Dangerous Creations
A Tunnels and Trolls® play-by-post adventure run by khara_khang
Final Stats
- Yahoo! ID: super_miles
- Name: Krandor
- Kindred: Human
- Class: Warrior
- Sex: Male
- Height: 5' 9"
- Weight: 185#
Second and third attributes are for his Wolfman and Wolf forms, respectively.
(Wolf attributes as per Monsters! Monsters!® Werewolf multipliers.)
(Does not include Level 5 bonus)
- Strength: 16/41/40
- Intelligence: 13/7/7
- Luck: 12/8/8
- Constitution: 11/33/33
- Dexterity: 16/17/3
- Charisma: 14/-56/-56
Other Stats
- Adds: 8/12 missile
- Hits: 42 (with Dragon shield)
- Wt Carried: ?
- Wt Possible: 160#
- Adventure Pts: 15500
- Level: 5
Common, Canine
Nationality/Place of Residence
- blue cape (signifying rank of Captain in the Royal Mounted Khazanian Army)
- Superlite™ Platemail armor: 14(28) hits
- enchanted broadsword (6d+4)
- hand-and-a-half sword (5d) (from Blodwydd)
- stiletto (tucked into boot) (2d-2)
- Dragon Shield of Protection (7(14) hits; 1200gp, 15#) (from Chereva):
- A large steel shield reinforced with the scales of a Blue Dragon
- Small runes on its face and along the inside of its rim spell out the
word "dragon" in such a way that all who view it see the word written in
their native language.
- Whenever a Dragon comes within 30 feet of the shield, these runes glow
softly for five rounds, as when the bearer speaks the word "dragon."
While the shield shines, the bearer is immune to all Dragon breath.
- Bearer must be a Warrior
- Amulet of Shapeshifting (to/from Human/Wolfman/Wolf):
- In wolf/wolfman form, claws and teeth combined do 3d6 damage.
- Also, as per Monsters! Monsters!®, in (Were)wolf form, silver is
deadly, but ordinary wounds repair themselves at the rate of the same
number of Constitution points per non-combat round as he has Luck. Like
anyone else, if his CON is reduced to zero, he dies.
- pouches (2)
- scroll
- 319 gp, 28 sp
- gems (6, 100gp each)
- gold medallion with Phoenix emblem on a silver chain, from Grutoss:
- Press thumb on it and say "DEATH GODDESS" to get help, but only after
completing the mission (or else "help" will be your worst nightmare).
Krandor is a human who, by means of an amulet he wears around his neck, may
shift to either wolf or wolfman forms. The amulet used to be cursed, and he
used to be trapped in wolf form, as a result. The evil Wizard Vlachos (c.f.
Goblin Lake, Part Deux) was
going to remove the curse, but instead double-crossed Krandor and transformed
him into a Wolfman. Finally, the Goblin King's Vizier Nook removed the curse,
allowing Krandor to shift freely between the three forms.
He is a handsome male human, and speaks rather eloquently.
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