Murphy's Law
A Metamorphosis Alpha® play-by-post adventure run by ghost_of_warden
- Yahoo! ID: sarpip1
- Name: Deidre
- Race: Mutated Humanoid
- Sex: Female
- Height: 5' 9"
- Weight: 130#
- Age: 27
- Eyes: bright green
- Hair: long red
- Radiation Resistance: 10
- Mental Resistance: 12
- Strength: 10
- Dexterity: 10
- Constitution: 12
Other Stats
- Accumulated Hits: 40
- Armor Class: 8 (does not depend on current shape assumed)
Physical Mutation
- Shapechange
- Assume outer appearance (but not abilities) of any creature for any duration
after 2 melee turns of inactivity.
Mental Mutations
- Healing Touch
- On any body, can heal up to a number of hits equal to a tenth of the body's
weight in pounds per day, up to a daily cumulative maximum number of hits
equal to the mutant's weight in pounds (130 hits).
- Universal Translator
- Can translate any language.
- Amnesia
- The mutant suffers slight amnesia, déjà vu and nightmares.
When in the company of Willem van den Broek
Deidre has been known to assume the appearance of a chimpanzee.
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This page updated: Mon Jan 09 14:22:25 2006
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