Arraken FRPG PCs
Many characters have been created for this game.
I posted a selection of them here (characters that have had
more play time and that I have a complete record of). The players
are encouraged to submit any comments, ideas or jpegs that they
would like posted on their own character's profile page. Send them in
and I will post them. We were playing dnd, EPT, and a combo version of dnd and C&S in 1977, in 1977-78 we started the Arraken project a pure C&S 1st edition game. A new land was created and the Kingdom of Arraken was its focus and primary people. It has been played since. When we converted from 1st edition, I added an experience point bonus to ep for spelluse, this continued the concentration level bonus from 1st edition table, it equals a sum of the 2nd and 1st prime requisites x 1,000 ep. I call it concentration level, as a carry on from 1st edition. It is added to the basic ep pool for a magic experience pool. I also calculate a PDF for divine spell use. These can be seen in the 2nd edition character sheets.
Character creation methods have changed with editions. For 1st edition, each stat was rolled in order on a d20, this added much variability, not an average curve as in the DnD or RQ, 3d6. For 2nd edition, 2d10 were summed, introducing curve to the stat spread, the player also assigned his rolls to stat choice, customizing. In 5th edition, this is called the lion heart creation method. 3d10 with the lower die being ignored is now the usual random method. One of two additions can now be added to each stat, +2 for "heroic" characters, and +5 for "mythical". [For an average stat, NPC or PC 6d4 - 4 = 2-20, one die re-roll can be offered] (2021).
First Edition Characters
These characters were all started in 1st edition rules between
1978 and 1985. There were many different groups and geographical
locations about the land. Many of these characters were continued into 2nd edition
and can be found there. A couple favorite PCs were converted from dnd to C&S. Games were from 2-10 players in size. |
Second Edition Characters
These characters were created in the mid 80s to late 90s. There
was a large single group of 7 that adventured together. There were
many other smaller 2-5 player sized groups. I still have games with
some of these friends. Many of these characters were continued from 1st edition and converted to 2nd.
3rd & 4th Edition Characters
Players of the 2nd edition characters have not wished to convert
to later editions. These 4th ed. characters represent a groups that
have started new characters for the later edition games..
5th Edition Characters
Here are posted a sample of starting characters for intro games
for 5th ed. I have created a roll 20 game site for a possible 5th
ed game. It would require use of separate char sheets, as roll 20
has no C&S sheets currently.