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A combination of Warrior and Mage, the Reaver recognizes the advantages of both the Old Powers, as well as the more mundane arts of war and combat. A master of both sword and sorcery, this guild admits only the strongest, smartest, and wisest of it's applicants. Of the few who make it, many drop out due to the intense training of both body and mind. All beginning members are taught a retinue of skills and capabilities, including a form of training not unlike that that all Elves receive from their tribes, and a school of combat of the student's choice. Additionally, their education contains equal portions of magic and combat. Most spells that Reavers learn are combat based, and thus they specialize in the Creo rune. They are always given the Creo rune, and any elemental rune of their choice. Upon completion of their training, they are given a quest that they are required to achieve as a final test of sorts, proving that they deserve to be considered a full member of the guild. Members are generally looked upon as mercenaries, and do little to dispel the belief. Those who chose to join the guild after already belonging to another will find themselves in quite a predicament, seeing as that they are required to pay 1,200,000 gold for the privilage of such training.

Most Reavers prefer to learn a melee weapon as their primary combat tactic, and let their magic handle the opposition at longer ranges. On the other hand, a select few prefer to learn a missle weapon for a weapon, saving their magic for either close range or emergencies. If you chose to take a missle weapon for your combat school, you may switch the numbers for Fighting and Accuracy, thus making the Fighting a 2, and the Accuracy a 4 on the Perks list. As signs of progress and gaining of power, a Reaver is given a rune that they have yet to receive from their Guild Master every fifth level. Furthermore, every time a level is gained, the guildmasters teach a new spell that the character can learn, which is generally combat-related.

Reavers always wear a ring on the pinky finger of their off hand that has a sword and a wand crossed as their insignia.

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