Murphy's Law
A Metamorphosis Alpha® play-by-post adventure run by ghost_of_warden
- Yahoo! ID: renauldrapp
- Name: Christine Walken, M.D.
- Race: Mutated Humanoid
- Sex: Female
- Height: 5' 10"
- Weight: 154#
- Age: 48
- Eyes: gray
- Hair: black
- Radiation Resistance: 10
- Mental Resistance: 16
- Strength: 13
- Dexterity: 12
- Constitution: 13
Other Stats
- Accumulated Hits: 50
- Armor Class: 1 (when unencumbered)
Physical Mutations
- Heightened Vision
- Can see clearly up to 1mi; can also see in the IR and UV wavelengths.
- Heightened Dexterity
- Dodge/jump/shift body faster; AC 1 when unencumbered.
Mental Mutations
- Dual Brain
- Mutant has two brains, allowing faster artifact recognition; mental attacks
that affect only one brain are ineffectual.
- Mental Paralysis
- Can override nerve centers of another being, causing nonmovement; if
maintained for over 3 melee turns, the victim will die.
- Telekinetic Arm
- Ability to project a tangible arm with 18 STR (range 50yd, 1-6' above
ground); the arm cannot be hit by nonpowered weapons. and must always be
visible to the mutant.
- Poor Respiration System
- Mutant is weak and has no endurance: after 5 melee turns' fighting, mutant
must rest or will faint for 1-2hrs.
- Fear Impulse: Triskaidekaphobia
- Cannot look at, hear or count the number 13 without feeling total fear and
running away, dropping everything in haste.
- ID card
- paralysis dart ejector (20 darts; 1d6 dmg; range 70m)
- soundless, double barrelled (2 shots per melee round), spring and bolt
- portable hand dart charger (?/500 charges; powered by 1 hydrogen energy cell)
- immediately charges 2 darts at a time; charge good for 1 hr
- charged darts cause 3-18 hrs paralysis
- medical hand analyzer and healer (?/48 hrs; powered by 1 hydrogen energy cell)
- Sonic sterilizer for germs and viruses.
- Sonic beamer for local/general anesthetization.
- Nanoheal (13/15 doses; 2d10 hits tissue damage healed per dose)
- X-ray unit
- Vibro-scalpel
- personal hygiene kit
- roll of toilet paper
- roll of duct tape
- survival knife
- multi-light (?/10 hrs; powered by 1 chemical energy cell)
- water purification tabs
- tide shoes (Watersox)
- canteen of water
- trail mix (4 bags)
- khaki medical uniform (Warden patch with "GenServ")
- geiger counter wrist unit (?/10 hrs; powered by 1 chemical energy cell)
- bug spray
- specimen bags
- mutant
plant seedling in a tube
Originally from Madagascar, Christine finished her medical residence in
Buenos Aires, then lived as a survivalist in the Amazon basin for 10 years.
Tired of the lifestyle, she emigrated to Ceres, joined the Shang Francisco
Institute (a medical subsidiary of the United Western Starship Cartel) as an
apprentice to the Genetic Studies Group. After several years, she grew restless
again and used some contacts to secure a position aboard Warden.
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