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Ingredients :

  • Processed rice flour - 1 cup
  • Bengal gram flour - 1 cup
  • Roasted gram flour - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1 ½ tsp
  • Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
  • Vanaspathi - 1 ½ tsp (level)
  • Omam - ½ tsp (Thymol seeds)
  • Oil - for deep frying

Method :

Rub soda with vanaspathi till frothly on a flat plate. Mix it with all the dry ingredients till it blends with the flour. Add salt, cumin seeds, ground omam and mix well. Divide the flour into 3 parts. Sprinkle water to first part and prepare thick dough. Using single star disc prepare small murukkus on top of a polythene sheet and deep fry in hot oil till crisp.

Variation :

Omit Omam. Use chilli powder along with salt as per taste. Use 3 eyed plain disc to prepare small murukkus.