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The Fifth Ramble February 13, 2001

A New Hope


Hojo: Are you sure you want to do this? It could very well mean the end of the world!
Zach: Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Hojo: I see there is no changing your plans.
Jon: Not with this guy, the poor fool has a one-track mind.
Zach: *begins drooling*
Cid: Okay guys, the Highwind is ready.
Hojo: Good, good. My creation is also finished.
Zach: Aaaaallrighty then! Let's finish this once and for all!
Barret: Yo foo's! There's something going on outside!
Jon: What?! What is it?
Barret: I dunno, but it's big...
Jon: I'll be back, I'm gonna go check out what's happening.

---1 minute later---

Zach: What do you mean it's snowing?! It was @#$%^*&!! 70 degrees yesterday!
Jon: Well it's snowing, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Zach: No matter! The show must go on!
All: *walk outside*
Jon: Hey, it stopped.
Cid: No shit Sherlock
Zach: Cool, now let's get it on!
Cid: *runs to the Highwind*
Hojo: *runs to the lab*
Barret: *runs to find Vincent*
Zach: *runs in circles*
Jon: Hey! Knock that off! *smacks Zach*
Zach: Heh...
Jon: Alright, enough playing around!
Zach: Right!
Jon: Give some of these to Cid. *hands him some painkillers*
Zach: Do you have some tea too?
Jon: Oh, well I'll get some.
Barret: Here you go Zach. *hands him a cup of tea*
Zach: Thanks Barret! *drops painkillers in tea* Now, were ready.
Cid: *runs over to Zach* Let's do this!
Zach: Here you go Cid. *hands him the cup of tea*
Cid: Ah, just what I needed, thanks! *takes a sip* Woah, it's extra tasty today!
Zach: BWA HA HA!!

---Merge to scene with The Highwind, Pearl Weapon, Gundam Gold Star Zero, and Zach in an orange Z fighter suit---

Jon (from GGSZero): Tell me again why you're wearing that suit?
Zach: I have to get in touch with my "Ki."
Jon: *sarcastically* Oh, that explains it.
Hojo: Okay, so I have Pearl Weapon attack from the front of FFD, facing the Sister Ray, correct?
Zach: Yes! This may very well be a suicide mission for Pearl here, but it's victory in the end!
Cid: *hyper* Uh ok, ok, and me from behind right?
Jon: Right. Zach will attack from the west, (whatever he has in mind), and Barret will take Vincent and Cloud into FFD in the unlikely event that our attack fails.
Zach: Okay men, MOVE OUT!
Cid: Hey, that wuz meh line!
Elena: Come back safe baby!
Zach: Of course, don't worry bout' me. *grins and reveals the roses and stuffed teddy bear that he had behind his back* Happy Valentine's Day Elena.
Elena: *beams* Oh, you are sooo sweet! *whispers in his ear* You'll get your gift later on tonight. *kisses him*
Barret: Ya know, we need some more women 'round here!
Jon: Too bad Fins is on the other side...
Zach: You say something?
Jon: Huh? Oh no, not me.
Shera: Oh Ciiiid?
Aeris: Oh boooys?
All: AHHHH!!
Vincent: *shoots Aeris*
Aeris: waaahhh!! *runs away*
Vincent: ...nasty...
Tifa: Hello everyone!
Cloud: Hey Tif!
Tifa: Hey yourself.
Cloud: *hands her a diamond necklace* Happy Valentine's Day Tif! *sticks tongue out at Zach*
Zach: Grrr...
Nanaki: Ah, rambleness!
Nipala: *calls from bedroom* Nanaki, come back to bed!
Nanaki: Err, I must go.
Zach: *raises an eyebrow* Why do they need a bed?
Jon: I'm not sure...
Barret: Enough ya foos'! Let's get this ramble over with!
Zach: *turns Super Saiyan* Let's GO!!

---Next scene, all the CBR warriors have surrounded FFD---

Pearlie: ROOOAARRR!!!
Jon: *with binoculars in GGSZero* Ready... *straightens his General's cap*
Zach: *gets in his battle stance* Kaa... mee....
Jon: ...set...
Jon: Fire with all you've got!
Zach: HAA!!! *releases giant ball of energy towards FFD*

Pearlie: *shoots a ton of laser rays towards the Sister Ray and FFD*
Cid: *preforms his final limit break, "Highwind" on FFD*
Jon: *flies in with Gundam Gold Star Zero, and fires with his twin Buster Rifle* I'm so sorry Fins...

---As the smoke clears, Zach stands breathless and it reveals...---

Bugenhagen: Ho ho hooo! Exciting is it not? Be sure to catch the next chapter of the CBR/FFD Saga!