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 Email from Delphi

From: Delphi (Nexus Tech Support)
To: [someone]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 4:08 AM
Subject: Re: I'd like this to be a reply.

This matter has been dropped, and your email blocked from this

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----- Original Message -----

From: [someone]
To: Delphi
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 4:43 PM
Subject: I'd like this to be a reply.

But it seems your not big on replying to my emails. Unfortunately I have a lot of extra time so I thought I'd write you another email!

Just to refresh your memory in case you might have *accidentally* deleted my email before:

Dear Delphi,

Law number 6 as concerning Characters - as posted by Elvira:
Your character can only be played by you. It is a violation of your license agreement to let anyone else use your character. This includes friends, siblings, etc.

The reason for this is threefold.

1. It is unfair to other players because the character progresses at an faster rate.

2. It is unfair to Nexon as two people are enjoying the game for the price of one.

3. It allows a player to claim that he is not responsible for his/her actions within the game.

No exceptions are made to this policy. If we find _proof_ that a character is being played by multiple persons, that character will be deleted. This policy was made very clear by Wony long ago and has not changed.

Author: Justicar

Now we have a situation here with two real life people and two characters in a game. Naturally a game must have laws and everyone that knows about them must obey them. The only problem I do have is that I don't see the law where it says Meath is to get banished when the real life person that owns Meath, logs onto falacor.Falacor was obviously thinking about quitting and somehow he managed to take down Meath with him. As I'm sure you've had the situation explained before I will save you the reading. But just so everyone involved in this understands could you explain it?

Section one of this law does not apply in the least as no party gained an advantage in the least! It was a log on and a log off and if you have logging logs I'm sure you'll see that he was on for a couple of seconds.

Section two of the law is all but useless as well because two people were not enjoying the game for the price of one. Both people had paying accounts that they played, one momentarily logged on to see the other person's stats. Both are paying, both were enjoying.

Section three of this law is well, has no place here? There were _no_ actions to claim responsibility for.

As for the opening sentance, Meath DID NOT allow anyone else to play his character, Falacor let others play his account but Meath did not. And for the last sentance, yes, I'm sure proof was found that two or more people were using Falacor's account. Meath has explained that fact and openly admitted it to you folks at Nexon, he knows he did wrong but his character should suffer no punishment for it. He had just quit shadows, really didn't have many good items, was a weak rogue not even level 99 but he played for the fun of it. Nobody was harmed with his actions and no law to my knowledge nor anyone else's were broken. If something otherwise has taken place then please let us all know.

I thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Faithful patron.

Interesting to note the words 'Faithful patron' at the bottom of the email isn't it - considering I have now left the game. Why did I leave the game? Well because Meath is no longer and he was a big part of why I played the game. You took away a poor, low leveled rogue whosimply played to have fun. A religious patron who did something stupid for 1 second - and was obviouslly set up by both Falacor and Nexon. I too have played for oh about a year and 3/4 but no more. As I'm sure Meath has told you, many more will follow my lead and simply let their accounts run out when they run out. Face it, when the person that has brought all these people to the game leaves, they are bound to follow. No doubt most of these are friends IRL and doing it for a friend is prettty easy considering its a game. Chris just wants meath back, not a big favor really, a level 93 rogue with maybe 350k, heck he doesn't even need items or spells, just Meath. So if Meath comes back I come back it's a simple equation that I hope you will heed.


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