Fabiel says, "around 3 hours a day"
You say, "Really? Well, that's good."
Fabiel says, "how much do you spend here?"
[Guides] Stefanie: the wording is good, but its only a taste.. give me more!!! (sorry, I *am* the weaver C@...)
You say, "The weyrpeople like their riders to have at least 10 hourse a week, but in the event of exceptional roleplay, they bend the rules a whole lot. Um, lemme check my past activity..."
[Guides] Stefanie: and its cut right off...
[Guides] Aligore: I'm a smithcraft C@ :)
Caviar notes 3 hrs a day is great....
[Guides] Fletcher is, really, impressed that she was able to do it at all.
Caviar its about 21hrs a week.....
Fabiel says, "thanx cav"
[Guides] Sylke: That who could do what?
[Guides] Stefanie: that bad?
You say, "But, time isn't everything?"
You say, "No, that's a statement. Time isn't everything."
Fabiel says, "who said it was you"
Caviar shakes her head,"Rp, Desc etc do"
A cheer errupts from the crowd! They're chanting your name! SYLKE! SYLKE!
You say, "Roleplay, especially. "
[Guides] Fletcher: What the hell is Caviar?
[Guides] Seamus grins.
[Guides] Stefanie: thats my gold fl!
[Guides] Aligore: fish eggs...very salty
[$$$] Sylke grins, thanks for the cheer. ;)
[Guides] Stefanie: duaghter of fish Fletcher....
Fabiel says, "why are we fight ing i need th find a hold "
[$$$] Aligore: No problem :)
[Guides] Fletcher points out he capitalized Caviar, impli..."Hehehehehe. Clever, Master Stefanie."
[Guides] Stefanie: thank you... after I called her that Nuff requested that Oph call her bronze Roe...
[Guides] Fletcher: Roe?
You say, "It's rather late tonight, and...Ok, I'm out of my expertise. Who knows the best course for a newbie trying to get herself into a hold?"
[Guides] Aligore: Sick puns abound
[Guides] Stefanie nods, Roe....
[Birthplace] Seamus says, "ahead, court, gd, ms, 5th, dorms"
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "ahead, south, west, up, 6th, dorm, @sethome"
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "s/6ht/5th"
Caviar hmmmms... well first she needs to @sethome in the resident dorms at Ista hld then go out and rp...
[Guides] Fletcher: What's Roe?
You say, "Ok, now, from those three answers...;)"
[Guides] Stefanie: fletcher, do 'flpair roe'
Fabiel says, "im a NEWBIE say how do i move?"
[Guides] Fletcher: Yes. What the hell is a Roe. I understand that the firelizard is a Fish kid of Oph's, bronze. I don't GET it.
[Guides] Stefanie: Roe is another word for fish eggs
[Guides] Aligore holds his tongue
You say, "You are a newbie for the sole reason that you are new to the MOO. Type the word 'ahead'"
Fabiel says, "ok "
Fabiel leaves for Pern.
Checking you for a description...
Checking you for a gender...
You pass the test. Welcome to Pern.
Main Beach
This long stretch of white sandy beach is one of the main gathering spots at Ista Hold. A large uprooted tree, felled in the big storm, makes for a great bench, for people or firelizards alike. To the east, the crystal blue waters of the Hold cove roll up in gentle waves onto the beach, hissing softly as they ebb and flow.
To the south, Ista Hold juts out of the cliff, beyond the south beach. Just west of here, a low bluff leads up to the grassy field that serves as the Hold's main gather grounds. Beaches stretch away to the north and south.
It is a fall late night.
Flittering around are Etzal and Nemesis.
You see campfire, Ista_Map, Tammy, Help Wanted, FREE PUPPIES!, and Milisa here.
Fabiel is here.
Obvious exits:
Shallows Path toward Dolphin Hall Steep Trail Gather Meadow Courtyard
[Birthplace] Sylke leaves for Pern.
You arrive on the Ista Hold beach. The Hold is off to the south of here, and you'll probably want to go there and find a room for yourself.
You say, "Very good."
[Birthplace] Fletcher says, "So what's an FL doing in here?"
[Guides] Seamus: Talking?
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "Guiding?"
Fabiel says, "thanx"
[Birthplace] Seamus grins.
[Birthplace] Aligore says, "being more helpful than you :p"
[Birthplace] Caviar nods,"yeap... better than the desk, plus the newbies get to see a gold fl....
You say, "Now, follow my lead, or would you rather try it yourself?"
[Birthplace] Caviar flits ::between:: with a hop, skip and waddle!
Caviar flits in from ::between:: looking for the FOOD!
