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The Third Ramble: December 29, 2000

Jon is Seph128, finally here...


Zach: Sooo, D!nok and Fins think they're going to steal my site huh?
Jon: OUR site. Hey, about time I get some recognition here!
Zach: Alright then, I'm a power hungry tyrant, sue me. But in the meantime we need to find a way to protect our website from a drugged-up D!nok.
Jon: Hmm, beats me. Hey lets go dance around listening to The One-Winged Angel song!
Zach: That's okay, what you do behind closed doors is your business.
Reno: Jon your kinda weird.
Jon: What are you talking about? By 'dancing' I mean running around killing people!
Zach: Like that's a whole lot better?
Cid: Look at that! I had to get a &$*%($#^@ new color cause' Jon came in. Now Sephiroth has my gray!! $&%(^*$$@)@!
Zach: Stop your whinning.
Barret: Bout' time I'm in one of these rambles!
Zach: Alright, since a few of you are here, we have to work out a plan to stop D!nok!
Reno: I don't know, I can't really go against D!nok, or Fins. I spend most of my time over there ya' know, and if you haven't noticed I kinda got a thing for D!nok...
Zach: *sighs* Ya, well I don't really want to either, but we've got to get those painkillers away from her!
Cid: I can get an alarm system put up in about twenty minutes.
Zach: That's good, how bout you Barret?
Barret: Well, I spose' it ain't too much trouble to install a few security cameras.
Zach: Excellent. Jon and I will set up HQ and keep an eye on things for a while. What about you Reno?
Reno: *fumbling with something in the corner of the room* Huh? Me? I uh..
Jon: Hey is that a video camera?
Reno: Um, yes it is, you see I'm working on Barret's idea already!
Zach: Good, keep it up Reno!
Cloud: Hey guys!
Sephiroth: *whispers* Get back here puppet!
Zach: Hey Cloud, you got my money?
Cloud: Money? What money?
Zach: The 150,000 gil I lended you. *leans forward and whispers* You know, so you could do some Christmas shopping?
Cloud: What? *turns back to the entrance* Seph, you know what he's talking about?
Seph: Not a clue.
Zach: Wait a minute. *looks at Cloud's hair* Have you been swimming in mako again?
Cloud: Actually yes, Seph here saved me!
Zach: Sephiroth! Everybody, get him!
Jon: What are you talking about?
Zach: Seph took notice of Cloud's mako over-dose and controlled his mind again making him ask me for money!
Barret: You mean that foo' took money from you too? Let's get him!
Cid: I told you, I said you're going to regret that!
Everyone but Reno: *runs out of the room after Sephiroth*
Reno: *puts on his head set* D!nok? Ya this is Reno, I'm in Cloud612's Ramble Condo, I've got the camera set up and microphones planted through-out the website. I'll be back in about an hour. Ya see you later.
D!nok: I love you Reno!
Reno: Ya, whatever *click* I love you too *sigh*
Zach: Don't let him get away! *Jumps on his chocobo, Raven*
Sephiroth: You forget... *Jumps up into the air* I can fly!
Zach: So can Raven!
-The chocobo flies into the air and Zach draws his Ultima Weapon, jumping into the sky and releasing 'Credit-Slash'! One of his most powerful limit breaks-
Sephiroth: ARRGGHH!! *money begins falling from his shreaded trenchcoat*
Cid: *Looks up in the air* Hot damn, it's raining money!!
Barret: Now I can afford to pay for Marlene's college tuition!!
Cloud: What the hell is 'Credit Slash'?
Zach: 149,999, 150,000, alright that's all my gil, now you guys take whatever you want.
Jon: Hmm, this won't count as this month's pay check, will it?
Zach: Nobody's that cold hearted! Anyways, let's get back to the plan to stop D!nok...