Legacy of Hope

By: Chibi-chan

Prologue: “Prelude to Interesting Times”




            In the town of Yard, an outwardly normal mother watched on as her twin two-year-old daughters played a short distance away.  Next to her sat her beloved husband of many years.  “Precious dears, aren’t they?” the husband said.


            “Yep,” said the mother.


            “… the seal is weakened because they’re twins, isn’t it?” asked the husband.


            “Yes,” the mother replied reluctantly.  “Weakened, but not broken.  My mother was a twin and the seal didn’t break then,” she quickly added, “Same for my grandmother’s mother, and her mother’s mother.  There’s nothing to worry about…”


            “Perhaps, but still…”


            “Nothing will happen, dear, nothing, so stop worrying,” the mother said with more force.  One of the twins just then bumped into a tree and said in a tiny voice, “Sowwy, ma’am!” and started off again.  The mother said nothing for a while, then asked, “Dear, do you know if they make glasses for ones so young?”


            “I wouldn’t know, love…”




            A little ways away, a dark haired man who appeared to be in his twenties walked out of the local pub feeling extremely disgruntled.  “Dammit, missed him again.  Why can’t he ever stay in one place for more than a day or two?” he grumbled.


            He shook his head, sighed, and muttered, “Oh well, I got a lead on where he’s headed next.  Nothing left for me here anyway; it’s not my job to watch the Seal.  That duty’s the humans and the humans alone.”


            The west wind suddenly kicked up.  The man smiled.  “It’s nice here, sometimes.  They’re all cowards, those that ran away from here so many centuries ago.  Better to live as a regular human than one of those stuffy windbags, I say…” in a voice too low for anyone else to hear.


            He paused for a moment.  “Damn, I gotta stop talking to myself like this; people’ll start thinking I’m crazy or something.”  The man then resumed his quest to find this mysterious person, still muttering to himself…



End Prologue


Chibi’s notes:


            Yep, starting a new series, despite “Off on a Tangent” is still unfinished.  *Looks sadly at the chapter of said fic that’s been barely started* I’ll get to it, really!  I’m just stuck at how to start it off; once I get that figured out, the rest is easy.


Rudy: Read: “I won’t touch it for a month or so, since ‘The Muse is not with me’.”


… I’d smack him, but the boy has a point…  *sigh* -_-;