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Arraken Chivalry and Sorcery Character Sheet (2nd Edition)
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Hawkwind Page 1

Character Name: Hawkwind of Whisper Circle Strength: 20 (8)
Player Name: Lance Constitution: 17
Race/Sex: Forester Wood Elf Male (Shapechanger) Ferocity: 17
Occupation: Forester Primitive Mage Intelligence: 18
General Level: 7 Wisdom: 16
Magic Level: 3 Dexterity: 19
Exp: 89,000 Personal Appearance: 16
Magic Exp: 125,000 Bardic Voice: 12
Star Sign: Sagittarius Neutral Aspect +10% ep Alignment: 9 (piety 11)
Social Class: Yeoman Charisma: 19 (20)

38 Height: 5' 11'' Father's Occupation: Senate Forester, Whisper Circle
Fatigue: 25 Weight: 90 Family Status: Credit to the Family
Carrying Cpacity: 225 Pain Threshold: 71 % SS. BIF: 8 BIF 21 + 3 = 24
MA: 11.8 Body at Death: -13 Sibling Rank: 5th child, 2nd son.
Command Level: 5.9 Age: 22 Handycaps: Memory Loss at 6%
Honor: 200 Features: AuburnHair,DarkBrownEyes,MediumSkin Special Abilities: Shapechange Redtail Hawk or Elf at will, Far Sighted +5% ranged weapon, +2 body/turn regeneration

Melee Weapon Blows Hit & Parry % Crit/Bash % Damage Total to Hit
Fist (Leather Gauntlet) 3/5 6 82/22 10/10 4 +1/2d6 82%
Foot (Boot) 3.5/5 6 67/22 20/25 4+1/2d6 65%
Dagger 3.5/5 6 77/22 +10% + 2 Dam 20/10 9+1d6+2Dam=11 82%
Bar. Long Sword 6.5/6 6 77/22 20/20 11+1d6 77 %

Missile Weapon rate 3/turn PB SR MR LR ER Crit/Bash%, DamBonus, RangeDam
Thrown Dagger(Added +5% +2 dam bow) 10' 102% 25' 92% 50' 82% 75' 62% 100' 47% 15/15 1d6 8/8/6/6/4
Long Bow (Added +5% +2 dam bow) 25' 87% 100' 82% 250' 77% 500' 67% 750' 57% 30/30 1d6+3 18/18/15.5/15.5/10

Appendages Leather AC 1 Total: 2 1/2 d6 10
Padding AC 1   5
Torso Leather AC 1 Total : 2 1/2 d6 10
padded under cloth: 1   5
Head leather hood AC: 1 Total: 2 1/2d6 10
Pad Coif AC: 1   5

PCF (Personal Combat Factor) 20.8 Dodge: 35% PMF (Personal Magic Factor) 15 2nd Req: Dexterity
Weapon Type Blows Hit/Parry Damage: Duration 4 turn x MKL
Light +3 +22 4xWDF Range 40 x MKL
Medium +2 +20 4xWDF Missiles 3 x EDF 3 x Vol
Heavy +1 +17 5xWDF Materials 1 x EDF 7 x Vol

Class Skills:
Stealth 24%, Hearing: 14%, Blending: 45%, Covering Tracks: 125% - per two people, Holding large/sm animals at 45': 55%, Find Direction Confusion: 24%, Animal intensions: 41%, Premonition: 71% to notice problem, ID wild food: 65% ID, Find Wild Food: 24%, Snare:60%, Catch Fish: +24%, Tickling Fish: +24%, Track, Climb:105%, longbow, quarter staff, dagger, longsword,

Learned Skills:Riding, fisticuffs, leather work

General Skills:Read and write. Read well:95% Remember Spell:90% Intuition spell check (primitive talent):93% Languages: Alledie (Human Common) Native speaker can write, Silvan (Wood Elf) Native speaker. High Elf basic knowledge, Avian basic knowledge .

In Spell Book(Read roll for spell casting): Detect Altitude, Detect Magick, Circle of Protection, Detect Secret Door, Detect trap, Find Direction, Measure distance, detect tracks, detect observation, detect metal, speed, teleport, farsight, telepathy, charm person, pass wall, detect old tracks, waterbreath,
Has a magic focus bow, +2, full focus, with 57 charges. teleport, speed, farsight, can be autocast perday. Charges have been filled as follows: 5 teleport, 2 Waterbreath, 2 Farsight, 2 telepathy, 3 detect trap, 3 detect observation, 5 detect magic, 2 speed, these are pre cast and stored. This leaves 16 charges open for aid in other castings.
Other Magic: Mirror of planer travel, activated by musical tunes. Has traveled to Elysium, Ethereal Plane, Terrenar, Scrolls: How to make wooden AC 6 armor, Hearing spell,
leather armor, quarter staff, Dagger, Elf Long Bow +2 focus, 10 arrows. Bar. Longsword, shortsword, 2 daggers,



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