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Sasha and Tatia - Hot Pool and Lake


----------------------- HRW Message of the Day -----------------------

Guess what folks, winter has yet again set it's icy grasp on our beloved High Reaches.  What does this mean?  It's time for the 'Reachians to do what 'Reachians do best: make the most of our wintry haven!  Snow ball fights in the bowls!  Hot steamy baths!  Long nights of cookies and klah by the fireside!  Sure it might be a bit chilly outside, but that just makes it all the warmer inside, right?  So sit back and enjoy, and try not to get cavern fever.


Sasha's Weyr (#16437)

On first glimpse of the interior, you could be mistaken for thinking you had entered a chamber of stars - for the walls of the great open cavern where Branwyth sleeps is decorated with a multitude of twinkling glows, mimicking the dance of the constellations, and creating soothing dappled light everywhere. To your right, your first hear and then catch sight of the warm bubbling water, in a deep rocky pool, glowing with an eerie submerged phosphorescence, just deep and wide enough for a couple of dragons to bathe in. Hooks on the wall nearby hold large soft towels for any human tempted in for a dip. To your left, you view a heavy curtain of moss green velvet, tied back, revealing a much smaller recessed cave. Here the walls are draped generously with warm tapestries and intricately patterned hangings which follow the general colour scheme of richest Benden wine burgundies, and greens reminiscent of the softest mistiest moss. A couple of old easy chairs and a comfy couch are brightened by richly patterned batik throws, and are arranged around a low wooden table. In one corner, a bed luxurious in its spaciousness boasts an exquisitely embroidered burgundy quilt made of the softest down, with a striking green dragon appliqued with care onto its cover. A plentitude of homely scatter cushions and soft white pillows make this cosy corner even more welcoming.

  It is a winter midmorning.  The sky is a clear deep blue, no clouds in sight.  The air is cold, the sun not seeming to warm you up as it climbs low in the eastern sky.  Snow blankets the land, crunching underfoot.


On the ledge, you see Pilloeth and Branwyth.

On the perch are Ganache and Frist.


Branwyth> Vespurath soars in for a landing.

Branwyth> Across shades of pine and sage, Tatia slides down Vespurath's side,   landing on the ground with a slight bounce.

Branwyth> Tatia slips to the weyr.

Tatia slips in from the Branwyth's Lakeside Ledge of Mystery.


Tatia strides in, head swinging around the weyr as she enters without so much as a 'by your leave'. "Sash?" she calls, basket swinging from one hand. "You in here?" Nevermind that green out on the ledge.. that's not an indication, is it? Course not.


The weyr is still...not a sign of Sasha......


Sploosh! Out of the steaming water of the luminescent pool, Sasha emerges throwing her hair back and breathing deeply as air hits her lungs. Wiping the water out of her eyes, she starts suddenly to see that another rider has entered...."Tat! Sheesh! You made me jump! I didn't see you come in."


Tatia grins, pausing as she lifts the basket to indicate it. "Sorry," she notes. "Didn't mean to.. I brought some cream puffs! Caught 'em fresh out of the oven, and I couldn't let them go to people who wouldn't appreciate them..." Not that she knows if Sasha will appreciate them.. but she /is/ a fellow greenrider, and thus creampuff worthy. "Want one?"


Sasha with a couple of strokes, Sasha splashes to the edge of the hot pool and grins. "Why don't you put them on the ledge and hop in the pool...its the nicest place I can think of to eat cream puffs in this cold weather." she gestures to a ledge near the edge o the pool which already holds a mug of klah. motioning to the little hearth she grins " Grab some klah for yourself..."


"Oooohhh," Tatia replies, drawing out the sound as she moves to stand near the edge of the pool. "Is it warm, then?" she questions in delight as she catches a bit of the steam rising upward. "How /wonderful/! How'd you manage a weyr with a pool?" Even as she speaks, she drops the basket to the edge and turns, grabbing up a mug to pour herself some klah. "Want me to fill your before I get in?" she questions, glancing over her shoulder at Sasha.


