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Do you own your own business?  Would you like to?  Well in the business world you can own a business just find but you never go anywhere at all without advertising.  PECA has developed a plan to help aspiring businesses prosper.   You do not even have to be a PECA affiliate to advertise on the PECA website (though it is considerably cheaper).

Price Chart
  Non Affiliates
1) 20 word ad non-affiliate 200gp 1 month + 50gp per additional month.
2) 40 word ad non-affiliate 450gp 1 month + 80gp per additional month.
3) 100 word ad non-affiliate Not Offered  
4) 1 page add non-affiliate Not Offered  
5) 20 word ad Free 1 month + 20gp per additional month.
6) 40 word ad 50gp 1 month + 30gp per additional month
7) 100 word ad 150gp 1 month + 50gp per additional month (Max: 6 months)
8) 1 page ad (one full single webpage) 1000gp 1 year
9) E-list notification 1500gp N/A

To request advertising email with your ad and the number of the package you wish to have.  Payment due on publication.

Also please note for those organizations that wish a discount on advertising please discuss it with Kaivi FireThornn or email her at for non-profit organizations pricings may vary.  There is also the offer of the banner exchange program which will acount for possible free advertising.