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Is located on the basement floor of the PECA building and can only be gotten to through the elevator or by a secret exit that only the lab employees know of.  In the lab there are dozens of computer consoles most of which are plugged into Oshi1 the supercomputer.  There are nine lab station rooms located on the basement floor but the main one is located just to the right of the elvator and is the only one labled Kisai Labs the others are just labled Station Room 4 and so on.  There are six high level security labs in additon to the nine main rooms.  They have security panels on them that read fingerprints and read the retina or one's eye and does a voice print before letting you pass.  The only person that can program the security system is Professor Kisai herself.  Only three of the high security areas are in use currently.

Nearly everything in this lab is mechanized in some way, shape or form.  HelpBots run around carrying tools to the scientists that need them, Oshi1 calculates and runs tests on the data it is given, and hands on testing is done in the station rooms.   The intercom system connects all of the stations together so that if someone gets into a fix they can call for help.  For those taking the tour of PECA a small plaque has been set up outside the working area of the lab so that visitors can find out what the current projects are without bothering the workers.

Kisai Labs, PECA

Get to Know the Lab  
Oshi1 is the supercomputer that runs just about the entire building and the mainframe for the Oshi1 is located here at Kisai Labs.  The large mounted consol you see along the right wall is only a part of the enormous size that the Oshi1 takes up.  The Oshi1 was the first of its kind and is equiped with a nano-tech maintence system and an AI (Artificial Intelligence) chip.   Oshi1 was a remarkable breakthrough by computer science and robotic engineers.   With the development of the AI and the NT units the Oshi1 soon spawned the first android with the capacity of a human being.  Some might say that the Oshi1 is alive with its personality and male tone but in fact beneath its casing it is nothing but wires, intergrated circuts, and bus lines. Here At Kisai Labs we are currently running thousands of tests.  A study on the human body is being conducted through DNA testing as a way of trying to determine what causes aging.  There is a bionic project going on trying to determine what the 'perfect being' would be.  Our Invention and Retail department recently succeeded in making the most potent synthesized liquor that is being test marketed at the Devil's Kitchen under the name Bottled Heaven.  Our Weapons Development department is working on making a plasma bomb small enough to fit inside a barbie doll.  And lastly, our robotics team is currently working with some young graduates on the RBZ-4 the giant 200 foot robot that stands outside PECA and has been rebuilt from almost scratch and upgraded for better use.

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