Fabiel says, "you first my deer"
[Guides] Fletcher: You know. Twice is a coincidence, three times is a conspiracy. Did everyone notice the last gold FL went to another complete newbie? I think it was Eirthe's gold's clutch.
You say, "You want to go to Ista hold?"
[Guides] Stefanie nods.. though the one before it whent to Oph...
[Guides] Seamus: Who was it again? Aralie?
Fabiel says, "what would be the best hold for me"
[Guides] Sylke: And Oph is HARDLY a newbie.
[Guides] Fletcher: Something like that. Well, this is true. Unles syou compare her to some. :)
You say, "Well, let's go to Ista, and you can go elsewhere later if you change your mind, ok?"
[Guides] Aligore: I thought two months of inactivty meant death?
Caviar trills at the sound of Ista for starters... Rp and getting to know your way around will lead you to other places
[Guides] Fletcher: Huh?
Fabiel says, "ok lets go"
[Guides] Fletcher: Jesus Christ, Oph has enough FLs. Think she'll go for a second gold?
[Guides] Stefanie shakes her head... if so I'd of lost Caviar...
[Guides] Aligore: the Idle-o-meter would disconnect you and recycle you
[Guides] Stefanie glares At Fletcher.. so she has 5 now, so what?
[Guides] Seamus chuckles and ponders nuking 2 of his FLs and merging them into the other 2. :P
[Monitor] Samyan has disconnected at Sat May 25 03:57:08 1996 CDT
[Guides] Stefanie: Oph plays all of her fls.. ALL of them
[Guides] Fletcher: If any gold owner gave one person two golds, I would personally fly to where they are and strange them. I don't think it's Right, Stef. I'm still of the old mentality when 2 FLs was the limit and you only had more if you werw wiz.favoured.
You say, "Now, if you like, just to make the trip easier, I can take you on my dragon. NOTE: this would not count as your character getting a ride, as in you could not, in a situation, say, "I got a ride on Sylke's dragon", because this is OOC. OOC is Out Of Character. IC is In Character. "
[Guides] Aligore: strange(ing) them may not be the best thing :)
[Guides] Sylke is on Oph's side on this one, she handles them all.
[Guides] Fletcher rolls his eyes and strangLes Ali. :0
Fabiel says, "anyting you say..."
You say, "On second thought, let's just take it by foot."
[Guides] Aligore: Why does it matter anywho?
You say, "Type 's'"
[Guides] Fletcher: My opinion- those extra Fls would be far better used for the health of the MOO to be given to newer players to rope them into the game more.
You walk off the beach towards the courtyard.
Ista Hold Main Courtyard
Built into the side of a hard granite cliff, Ista Hold looms dominantly to the west. Windows pock the smooth surface of the cliff in neat rows until they get closer to the ground, where they begin to frame the great bronze doors leading into the Hold itself. A sea breeze seems constantly in the air here as the ocean and the wharf lay but dragonlengths to the east. A wide road can be seen to the south, stretching to the Weyr for the tithe trains to traverse. Beaches are scattered to the north, recreational areas for the Hold's residents when not working. Smaller doors beside the great bronze double doors lead to the Harper and Healer Halls.
It is a fall late night.
To the south, you see four people.
To the southeast, you see two ships.
Above, you see Xyalanth.
Perched on a windowsill are Lir, Sir, Serapion, Rand, and Loiosh.
You see Valcor here.
Obvious exits:
Main Beach HArper Hall Great Doors Infirmary Guards Ista Hold Docks
You stand in the Hold courtyard.
Fabiel walks in from the beach.
[Guides] Stefanie: I don't think anyone would give someone 2 golds Fletcher... it wouldn't happen, and Oph really should of got Cav, but she wasn't up for grabs in the Competion.. and NJuff wanted to gift her to me...
Sylke sighs, well, here we are. :)
[Guides] Aligore: Um...Thats what golds are for
[Guides] Aligore: so golds can have kids
[Monitor] Dominic has connected at Sat May 25 03:59:20 1996 CDT
You say, "Ok, now, 'gd'"
Fabiel says, "this is nice what dio i do?"
You pass through the great bronze doors into the great hall.
Great Hall
The great hall of Ista Hold has a huge, soaring roof to allow air to ventilate more freely and cool the often-warm hold down some. Large bronze shutters are almost always open- except during Threadfall- to allow a comfortable breeze to blow through and cool the occupants of the room. Large stone beams criss-cross the ceiling, giving it support and an artful look. Each large beam seems to work together to form the major exits from the great hall: two large archways leading to either wing and another archway heading in to the spacious dining hall. Most of the rubble from the storm has been cleared up and some effort made to make the hall more comfortable and warm again. The large fireplace, most often left unstoked, seems to be more for decoration than warmth, and seems to have been one of the first things really well cleaned in here. All around the hall, small piece of furniture sit for people to relax in them during their duties throughout the day and night.