In answer, Sasha leans over and picking up her mug drains it, before handing it to Tatia. " Oh please!" she smiles, happy to be able to share her pool. " I was dead lucky actually..there are not many weyrs with integral heated water. Branwyth and I decided we wanted to be over the lake...she loves water...and the view is incredible from the ledge....and this one came available and had the pool too."


Tatia shakes her head as she stretches to fill Sasha's mug with steaming klah as well. "Well," she begins. "All I can say is that you're lucky.. and I'm coming to visit more often!" With that, she settles her own mug on the ledge and quickly strips to slide into the water. A soft sigh escapes, and she closes her eyes for a moment before turning her head to peer at Sasha. "You know, I feel like I don't /see/ anyone anymore.. not since we graduated, and that feels like /ages/ ago. What've you been up to?"


Sasha nods and agrees. "Its true...what with all the thread fighting thats been going on I'm usually too shattered to go out and socialise.." She scans Tatia slowly. "I only got scored once so far...what about you?" she dips her hair back in the water, to keep the top of her head warm, before smoothing it all back out of her eyes...


Tatia wrinkles her nose, sinking deeper into the water. "Scored once.. first Thread Fall.. still had my arm bandaged at graduation, actually.. and Vesp got caught hard on the wing with that one. We were grounded for /ages/.." And now a faintly proud smile grows. "Course, we haven't been scored since.. not so much as a sliver."



Sasha smirks eyeing the faint scar still visible on her upper arm. " I kinda think that once scored, twice shy. I don't intend to get caught was just sloppy of me." Sasha enjoys the feel of the water as it bubbles around them and she swirls her hands through the edies, before remembering the cream puffs. "Thanks for bringing these...they look absolutely delicious!" she leans over and selects one of te delicacies and takes a tentative nibble.


Tatia nods in agreement. "We came out right under a clump.. " She shivers slightly, reaching to claim a creampuff to distract her from /that/ train of thought. "Oh, course. I kinda snuck out with them while the bakers were looking the other way..." She smirks slightly, glancing at Sasha as she nibbles on a bit of pastry.


Sasha's mouth is full off cream puff so she doesn't answer immediately. Her eyes do have a slightly nervous habit of flicking towards the entrance to the weyr though.....she's not her usual relaxed self. Swallowing she grins. "Branwyth sked me a while ago if I could get the bakers tomake dragon sized sweetsticks for her....since she got so big, the regular ones just disappear in seconds."


Tatia laughs, nearly snickering as she gnaws on her own puff. Manners? What're those. "Well, I guess if Ilare can have a huge blanket made, you could have huge sweetsticks... right?"


Sasha nods absently finishing her puff and swilling her sticky hands in the water. still eyes creep to the door every so if its almost an unconscious habit...


Tatia follows Sasha's gaze, studying the greenrider curiously. "What're you looking for?" she questions as a bit of cream is licked from her fingers. "We're a bit high up for intruders, don't you think?"


Sasha snorts suddenly, becoming aware she has been keeping an eye on the door instead of giving her guest her full attention. " time I had a bath, I had a visitor." she pauses for a moment, the pause weighing heavily in the air between them." I don't know what it is about me and this pool..I hop in and bang...somebody walks through the door!"


Tatia studies Sasha with interest, brow arching upward. Really? Now this /is/ interesting. "Someone.. walked in on you?" Nevermind that Tat just did it, too. "Who?"


Sasha's eyes drop suddenly, aware that Tatia has probably got as much right if not more, to know as anybody else. "A mutual brownrider friend of ours...." she looks away flushing slightly and praying it only looks like the heat of the bath that is making her cheeks red.



Tatia blinks again, eyes widening as she begins, possibly, to comprehend. "A.. /mutual/ brownrider friend?" she questions catiously. "Who would that be?" /Please/ say Ilare.



