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Ingredients :

  • ½ kilo jaggery
  • ½ kilo rice

Method :

  1. Soak the rice in water overnight and drain the water next morning. Pound the rice to a powder
  2. Dissolve jaggery in some water and heat it for 5 minutes util the liquid starts getting solidified. to test if it is done, put a little bit of the boiling jaggery in little water and if the jaggery gets condensed, it means it is done.
  3. Add the done jaggery to the rice powder. Add some oil so as to retain the moisture in the dough.
  4. Make this into small balls and flatten them. Deep fry in oil till deep brown.
  5. Squeeze out the oil by holding it between two ladles.
  6. Ensure that no two pieces stick to each other or they will lose their crispness.