Falacor Falacor was banished for Character sharing supposedly with Meath but it must be understood that Falacor was thinking of quittingand basically decided to take someone down with him. Meath and him were talking one night in the Shadow Circle and Falasked him if he wanted to see what it was like to be a 'god'(Meath says that he thinks Fal was drunk) Anyway Falacor endsup giving Meath his password and so at like 4 in the morning onSaturady Meath logs on Falacor for about 4 seconds snaps a SSand logs off - going back onto meath - shortly thereafter he is banished without any notice whatsoever. Meath was a level93 rogue with no more then 350k and he just wants his characterback. Falacor was an insanely powerful and rich rogue whowas quitting and wanted to take someone down with him - whichhe did. The unfortunate part of all this is how the communist regime that is nexon banished meath yet he did not break anylaws. Fal broke lots of them but meath none. If you look at thethe Character law you will see my point. Falacor should haveand was deleted, meath should have been touched. Neitherparty benefitted from the 4 seconds, both people were payingfor accounts so their second point is absurd and well it isfair to the others around them because no one gained anythingnor was harmed. I have copies of the two emails I have sentas well as the one that Meath sent them early that morningwhen he found out he had been banished. That's all I can thinkof right now but feel free to email me. |