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The Fourth Ramble January 1, 2001

We have not yet begun to fight!


Zach: ZZZZZ *snore* Hmm, Elena what are you ZZZZZZZ no, not now, *snore*
Jon: *smacks him on the back of the head* Wake up you dufus!
Zach: Wha-What?! Oh, um sorry.
Jon: Professor Hojo is here, and we need to start the meeting!
Zach: Good, good. Tell him I'll be right there.
----------To the Lab------------
Hojo: That amount of blood I drew from Rufus was just enough.
Jon: Enough for what?
Hojo: Behold, my greatest creation! *pulls large cover off of a specimen*
Zach: Holy #$%*ing $hi%!!
Jon: AHHHH!!!
Hojo: What? It's only Rufus!
Zach: Oh, I suppose it is.
Jon: But what's he doing here? I thought he was on the FFD team!
Hojo: *begins twirling his arms like at the Northern Crater* It-it's, his clone!
Zach: *gasp* Brilliant...
Hojo: That's not all, you may not know that at my lab in Nibelheim, I held blood samples of all the members of the Turks, and so-
Zach: Reno!
Hojo: Exactly. But not only that! I also have connections with a certain doctor, let's call him Dr. "O", in Esthar.
Zach: Ho ho hooo!! This is just too good, I'm getting all tingly inside!
Jon: So now we have clones of Rufus, Reno, and Irvine! We will not lose.
Hojo: Wheeel there is one catch...
Zach: %&^*#$@! not a catch...
Hojo: It's not so bad, it's just that Rufus here has this little thing on the bottom of his foot. *Holds up Rufus's foot*
Jon: © 2001 Shinra, Inc.?
Hojo: Ya, I didn't work it out of the formula the first time, fortunately the other two are a perfect match, however, I've programmed him so that he says 'It's a tatoo' if anybody sees it.
Cloud: *walks into the lab* These cameras are great, I heard everything you guys where talking about.
Zach: Cool, that means I don't have to explain ^_^!
Jon: Let's get this meeting started already.
--------To the Ramble Room--------
Zach: Thank you all for coming.
Cid: Just get it over with.
Barret: Ya know, I've got somethin' I would like to show you! *opens up a large set of double doors to reveal..*
Zach: Reno and Irvine!
Reno: RMPPHMM!! *he can't speak because he has duct tape over his mouth*
Cloud: I beat his ass once before, and I did it again! *opens another door to reveal Rufus*
Zach: BWA HA HA HA!!!!! Life is good!! C'mon you guys, let's go party!
--------At the Gold Saucer--------
Elena: Hi Zach! I know you're ready for a good time. *smiles sweetly*

Zach: Oh ya! *they run off to... Well hell, somewhere*
Cid: Hey Shera, get your @$$ over here!
Shera: Hello Cid. *smiles sweetly also*
Cid: *pulls Shera to him and kisses her deeply*