You see Kurav here.
Obvious exits:
Courtyard HArper Hall Flying Mug Dining Hall Hold Shops HEaler Hall Seacraft Main Stairs
You stand in the enormous great hall.
[Guides] Fletcher: What's that, Ali?
Fabiel walks in from the courtyard through the great bronze doors.
[Guides] Aligore: golds are better handle IN MOST CASES by experienced players
[Guides] Aligore: handled
Sylke nods. This is the hold. We are in the Great Hall, and we are goin gup the main stairs to the dormatories.
You say, "Type 'ms'"
You enter the main stairwell for the Hold.
Main Stairs
Sharply cut stairs gouge into the solid rock of the Ista complex, each one bringing you another step closer to your objective. The staircase winds in a square up an enormous shaft, a sturdy iron railing the only thing between the stone steps and a plummet through the middle of the shaft to the ground floor. Level after level appears as you march up, a solid iron door sealing each floor off on its own until yanked open by your hands. The near endless stairs finally reach the top level- the drumheights and the path to the watchrider. The room is cool, though not unfriendly, as every floor has a different huge tapestry to mark it, a splash of colour among the grey bleakness.
The glowbaskets are lit and illuminate the room beautifully.
Obvious exits:
Drum Height Great Hall 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
You stand in the huge Hold stairwell.
Fabiel walks up a few stairs from the great hall.
[Guides] Fletcher: Considering some FL Impressions, Stef, *I* wouldn't be surprised. Anyone know... G something. ... Got a gold, will probably get nuked for inactivity. THAT just bugs me a Lot.
You say, "Type '5'"
You say, "No, sorry, my fault. 5th"
You leave for the 5th floor.
Level 5 - Central Hallway
This hallway is obviously the center for the residential area of the Hold. People bustle about during the daylight around and occasionally creep quietly about during the night, though everyone seems to respect the other people and keeps the volume to a minimum. An assortment of chairs, couches, and tables sit atop a large rug in this room, apparently where the residents can sit back and chat without having to go into the core of the Hold. Doors lead off to various private rooms, while the Hold dormitory has an entrance to the west and the south wing can be accessed by an archway to the south.
The glowbaskets are lit and illuminate the room beautifully.
Obvious exits:
Dorm Stairs South Hallway Rooms
Fabiel emerges from the main stairwell.
You say, "dorm"
You head to the Hold's dorm.
New Resident Dorms
This is the central living room for the hold's new resident dorms. You can find yourself an empty cot, if you're just arriving, and settle in here for a while until you join a craft or get a room of your own.
The command to make this room your home is '@sethome'.
The glowbaskets are lit and illuminate the room beautifully.
To the west, you see one person.
You see Torisa's Cot, Torkain's Cot, Alannicah's Cot, Maggi's Cot, Jittille's cot, Kessel's Cot, Mikeal's Cot, Tegus' King-Sized Cot, Fluffnstuff, Kershaw's Cot, Lucky, Tivar's Cot, and Marelle's cot here.
Obvious exits:
Central Hallway
You stand in the Hold's dorm.
Fabiel walks in from the hallway.
Lucky yips in excitement.
You say, "Now, type '@sethome'"
[Monitor] Y'sil has connected at Sat May 25 04:00:59 1996 CDT
[Guides] Sylke: Talk about hand-holding.
[***] Sylke: I have been to hell and back.
[$$$] Aligore: He's back!
[***] Sylke: Newbie speaking.
[Guides] Fletcher: Hehehehe!
Y'sil hugs Sylke! Sylke smiles and throws her arms around you enthusiastically.
[***] Y'sil hmmms?
[Guides] Aligore: this is a room
Fabiel says, "thanx"
[***] Y'sil isn't staying... :( What's up?
[***] Sylke: I have just gotten through with the NEWBIE FROM HELL!!!!!!
[Guides] Aligore: Please don't mention prog bits to her
[***] Sylke: She logged on as Fa'biel
[Guides] Fletcher: That's it, Grenthym. I don't think Kira would give her one, Ali.
[***] Sylke: Took us 20 minutes to get her to go to a name without an apostrophe.
[***] Y'sil grins...I'm sorry...tell her she can't...(And we could've changed it.)
You say, "You all set?"
Fabiel says, "what now"
[***] Y'sil snugs...I have to you...please take care, kay?
