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The Second Ramble: December 23, 2000

Cloud: With this goatee, maybe people will treat me with more respect!
Cloud: Shut the @#!$*&% up!!
Raven: warrkk...
Cloud: That's better.
____________________________-To the Ramble Room-___________________________

Zach: Hey Reno, what's up?
Reno: *staring at the TV*
Zach: Reno?
Reno: Quiet! I'm trying to watch "Who Wants to be a Millionaire!"
Zach: I didn't know it was on at 5:30 Saturday mornings.
Reno: I taped it last night.
Zach: But you've already watched it!
Reno: I know, but maybe they'll get the answers right this time.
Zach: *smacks his forehead*
Cid: *walks into Ramble Room yawning* Hey Zach.
Zach: Wow, I didn't expect you to be awake until noon or later.
Cid: Hey, give me a little credit, and besides, some crazy chocobo is making all sorts of %*$#^%(*#@ noise outside!
Zach: *walks over to the window* Cloud's here.
Reno: You idiot! The answer was C!!
Zach: *walks into the kitchen and gets a cup of tea* Cid, you want some tea?
Cid: Damn right! *takes cup from Zach*
Cloud: Hey guys!
Zach: Woah, you grew your goatee, looks cool!

Cloud: Thanks.
Zach: So, what brings you here so early?
Cloud: Umm, well I have a good reason-
Cid: And that is...
Cloud: I need some money.
Zach: *spits tea all over Cid*
Cid: @#$%^&* that's a huge waste of tea!!
Zach: Sorry, but Cloud you need money? I thought you were loaded!
Cloud: Ya, well I blew it all at those *cheesy ad* CHOCOBO RACES @ FISH FINS AND DINOSAURS!! *end cheesy ad*
Zach: Those are addictive...
Cloud: Now I don't have any money for Christmas presents, and it's only two days away!
Cid: You've got to be @#$%^&* kidding!
Zach: Wait a minute, this is Cloud, he would never lie to us, right?
Cloud: *shakes his head*
Zach: Here *hands him wad of gil* Maybe this 150,000 will help you out.
Cloud: Really? Thanks man, you won't regret it! *starts running out of the Ramble Condo*
Cid: You're going to regret that...
Sephiroth: Good work puppet, give me the money.
Cloud: *hands gil to Sephiroth*
Sephiroth: MWA HA HA HA If we keep this up, I will soon be the richest man alive! MWA HA HA!!
Cloud: But aren't you dead?
Sephiroth: Shut-up worthless puppet! Now, let's go find another victim, MWA HA HA HA HA *cough* HA HA *cough, cough*, ughh, hand me one of those "Get Better Bear®" candies, my throat hurts.
Cloud: Yes master....