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Villian's Guild

          Level Experience Price
          1 0 0
Requirements         2 450 45 *
          3 1050 105
Strength 50       4 1800 180
Dexterity 70       5 2700 270
Constitution 55       6 3750 375
Intelligence 75       7 5050 505
Wisdom 65       8 6500 650
Charisma 55       9 8100 810
Luck 65       10 9850 985
          11 11750 1175
Perks         12 13800 1380
Fighting XX       13 1600 160
Thief Skills 4       14 18350 1835
Spellcraft 2       15 20850 2085
Accuracy 2       16 23500 2350
Dodge 4       17 26300 2630
Diplomacy 2       18 29250 2925
HP/Level 1D60       19 32350 3235
Max lvl/HP 40/20            
SP/Level 1D40            
Max lvl/SP 40/20            
Speed 3            
Character Traits:   Begins With:**      
  Competetive vs. Paladins     2 runes      
        3 spells      
        150 Gold      
Skills:     Progression:        
  30 percentage points in theft   Free spell every 3 levels  
  30 percentage points in charismatics          
Other:     Extras:        
  Evil alignment     May make a spellcraft check on a 1D20 to
          create a mundane poison.
        Spells must involve the Virus or Mortis runes

*Price if this your first choice other than Adventurer. Otherwise, Your character must pay 1,200,000 GP to advance to level 2, and pays normally after that.
**Only applies if this is your first choice other than Adventurer.

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