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A Gamma World Hell Hole: Chronology Patch
green = proposed new events
blue = proposed moved events
red = proposed deleted events
purple = posted events with new explanations
black = posted events that stay
Events that occur more or less simultaneously are grouped together.
Text in the NARChives that has changed accordingly is in green.
Original Chronology Chronology Changes
Xeva kills Liska in med lab  
Fence exits  
K-11 explodes  
  Xeva leaves lab to investigate, and tails Fence to the engine room
Nathan/Lamia on bridge monitors  
Geo cuts off audio input; video still on main screen  
Frieda leaves bridge, stands in doorway of med lab  
Jake leaves room (doesn't notice Frieda), enters bridge  
Jonn tells Jake about K-11  
Jake leaves bridge, runs to K-11's parts  
Myc/Leghorn leave room for bridge Jake picks up Joshua's brain
Howard leaves bridge for Ironcat Jake rushes into the med lab b4 door closes
Myc/Leghorn arrive on bridge (see Howard leaving) Jake/Frieda in med lab
  Jake leaves med lab to go collect K-11 chunks
Howard helps Ironcat to his feet (sees Jake picking up K-11) Xeva re-enters med lab from engine room
Twoducks asks Howard for help  
Jonn exits bridge, enters med lab (Xeva, Frieda there)  
Xeva leaves med lab and ship (sees Howard/Ironcat and Jake/K-11)  
Kicker leaves ship, tailing Xeva  
Leghorn leaves the ship for Lamia/Nathan as Geo watches in the cargo bay  
Geo returns to bridge  
Jonn/Frieda leave med lab for bridge Jake leaves corridor for cargo hold to store K-11 chunks
Leghorn/Lamia on tarmac (visible to bridge occupants on monitors/main screen)  
Frieda leaves bridge for med lab again  
Jake rushes into the med lab b4 door closes  
Jake/Frieda in med lab  
Leghorn re-enters ship (Twoducks lets him in) and returns to bridge  
Howard/Ironcat return to bridge  
Geo activates the EMP Jake leaves cargo hold for bridge
Fence shoots Lamia  
  Frieda exits the med bay, and sees Jake as he is heading for the bridge.
Jonn can't see Lamia on the monitors b/c they don't adjust to the darkness fast enough; he bolts the ship Jonn runs by Jake and Frieda, and Jake excuses himself to see what's up with Jonn.
Howard plays Rambo  
Jake leaves the med lab to see what's up with Jonn  
Jonn finds Lamia on the tarmac using dim glow of ship landing lights (presumably Geo has turned back on the com and the cameras have compensated for low-light, b/c Leghorn can see/hear them on the bridge now)  
Howard explains to Frieda in corridor that Lamia's been shot, as he bolts after Jonn.  
Myc follows Jonn off the ship  
Kicker investigates Henoid scent  
Xeva confronts Myc  
Frieda gathers Templeton from bridge and leaves the ship  
Myc backs down and heads back to ship  
Ironcat leaves ship and stands guard next to Jonn  
This page updated: Thu Mar 29 08:14:58 2001
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