[***] Y'sil: Love and warm fuzzies!
[Monitor] Y'sil has disconnected at Sat May 25 04:02:31 1996 CDT
[***] Sylke: I will, I'm ok now.:>
[$$$] Aligore: How many kids do you see yourself having?
[Guides] Sylke: I am logging this and sending it to everyone I thin could sympathise with the torture I went thorugh. :)
Fabiel says, "dont i do my history?"
[$$$] Sylke: two, tops.
[Guides] Fletcher: You called it upon yourself, cutie. :)
[$$$] Aligore: one boy one girl?
You say, "You don't have to do that on-line. All that 'doing your history' entails is thinking about what you want your past to be like."
[Guides] Sylke: Damn, you're right, I did. :)
Fabiel says, "oh"
Fluffnstuff begins chasing invisible bugs.
You say, "What time zone are you in?"
[Guides] Fletcher: Hee hee.
Fabiel says, "+6 hours"
Fabiel says, "commer fluffnstuff"
You say, "+6 hours? Well, for me it's 5 am. "
[Guides] Stefanie hmmms? I lost something there...
Fabiel says, "4:08 for me"
You say, "I'm glad we got you at least somewhat straightened out. You still have a lot to learn, but we made some progress."
You say, "So you're on Central Standard Time."
Fabiel says, "yep"
Fabiel says, "ill be on tommrow in the morning (i hope)"
Jasper suddenly appears from ::between:: and chirrups a friendly hello to make sure she doesn't scare any humanpets.
You say, "All right, then. Now, I suggest if you're going ot stick around, then I'd suggest just wandering around and looking at people. Study their descriptions and try to get soem idea of what the norm is around here."
Fabiel says, "i can do that"
You say, "Good. Also, read help files. Lots of help files. Those will give you general information just about what symbols do what, and which commands are helpful. For example, have you typed 'who' at all?"
Fabiel says, "yes"
Lucky runs about, chasing his own tail.
Fabiel says, "deces?"
Fabiel says, "how do you more than one channel?"
Fabiel says, "and what are descs?"
You say, "That would take a long time to explain, dear, and I'm beat. I'm going to go to sleep now, and if you want more help, then ask either Aligore or Fletcher or someone else who was talking earlier. Descs are descriptions. Those are what you seea ll around you."
[Guides] Sylke: The girl didn't know what descs were...
[Guides] Fletcher: Nope.
You say, "One last thing."
Fabiel says, "ys"
You say, "When you type 'who' some people have a % by their names."
Fluffnstuff begins chasing invisible bugs.
Fabiel says, "why?"
You say, "They are currently on duty, which means they are willing to help."
[Guides] Fletcher: Ack! Sylke's volunteering our services to the Complete Newbie! @quit for it!
Fabiel says, "ok well GO TO BED"
You say, "If you look at the bottom, it says, '% == Staff member, page for help' Do you knwo how to page someone?"
[Guides] Sylke: SHH! :>
Fabiel says, "no"
[Guides] Stefanie: SHE BETTER NOT BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Caviar flits in from ::between:: looking for the FOOD!
You say, "If you wanted to page me, you type p sylke=What is a desc? and I would be the only one to see, 'What is a desc?" You can put anyone's name in place of Sylke."
[Guides] Sylke: Y'all are on staff. Deal.
[Guides] Sylke: That's what typind @duty means...>:)
Rorie hugs Sylke! Sylke smiles and throws her arms around you enthusiastically.
[Monitor] Bolie has disconnected at Sat May 25 04:15:59 1996 CDT
[Guides] Stefanie knows... :P
[Guides] Sylke: And you guys have a much easier job than I just did.
Fabiel says, "ok i get it i have to go see you tommrow bye"
You say, "Good night."
[Guides] Stefanie: true... you did teh ground work....
[Guides] Sylke: She's leaving.
[Guides] Fletcher: No, typing in @duty means you can say, "Hello Gold! Welcome to Harper's Tale!" and help semi-clued, intelligent people will ask for help and get it.
Seamus hugs Sylke! Sylke smiles and throws her arms around you enthusiastically.
Fabiel falls asleep.
[Monitor] Fabiel has disconnected at Sat May 25 04:16:35 1996 CDT
You hear a quiet popping sound; Fabiel has disconnected.
[Guides] Sylke: Thank GOD, I thought I'd never be free.
[Guides] Stefanie: speaking of which Sylke does need something for that mamoth effott...
[Guides] Sylke: A gold 'lizard would be nice...;) Yes, I'm shameless. But I couldn't even handle a blue right now.
[Guides] Stefanie grins, sorry.. Cav is too young to have babies...