Murphy's Law
A Metamorphosis Alpha® play-by-post adventure run by ghost_of_warden
- Yahoo! ID: ubersmokemonkey
- Name: Willem "Lemmi" van den Broek
- Race: Mutated Animal (Chimpanzee)
- Sex: Male
- Height: 5' 4"
- Weight: 145#
- Age: 36 (in human years)
- Eyes: blue
- Hair: red-blonde
- Radiation Resistance: 6
- Mental Resistance: 18
- Strength: 10
- Dexterity: 15
- Constitution: 13
Other Stats
- Accumulated Hits: 49
- Armor Class: 1 (when unencumbered)
Physical Mutations
- New Body Parts
- Four fully opposable thumbs (hands and feet)
- Heightened Dexterity
- Dodge/jump/shift body faster; AC 1 when unencumbered.
Mental Mutations
- Heightened Intelligence
- +4 MR, increased ability to figure out ship technology.
- Telepathy
- Translate other beings' thoughts/emotions and transmit own thoughts/emotions
to other beings 25' away.
- Repulsion Field Generation: 18 hits max/day
- Can project (up to 50') an invisible wall impenetrable by physical objects
(until it takes over its max in physical damage) that can also surround and
trap other beings. Must remain motionless to maintain the field; otherwise
it may dissipate unexpectedly. May deactivate field at any time, but it
returns at its previous strength if less than one day's time has intervened.
If it takes max damage, it dissipates immediately and the mutant must rest
for a day before projecting another.
- Nearsightedness
- When not wearing glasses, mutant will be reduced to stumbling along and
will suffer 50% decrease to hit in physical attacks.
- Fear Impulse: Pyrophobia
- Cannot look for any reason at fire without feeling total fear and running
away, dropping everything in haste.
- ID card
- key card (black, from cargo carrier)
- glasses (corrects nearsightedness)
- blue ribbon (inscribed "Best Design for 2284, Adverse Conditions Model Synthetic Entity")
- Sonic Torch (15hr)
- takes 15hr hydrogen energy cell
- can age and break metallic joints (but not solid metal)
- takes 10 x 1d10 seconds
- duralloy joints take an extra 2 minutes, and a decontamination step must follow
- causes 3d6 hrs deafness when used at point blank range as weapon
- Duralloy Knuckles (1d4)
- backpack/utility vest:
- android field service kit:
- tube of bioconductive bondo/synthoskin spray
- insulated gloves
- tubes, wires, patches, common component replacements
- diagnostics hand unit with schematics/procedures/tester connections
(?/30 hrs; powered by 1 hydrogen energy cell)
- concentrated lubes/solvents
- uniwrench/driver (2)
- penlight (?/20 hrs; powered by 1 chemical energy cell)
- bioelectric tape
- flex paper/schematic pen (links to hand unit)
- micro specs/adjustment tools
- handiwipes
- microfiber jumper cables
- emergency remote deactivator (?/25 uses; powered by 1 hydrogen
energy cell; 10m cone-shaped range, 2m max radius)
- pack of smokes (20)
- waterproof matches (50)
- harmonica
Willem van den Broek (Lemmi, to his friends) was an accomplished android
Designer and avid Martial Arts disciple in Amsterdam before joining the original
Warden Crew. He's having a remarkably easy time coming to grips with
the imperfect cloning (he was never 100% on the "being Dutch thing"). He still
enjoys the Blues, and is surprisingly good with a harmonica, which is handy, as
he is unable to form human speech (the Telepathy helps some too).
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This page updated: Mon Jan 09 14:22:27 2006
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