A Gamma World Hell Hole
A Gamma World® play-by-post adventure run by gammaworld_gm
- Yahoo! IDs: kazashima
thorninfoot and
- Name: Captain Foghorn Leghorn
- Genotype: Mutant Rooster
- Age: ?
- Sex: male
- Height: 6'
- Hair: none (red comb, red wattles)
- Eyes: blue
- Physical Strength: 14
- Mental Strength: 14
- Intelligence: 17
- Constitution: 16 (+2)
- Dexterity: 12
- Charisma: 11
Other Stats
- Hit Points: 51
- Experience Pts: ?
- Level: ?
Base Animal Abilities
- Very good hearing
- He seldom sleeps, and when he does it is in short chicken naps (squatted slightly)
- Mental Blast (3d6 worth of damage to any one being within 15 meters who
cannot resist it. It may be used every other melee round. Think the movie
- Regeneration
- Change Body Structure (arms instead of wings)
- laser
pistol (9 shots) (3 10-shot hydrogen energy cells)
- "a few strange looking" grenades
- med-kit
- Code green ID card (security)
- clothes
- chicken tag (around one leg)
- bedroll
- 3 domars
- bic lighter
- leather jacket with Cryptic Alliance symbol on it (taken from Blackbeard's gang)
- backpack:
- food (chicken feed)
- water flask
- flashlight
- road flare
- box of cigars (called Lewinski cigars)
- deck of cards (with hens on them)
- "Chicken Sex Run" (X-rated comic book)
- "Take a Gander" (X-rated comic book)
- "Women of Los Alamos" (pinup calendar: 2132)
- binoculars (100x)
- nail file
- hat
- sunglasses
- mini hand-held fan
- Pokemon™ trading card ("Bandichute")
- framed picture of a Henoid
- $500 in Ancient dollar bills, rolled in bundles
- hunting knife
- can opener
- small army shovel
- flashlight
- small can of delouser
- instant image-creating camera
Capt. Leghorn was raised in the Oadesta Chicken Factory and spent his entire
life working there. The Gallus 5/13 Security Robotoid is his best friend and
his only friend before he met up with Jonn Dukas and his motley crew.
Leghorn is a tough-looking mutant rooster packing a laser pistol on one hip
and a cigar in his beak. Picture a chicken version of John Wayne.
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This page updated: Mon Jan 09 14:22:21 2006
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