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The Rules

  1. PECA Expects that all its employees, affiliates, and customers follow the guidelines set by Ayenee.  Though the arguement may be said that the Ayenee guidelines are guidelines and not rules, if you do not follow them PECA will not reconize you.  So maybe they are just guidelines, but as far as PECA is concerned they just became rules.
  2. No violence is allowed inside the PECA building or any PECA owned buildings (exception: FightClub).  Security is the only persons authorized to draw firearms.
  3. No flaming or insulting terms are allowed to be directed at the employees or affiliates of PECA and insulting 'customers' is highly frowned upon unless they deserve it.
  4. Rule: If you make the mess, you have to clean it up.  No blood allowed on the carpets!
  5. Department Heads have direct authority over their department ONLY.  The head of marketing can not fire a security officer!  (However Kaivi and Dune can fire anyone they please)
  6. Keep prices to a minimum.
  7. All products to be sold must be test run and set by either Miss Kisai or Miss Kaivi for evaluation.
  8. You want to cause trouble?  Get PAID to cause trouble, join our Team Chaos today!
  9. Sex allowed only in the designated areas (This does NOT include the PECA lobby I do not care HOW desperate you are)
  10. Have Fun!!!