My first ever hack and on SMB. This was a pretty simple hack which modified all the levels. This hack feels a little outdated because of the badguys being in different places and being stuck. Also, there are a lot more tools to help out but back then there weren't many. One of the reasons I decided to do a remake of this hack is because of the random crashes it may sometime have. I'm working on remaking all the first four Mario Adventure titles. Just be patient and in the future you'll see some great challenging quality hacks. For now download this old hack here

This is the so called sequel of the Mario Adventure series and there weren't many improvements but still something to look at here. The level design is decent but the enemies are still appearing in places where they'll get caught. Like I said before I'm going to be doing remakes of all the Mario Adventure 1-4 plus Mario Adventure 5. You can download this one if you want to get a feel for early hacking by downloading here

Part 3 of the Mario Adventure series was another decent game. More of the same in levels and nothing much to add. Some of them are challenging but other than that you can play this outdated hack if you are looking to play new Mario levels. Get it here

Part 4 of the series and probably the most improved of them all. This one comes with new graphics and new Mario. I had a version of this hack with even more improved graphics and new enemies but my computer crashed and all the improvements were gone. That's alright I guess because I'm re doing all of these hacks into something more fun and challenging to play. That's alright tough, this hack was probably the best one I released back in 1999. Enough of this, get it here

Here You have some pictures of the Mario Adventure (1999) remake and so far it's looking so good! I love the way this game is coming out. Thanks again for your support.

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