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Name Dust Devil    Runes & Cost Aura 10
Range 5 Feet x Level       Creo 5
Duration Instantaneous            
Area Single Target            
Base Level 5    Spell Type Conjuration
Description  This spell creates a small whirlwind centered on a single target. That target takes 1D6 x 6 damage and is blinded for 1D6 combat rounds.
Growth Aura+10= +1D6 rounds blinded
  Creo+5= +1 to damage multiplier

Name Levitate Self    Runes & Cost Aura 15
Range Caster      Corporis 5
Duration Level in minutes         
Area None         
Base Level 7    Spell Type Enchantment
Description  The caster levitates up to 6 inches off of the ground. Caster still acts as if he or she is walking on the ground, but is no longer slowed down by terrain effects.
Growth Aura+5= +1 inch to levitation height
  Corporis+10= +5 minutes to duration

Name Flight    Runes & Cost Aura 30
Range Caster      Corporis 40
Duration 10 minutes         
Area None         
Base Level 15    Spell Type Enchantment
Description  Allows the caster and his or her possessions to fly at a rate of 10 feet per second. When the spell ends, the caster floats down harmlessly to the ground.
Growth Aura+15= +1 foot per second for speed
  Corporis+20= +1 minute to duration

Name Waterspout    Runes & Cost Aqua 35
Range 5 Feet x Level      Aura 15
Duration Level in combat rounds         
Area 6 inches x Level         
Base Level 10    Spell Type Conjuration
Description  Creates a waterspout of a height equal to the spell's level that deals 2D10 damage to everything caught up in it, for each round it is caught in the waterspout. For each round a creature is caught up in the waterspout, it may make a luck check to escape.
Growth Aqua+10= +1 damage per round
  Aura+15= -5 to luck checks for getting out of the waterspout

Name Fire Bolt    Runes & Cost Creo 5
Range 5 feet x Level      Ignis 5
Duration Instantaneous         
Area Single Target         
Base Level 5    Spell Type Conjuration
Description  A bolt of fire flies from teh caster's hand toward the target, dealing 1D6 x 6 fire damage and bypassing the target's armor.
Growth Creo+5= +1 to die size for damage
  Ignis+5= +1 to damage multiplier

Name Hydroblast    Runes & Cost Aqua 15
Range Level in feet      Creo 15
Duration Instantaneous         
Area Single Target         
Base Level 10    Spell Type Conjuration
Description  A jet of water comes from the caster's hands with the strength of a fire hose. This jet deals 4D6+10 damage and knocks the target off of it's feet unless it passes either a dexterity or a strength check.
Growth Aqua+10= -5 to save check
  Creo+10= +1 to die size for damage

Name Antipode    Runes & Cost Aqua 25
Range 5 feet x Level      Ignis 25
Duration Instantaneous         
Area Single Target         
Base Level 15    Spell Type Conjuration
Description  The sudden temperature shock of this spell deals 3D10 fire and 3D10 ice damage.
Growth Aqua+10= +1 die of ice damage
  Ignis+10= +1 die of fire damage

Name Ice Bolt    Runes & Cost Aqua 5
Range 5 feet x Level      Creo 5
Duration Instantaneous         
Area Single Target         
Base Level 5    Spell Type Conjuration
Description  An ice missile fires from the hand of the caster, dealing 1D6 x 6 ice damage to a single target.
Growth Creo+5= +1 to die size for damage
  Aqua+5= +1 to damage multiplier

Name Cold Flame    Runes & Cost Aqua 20
Range 5 feet x Level      Ignis 20
Duration Instantaneous         
Area Single Target         
Base Level 12    Spell Type Conjuration
Description  A swirling mist of fire and ice blasts from the hands of the caster, not coalesing until it hits it's target. Once it does it deals 2D20 damage, half fire and half cold.
Growth Ignis+10= +1 damage die for fire
  Aqua+10= +1 damage die for cold

Name Light    Runes & Cost Creo 1
Range Caster      Ignis 5
Duration 5 minutes x Level         
Area 60 feet         
Base Level 2    Spell Type Conjuration
Description  By means of this spell, the caster creates an orb of bright light that hovers above his or her head, giving off light equal to that of a torch.
Growth Creo+2= +1 to duration multiplier
  Ignis+5= +20 feet to area

Name Create Clean Water    Runes & Cost Aqua 5
Range None      Creo 5
Duration Permanent         
Area Special         
Base Level 3    Spell Type Conjuration
Description  This spell creates an amount of clean, drinkable water equal to the spell's level in liters.
Growth Aqua+5= +1 to spell level
  Creo+5= +1 to spell level

Name Tag Creature    Runes & Cost Corporis 15
Range Touch      Vis 35
Duration Permanent         
Area Single Target         
Base Level 20    Spell Type Enchantment
Description  Any terget of this spell may, at any time, be summoned by the caster. Therefore, the target must either be charmed or willing at the time of casting.
Growth Corporis+5= +1 to spell level
  Vis+5= +1 to spell level

Name Magic Missile    Runes & Cost Creo 5
Range 5 feet x Level      Vis 5
Duration Instantaneous         
Area Single Target         
Base Level 5    Spell Type Conjuration
Description  An orb of pure magic appears above the head of the caster and immediately homes in on it's target, dealing 1D6 x 6 damage.
Growth Creo+10= Create an additional missile that may either strike the same or a different target.
  Vis+5= +1 to die size for damage