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List of Enemies
Name HP SP FS TS SC AU DO DI AC SPD Damage Str/Dex Weapon Notes Exp Points
Goblin Archer 200 - - - - 1 2 - 16 -1 1D4 30 Short Bow Flight Arrows 25 5
Gbln Spearman 200 - 1 - - - 2 - 16 -1 1D4 30 Spear --- 25 5
Orc Archer 400 - - - - 2 2 - 24 -4 1D6 40 Short Bow Sheaf Arrows 40 9
Orc Spearman 400 - 2 - - - 2 - 24 -4 1D6 50 Long Sword --- 40 9
Fenrir 600 - 3 - - - 2 - 32 -7 1D6 100 Battle Axe --- 50 13
Skink 675 - 5 - - 5 4 - 40 5 1D6 40/60 Short Bow/Long Sword Sheaf Arrows 100 21
Saurus 1350 - 7 - - - 3 - 48 2 1D8 80 Two-Handed Axe --- 140 31
Chaos Warrior 850 - 6 - - - 3 - 120 -75 1D8 120 Two-Handed Axe Orb Weakness 150 36
Elvish Archer 1350 - 5 - - 12 10 - 40 70 1D4/1D6+(20) 50/130 Short Sword/Comp. Bow Sheaf Arrows 250 51
Chaos Mage 850 400 - - 8 - 3 - 72 -17 100 (S)   Spell Orb Weakness 200 53
Elvish Spearman 1850 - 11 - - - 7 - 64 26 2D3 75 Voluge --- 260 54
Calvary 2150 - 8 - - - 4 - 104 -44 1D6+1/1D6 125 Hvy Lance/Long Sword Lance=Charge 250 56
Chaos Knight 1175 - 7 - - - 5 - 160 -100 1D6x3 150 Battle Axe --- 350 67
Troll 2000 - 8 - - - 2 - 24 26 1D8 200 Two-Handed Axe Regen. 1HP/Turn 500 71
Displacer Beast 1350 - 12 - - - 15 - 32 103 1D4x4/1D6 125 4 Claw/Bite Displaced up to 5' 430 75

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