A Gamma World Hell Hole
A Gamma World® play-by-post adventure run by gammaworld_gm
- Yahoo! ID: leela_ahn
- Name: Leela Ahn
- Genotype: Humanoid (Oriental)
- Age: 19
- Sex: female
- Height: 5' 7"
- Weight: 115#
- Hair: jet black
- Eyes: ?
- Physical Strength: 14
- Mental Strength: 18
- Intelligence: 13
- Constitution: 15
- Dexterity: 19
- Charisma: 15
Other Stats
- Hit Points: 60
- Experience Pts: 0
- Level: 1
- Sonic Attack Ability (Generate high-frequency sound waves that are damaging
(3d6) to exposed tissues. Range 10m. The damage is not selective and
is the same for all affected beings within range. May be made once per 4
melee turns.)
- Radiated Eyes (Emit damaging (3d6 intensity) blast of radiation through
lenses of eyes. Range 10m. May be used once per 4 melee turns.)
- Physical Reflection: Laser (Skin reflects even the most intense forms of
laser energy away from the body in random directions.
- Empathy (Can sense the feelings of others and force emotions on
non-intelligent (12 MR) beings of any type. Range 30m.)
- laser
pistol (10 shots) (takes 10-shot hydrogen energy cells)
- vibro dagger (30") (takes 30" hydrogen energy cells)
- hydrogen energy cells (5)
- clothes
- belt
- knife
- backpack
- army rations (1 wk)
- MERCs (10) (army rations)
- water (1 wk)
- rope (100')
A young girl of Asian descent, Leela Ahn has wandered thru the country alone
for the last two years since her family was killed by bandits who raided their
village while she was out gathering wood. Using her looks, mutant powers and
the skills of survival taught to her by her father, she searches for the bandits
who killed her family.
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