Sasha shakes her head and looks Tatia squarely in the eye. ""No...S'nor." Simple and direct.


Tatia flinches. Visibly, even. "S...'nor?" she questions, eyeing Sasha with a look of distaste - for the brownrider, not Sasha. "Why's /he/ been lurking around here?" Yes, Tat's dense. Deal.



Sasha looks a little nervous...quite unlike her usual assured self. " I kinda like him least I did...." Not that that makes any difference...he's got a weyrmate."



Tatia blinks again. She looks.. astounded. To say the least. "You..." She stops. Clears her throat. Tries again. "You /like/ him? I mean.. really.. like.. /Sasha/?" Ok.. she can do this. Be supportive. "/Why/?" Ooops. There goes that idea.


Sasha is a little disconcerted by her friend's reaction..." least as I said..I did...but I'm trying not to these days...I have to try not to think to hard about him..." she talks as if she was trying to convince herself...and is failing badly. "But he comes and drops in on me on odd occasions...Pilloeth and Branwyth seem to get along....he even talked about moving into my weyr once..." she sighs a little remembering. "and I told him..yeah great move in and bring your weyrmate with you....That was before I heard Desyana was pregnant." She looks a mixture of angry and rather sad. "its all such a mess Tatia...i don't know what to do...."


And now Tatia feels bad.. which is forcing her to be at least a /little/ supportive. Her eyes /do/ go a bit wide at her words, however. "He wanted to.. move in? Sash.. that's a really big step. Is that what you wanted? Even /with/ his weyrmate? That's..." And she trails off, watching Sasha with a sigh. "And you still like him?"


Sasha glares at Tatia for an instant...not really angry with her, just annoyed that she is being obtuse..." I didn't really mean for him to move in with her..I was being facetious!" Her face hardens slightly. " I also told him that I wouldn't let him turn Branwyth's lovely weyr into his own personal harem...."


No one ever said Tatia was observant.. and that could go for 'quick,' too. "Oh.. right." she replies, nodding. "That's.. Sash, that's a good thing. Stick up for yourself. You deserve be.. I mean, you deserve someone wonderful who wants only you!" Nevermind that this is a weyr - she has her ideals! "So.. do you still want him? I mean.. now, with Desyana and stuff.."


Sasha glances out of the doorway to see a glimpse of Branwyth's tail....and sighing she shrugs. " I've never had that kind of attention before...and I like it....but its not fair on this woman who I've never even met before to pursue something that ultimately will fail." she rolls her eyes, slightly annoyed..."but I've been feeling recently...that its harder to think about resisting him....and I was worried that maybe Bran might be starting to glow soon..although she's showing no signs of it yet..."


Tatia doesn't even have to try, now.. Sasha's hit the exact spot that makes Tatia's face crumple in understanding as she nods. "But Sash.. Do you like the attention, or do you like /him/? I mean, there's nothing you're going to be able to do about Bran.. I think we all kinda found that out last time. But there /is/ before and after, and if you're gonna.. that is, do you really like him?" See, this is the important thing here. In case you didn't notice. Does she /really/ like him?


Sasha shakes her head a little bewildered...." I thought after that day in the groundweyrs it would all go back to normal and I wouldn't think twice about him...but it didn't work like that...Now I just try to avoid him....its just easier that way...."


"Yeah..." Tatia agrees softly, head bobbing as she slides down into the water, letting it lap at her chin. "But Sash.. if you like him, you shouldn't have to do that. And what if he /does/ catch again? Then what? Isn't that just gonna make it worse if you don't figure it out?"


Sasha looks hard at the other side of the pool. "And what if he doesn't catch.....What if it's Gid or R'ave....both lovely in their own way...but more like brothers. I can't just go all out for him.....he's got a pregnant weyrmate and I never put myself in the position as the 'other woman'. I was hoping that somebody else would catch Bran and maybe I'd stop thinking about him...but I'm also terrified that it won't be see?" she looks pleadingly at Tatia for reassurance.


