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Ingredients :

  • Maida - 1 cup (Heaped) Fine
  • Rawa - ¼ cup
  • Salt - a pinch
  • 0il and vanaspathi - for deep Frying

Filling :

  • Cashewnut - ½ cup
  • Musk melon seeds - ½ cup
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup
  • Cardamom powder - little

Method :

Mix maida,rawa,salt with enough water to form a thick dough. Keep aside for ½ an hour closed with wet cloth. Knead well again to make the dough soft and pliable. Dry cashewnuts, melon seeds under hot sun for one hour. Powder separately,and mix together with powdered sugar and cardamom powder. Make small balls from the maida dough and roll it out into very thin chappathis. Put it on top of a greased samosa mould. Spread little filling on top,wet the edges and seal well. Remove samosa from mould and deep fry in oil in reduced flame till crisp and golden.


Mix together,roasted gram powder (Chutney dhal powder), roasted dry coconut, little poppy seeds,cardamom powder and finely grated jaggery. Use this as a filling for karjikal.