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I've decided that with so much going on inside, I'm going to keep track of what I've completed, and when.

Monday, June 4
I've begun reworking the spells, and what I've got so far is up right now. Granted, it's not much to look at, but it'll improve when I'm done, I promise.

Wednesday, May 30
Well, I've finally created a description of each of the runes, so it's up, minus the pictures of the runes themselves. Those will go up once I get my hands on them. I've also added a description of how Blue Magic works, as well as a page on optional rules for a GM to use reguarding Blue Magic.

Tuesday, May 29
At last, I've finished the description of how magic works! Next is either the rune list, or the spell list. I may wind up just putting the spell list up now, with what I've got, and adding to it as I go. However, I'd prefer to wait on the rune list until I've got the pictures to go with it. I also added rules reguarding multiple actions in combat to the Combat Description page. Got another guild description available: The Sage. It'll be completely ready when I find appropriate art. I've also changed the charm skill to summoning, because any charm spell can be placed under enchantment, and I think that summoning is different than conjuring.

Monday, May 28
Today I tweaked a few minor rules, etc. so that magic will make more sense when I finally finish it. Until then, I also simplified a couple of things reguarding Speed and Equipment Level. The guilds now give points to Speed, and the Equipment Level on the character sheet is only the total for the armor you're wearing. The math is still the same, and I'm going to create a better character sheet sometime in the near future, with spaces to write some of the info that you need to keep track of in case you have to re-write something. i.e. a space for the total Speed you've received from guilds, the base, and your EL, all laid out as a mathematical equation (a la 3rd edition D&D). So, look for that in the near future. For now, just put your total Speed before subtracting your EL in the Speed spot, and do the math each time. That way, when you change your EL or level up, there are fewer complications. I've also upped the numbers on the armor list again, so that they come even closer to representing reality, and again going for simplification where possible. I also changed the * to an X on the races page to see the special racial rules, due to the fact that a * is harder to see.

Thursday, May 24
The rules for combat are now up and online! All that's left is spells, and a game can be run! Unfortunately, it's gonna be a bit before the stuff on magic is up, because all of the plans are still in my head, and I need to figure out a way to put them in print. But, fear not, I will work on them.

Wednesday, May 23
Modified a couple of the pages to reflect the speed stat, which was added in preperation of making the description on how combat works. Affected documents were character generation, enemy list, and both versions of the character sheet. I've also adjusted the wording in the base skill description page, so that you don't have to go hunting for information as much.

Tuesday, May 22
I've finally finished one of the more dreaded conversions... The character sheet! The HTML version is now finally up, but I wouldn't suggest printing it out just yet, since I'm not sure just how printable it really is... Be afraid. Be VERY afraid. When I get the guts up to do it properly, (not just using the pre tag) it should be printable. For now, it's just a pretty. Another of the greatly feared conversions is completed as well... Items. [sigh] What a relief! It's big, so enjoy.

Monday, May 21
Cleaned up the set of links I put in last night to allow navigation from most pages back to most other pages. I also changed the format of the guild list page, and added the description for the Adventurer's guild. Also added the GM info page, and a map of the world I've been running. Finally converted the Weapons list, which is up as well. Also, at long last, I finished the conversions for the guild stats, including crusader, element walker, paladin, reaver, and villian. descriptions are pending, based upon when I find the appropriate artwork and inspiration to write. However, I have managed to get my hands on pictures for the Knight and Warrior, and so the thumbnails are up on the guilds page, but the full versions won't be available until I have descriptions to go with them. What's more, I *finally* got my hands on a background I like for the first half of the site, so everything's got a background now, as I'm sure you've noticed by now. What's more, the list of Enemies I've created thus far is up, although it might be a little confusing. Don't worry, once I've got an explaination on how combat works, it'll make a lot more sense.

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