Initiate Alpha Sequence
A Metamorphosis Alpha® play-by-post adventure run by supreme_arbiter
- Yahoo! ID: gene_queen_supreme
- Name: Nike Thomason
- Race: Pure Strain Human
- Sex: Female
- Height: 5' 9"
- Weight: 170#
- Age: 30
- Eyes: blue
- Hair: dark brown
- Radiation Resistance: 10
- Mental Resistance: 13
- Strength: 18
- Dexterity: 11
- Leadership Potential: 15
- Constitution: 17
Other Stats
- Tech/Repair Ability (e.g. military equipment)
- Martial Arts Training
- body armor (plastic)
- helmet
- uniform:
- shirt with a circular patch on the left chest pocket with a picture of
an ellipsoidal ship, the word "WARDEN" above, and a white box below with
"Mar/Tech/SF" embroidered in red
- combat knife, in scabbard with leg strap
- metal disruptor pistol (right holster)
- munitions bag (clipped to suit and hooked around left arm)
- stun ray pistol (? shots)
- protein disruptor pistol
- mini-scope
- energy cells (?) (at least 2 solar, 1 hydrogen)
- dart ejector
- ID card: "Captain Nike Thomason, Marines/Tech/Special Forces, XO-Bay Thirty
Seven-G, SC Clearance Blue, XOGH12983MTFF"
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This page updated: Mon Jan 09 14:22:10 2006
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