Initiate Alpha Sequence
A Metamorphosis Alpha® play-by-post adventure run by supreme_arbiter
- Yahoo! ID: Ogre1994 and
- Name: Tinker (formerly Moonwerk General Purpose Technical Support Unit 31454-0265-2)
- Race: Robot
- Sex: N/A
- Height: 6' 2"
- Weight: 300lbs
- Age: ?
- Eyes: N/A
- Hair: N/A
- Radiation Resistance: 12
- Mental Resistance: 14
- Strength: 14
- Dexterity: 14
- Technical Aptitude: 18
- Constitution: 15
Other Stats
- Tech/Repair Ability (just about anything)
- Robot Repair
- Advanced Ship Memory
- Mark V Blaster pistol (5 shots) (range 150m, 7d6 dmg, takes 5 shot hydrogen energy cell)
- Disruptor M-3000 (high powered metal disruptor rifle)
- duct tape (2 rolls, each stored in a hip pod)
- chest compartment:
- toolkit:
- multiplex tool (like an oversized Swiss Army Knife)
- omni-power tool with drill (like a Swiss Army power tool)
- standard Moonwerk duralloy cutting torch
- Type-1 portable Nano-Lather (sprays a foam made up of
self-reproducing nanobots to repair or replace small broken parts or
surfaces---see the PC game, Total Annihilation)
- slug thrower pistol (.75 caliber prison special) (50 shots) (range 60m, 3d6 stunning dmg, takes 50-shot clips and hydrogen energy cell good for 5 clips)
- laser pistols (2) (10 shots) (range 200m, 5d6 dmg, takes 10-shot hydrogen energy cell)
- hydrogen energy cells (4)
- solar cells (2)
- Zhaxier's medi-kit bag (green nylon with red cross on it):
- 4/6 regenerative nano-bot doses
- data pad
- holo projector (displays hologram of "E")
- hydrogen energy cell (1)
- Milky Way candy bars (handful)
- laser pistol (10 shots) (range 200m, 5d6 dmg, takes 10-shot hydrogen energy cell)
- primary batteries (good for a full 20 hours of service)
- secondary emergency batteries (good for another 6 hours of service if necessary)
- cold fusion power core (recharges batteries)
Tinker must shut down in VR mode every so often while his batteries recharge.
Tinker's frame is battleship gray with patches of rust.
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This page updated: Mon Jan 09 14:22:10 2006
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