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The Sage is a master of secrets, learning what there is to learn, knowing what there is yet to know. Sages have many methods, but only one objective: information. A Sage spends his entire life in the pursuit of knowledge, and will share it with anyone, for the right price. A Sage isn't an information mercenary, however. They simply need money to purchace food, shelter, and more resources for information. A Sage also tends to stumble upon many things that he'd be best off not knowing, and is also fully aware of the fact that noone else should know these things either. Thus, you can never expect to get the full story or the entire truth out of a Sage. A high wisdom is required of Sages, or else they might let their information slip to the wrong person, creating the potential for abuse. With the capacity to read people's thoughts (something else kept very quiet by the guild), there's no telling the havoc that could be wrought if the wrong thing is said to the wrong person.

Not only do Sages have the ability to know almost anything, but they also have the ability to learn from and even emulate an opponent's powers. This ability is commonly refered to as Blue Magic (because any Mage that attempts to figure out how they do it without runes winds up becoming blue in the face), and is yet another secret kept very closely by the Guild. This power is also reflected in the fact that they tend to be more of the "watch and learn" type. Sages have little time to train with weapons, due to all of their pursuits of knowledge, and are thus not interested in direct confrontation. However, they will use their powers to better understand thier opponent, and find any weaknesses to exploit. They also will make use of Blue Magic to fill in any gaps in their abilities, and clean up.

Sages are a highly intellectual bunch, and are thus often populated by both Grey Elves and Arislaan. In fact, the Arislaan have the largest non-human racial percentage amungst all of the Sage's members.

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