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Woodsman's Guild

          Level Experience Price
          1 0 0
Requirements         2 300 30 *
          3 700 70
Strength 60       4 1200 120
Dexterity 70       5 1800 180
Constitution 50       6 2500 250
Intelligence 45       7 3300 330
Wisdom 70       8 4200 420
Charisma 40       9 5200 520
Luck 55       10 6300 630
          11 7500 750
Perks         12 8800 880
Fighting 4       13 10200 1020
Thief Skills 2       14 11700 1170
Spellcraft XX       15 13300 1330
Accuracy 2       16 15000 1500
Dodge 4       17 16800 1680
Diplomacy XX       18 18700 1870
HP/Level 1D60       19 20700 2070
Max lvl/HP 30/20            
SP/Level 0            
Max lvl/SP 0            
Speed 3            
Character Traits:     Begins With:**      
  Physically Adept     2 of the same Weapon  
        150 Gold      
Skills:     Progression:        
  Foraging 20%     1/2 of Skill points must be spent  
  Tracking 20%       on required skills    
  Hide 20%            
  Ambush 20%            
  Land Navigation 20%            
Other:     Extras:        
  Must be Good or Neutral     None      

*Price if this your first choice other than Adventurer. Otherwise, Your character must pay 800,000 GP to advance to level 2, and pays normally after that.
**Only applies if this is your first choice other than Adventurer.

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