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 What we pieced together

Story put together from Nexnet information and Nexus posts. Many rumors, not sure what is true. Story here is as close to truth as we can find.

Adraz was friend of TSWulf player. Got TSWulf's password somehow. Many stories about how. Possibly patron ID also. Jiggmuffin, OrnXz, Alleno were real life friends and Nexnet staff. Possibly dismissed by TSWulf. Rumor, not sure if true, were banished for character sharing because of accusation by TSWulf. Got password from Adraz. Got on TSWulf. Quit clan, forgot spells, quit subpath, divorced wife. Told other Nexnet staff were fired. Gave away or threw away all items. Got TSWulf jailed for three crimes. Characters Suffocate and Frenzy apparently not touched. Nexon banished TSWulf and all characters on account for crime of being hacked. In world of Nexus, victim is criminal. Banished people hackers gave items to. Rumor is banished people hacked characters talked to.

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