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Ingredients :

  • Sugarless koa - ¼ kg (Mawa)
  • Maida - ½ cup
  • Melted ghee - 2 Tbl spn
  • Milk - little
  • Cooking soda - a pinch
  • Oil - for deep frying
  • Sugar - ¼ kg
  • Water - 1½ cup
  • Rose essence - few drops

Method :

Mix melted ghee with maida using finger tips to blend evenly. Mix cooking soda with little milk. Crumble koa and mix with maida. Knead like a thick chappathi dough sprinkling just required milk. Mix well so that the dough doesn't break while making balls. Make into small balls or into oblong shape and keep under a wet cloth. Mix sugar,water and heat till sugar melts, stirring constantly. Boil till syrup becomes sticky (5 to 7 minutes). Add essence after removing from fire. Heat oil in a small deep curved pan till it becomes moderately hot. Deep fry few balls at a time till dark brown and put in warm sugar syrup.

Variations :

Boil milk till it is reduced like koa. Allow to cool, Follow the same procedure given in the recipe. Add 3/4 cup of maida. (Add maida according to the thickness of prepared koa). Increase quantity of sugar depending upon the syrup needed.