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Ingredients :

  • Amla - ½ Kg
  • Salt - 150 Gms
  • Jeera (cumin seeds) - 2 Tsp
  • Saunf( fennel seeds) - 2 Tsp
  • Methi daana (fenugreek seeds) - 1-2 Tsp
  • Red chilli powder - 1-2 Tsp
  • Haldi - 1-2 Tsp Mustard oil - ½ cup

Method :

Boil the amlas in water for 5 miniutes. Remove from water. Apply 100 Gms salt. Keep aside for 5-6 hours for the water to drain out. Deseed the amlas and cut into half or leave them whole. Heat oil. Shut off the gas. Add jeera, saunf, methi daana, red chilli powder, haldi and 50 Gms salt. Add the dried amlas. Cook for 1-2 miniutes. Cool. The pickle is ready for use the next day. Consume within 2 weeks.