Tatia pauses, gnawing on her bottom lip as she ponders that statement. Her eyes lift to Sasha, nearly echoing her expression as she nods. "I see," she murmurs back, halting before she continues. "But Sasha. Do you /like/ him? You've told me your fears, why you're worried, all the things that can go wrong.. but do you /like/ him?"



Sasha turns suddenly and makes a decision...." Yes I like him....I really do...but I'm not convinced that I'm not just another green rider to I don't intend to fall into his bed at the drop of a hat. If he wants me...he'll have to work to get me..." There..she's said it...


Tatia nods, a small smile building. She even looks faintly proud. "Well then, I think you /do/ know what to do, Sash! That's exactly it. If you like him, don't avoid him.. but don't be just another body to him, either. Flights are one thing, but if it's ever going to be anything more.. he has to think you're the greatest greenrider alive.. not just /a/ greenrider!" That said, Tatia falls silent, now watching Sasha with sudden trepidition. There.. she said it, too. Question is, what's Sasha gonna think?


Sasha looks a little curious...." I was so jealous of you for a while...when I found out that Vesp had been flown by Pilloeth too...and angry to think that I was getting all these feelings, when he was capable of being with any girl....haven't you had feelings for any of the other riders?"


Tatia smiles wryly, head dipping as she sends a small splash of water toward Sasha. "Don't worry about me," she intones. "I know I /am/ just another greenrider to S'nor.. he's barely spoken to me since." The question gets a startled glance from Tatia, and her eyes fly to Sasha before she drops them again, reaching for her klah. "No.. not really. Not any of the 'riders.."


Sasha chuckles and spies something in Tatia's eyes..." Not for the riders....but you aren't telling the whole story here, Tat....spill the beans....."


Tatia shakes her head violently now, sending klah splashing into the water. Her ears tinge a bit pink as she speaks. "No.. you're making things up, Sash, just because you want to stop talking about /your/ relationships." A bit snappy? Sure.. but Tat's on the defensive, and it's the only way she knows.


Sasha tilts her head on one side to gaze at Tatia's obvious display of defensiveness..." Oh come on can't tell me tht you don't have someone in mind....just not a rider...." Quickly she thinks...who around the Weyr could Tatia be interested in..." Michel...he's a nice guy...Or Takovic...nah too nervy....come on Tatia...I won't tell a soul..I promise...."


Tatia sighs, lifting her gaze to Sasha for a moment. "You /promise/?" she entreats, eyes widening as she pleads with her fellow greenrider.


Sasha looks indignant. " know far more than I care to be told about the way I felt about S'nor.." note the emphasis on 'felt' there..." I'm hardly likely to tell all nd sundry about who you like an I?"


True. But give Tatia a break.. that fact doesn't make it any easier. Well, ok. Perhaps it makes it a /little/ easier.. but not much. She fixes her gaze on Sasha, pondering for a moment before she sighs, nodding. "Alright, then.. did you know that Vesp's taken a fancy to the Crystal Lake at Gar? Since it's always warm, you know.. and since that's where she found Hermie." The mention of the crab gets a scowl from Tatia, though it's soon gone as she stares at Sasha.


Sasha chuckles at the mention of Hermie, and her serious face is lost for a second...but she struggles to regain it lest Tatia begin to regret telling her. "I love that lake..although I have only flown over a couple of times....what of it?" she urges, knowing that Tatia has gone too far now not to tell....



Tatia shrugs slightly. "Well, it means that we're at Gar a lot... which is nice, since that's where I come from, even if we don't visit the hall..." Another frown, and she moves on quickly. "Well.. we were there a few days ago, and Vesp wanted to see the lake with the waterfalls, so we went into the StarCraft gardens.. it was so weird, Sash. For turns, I don't see him at all, and then there he is, just /sitting/ next to the lake!"


Sasha's body rotates in the water and she ends up facing her friend and looking urgently into her eyes. "Who Tatia? somebody you knew before? Come on...I need details!" is Sasha becoming the slightest bit excited by the prospect of meeting a strange man near a waterfall? Tiny signs of proddiness emerging? Possibly...although this does not bode well for remaining true to her ideals the next time she runs into S'nor....


Tatia rolls her eyes, obviously put at ease by Sasha's overly enthusiastic response. "Yeah, someone I knew before.. we were at the Hall together. Calais.. that's his name. We kinda.. I mean..." she pauses, trailing off before she hides the end of her sentance in her mug of klah. "Well, when I came back from 'Reaches the first time, he was gone scarce.. and then he disappeared. I haven't seen him in turns."


Sasha shakes her head a little...she doesn't recognise the name...."Oh thats lovely...and you hadn't seen him for ages...." she pauses for a minute. "So have you seen him often? Or just the one time?"


Tatia shakes her head. "Just the one time," she notes, pink creeping up to color her ears again. "And it doesn't /mean/ anything.. it was just nice seeing him.. again."


Sasha's eyes are sparkling..."So when are you going to see him say he is a starcrafter?"


Branwyth thinks to you, << I bespoke Pilloeth with: Branwyth sparkles silver and green amusement.  <<Sasha wishes to know what you are doing on our ledge, and how you would like to be decorated, if you're planning to become a permanent fixture.>> to him. >>



Tatia manages a slight shrug, and her expression echoes exactly how unsure she feels. "I don't know," she replies. "I mean, I guess he's back at the Hall now, but..."


Sasha shakes her head indignantly. " You are a dragon have the capability to travel anywhere on Pern without any hassel at should go and see him...I'll come too...." she sighs slightly. " Don't waste time with him...grab every opportunity...I wish I could be so lucky...."



Tatia shakes her head in horror. "/Sasha!/" she exclaims, eyes widening. "I mean.. I'll see him now and then, sure, but.. Sash, I don't even know how he feels.. it's been turns since I've seen him. People change a lot in turns, you know. Even months.. I mean, with Impressing..."  Another shake of her head and she slides downward into the water. "I'm not going to go chasing after him like some lovesick apprentice."


Sasha looks hard at her friend. "Come on are a green are not going to let a little thing like time get in the way of a good thing are you?"


Tatia wrinkles her nose, head shaking. "And how do I know it's a good thing?" she counters swiftly, shoulders setting. Uh oh. Tat's getting stubborn. "And what does being a /greenrider/ have to do with anything?" And now the glare? Usual Tat? Or a hint of proddiness? Either way, scary...


Sasha gets up and water streams off her as she rises. " You never know a good thing till you try it..." pulling a towel down from a hook she wraps it around her shoulders and clambers out, passing another towel to Tatia. " I fancy a change of scenery.!"


Tatia groans, though she follows Sasha out of the water. "A change of scenery?" she questions warily, catching the towel to dry off. "You mean.. /Sash/." She protests quickly, then stares at the greenrider as she reaches for her leathers. "Do you.. really think I should?"


Sasha  pulls on her leathers. "Of course we should....Get dressed and we'll go to never know who you might bump into...."


Tatia rolls her eyes, though she offers no further protest as she slides into leathers and shrugs into her jacket. "Just.. well..." She gives up after a moment of searching for words, and simply shakes her head, quickly plaiting her hair into a damp braid. "Fine. Ok. Let's go." She stands as soon as boots are laced, and pulls her gloves from her pockets to slide them on.


Sasha grins and she strides to the doorway.


Tatia slips to the ledge.


Veins of midnight volcanic glass finger their way across the somber grey surface stone of the ledge. tracing a crawler's web of intricate and random patterns, which yet seem to have an almost perceptible significance, if only one ponders them long enough. A slight depression, slightly off-centre, hints at the sunniest locale, showing Turns of use by warmth-seeking members of dragonkind. The inner edges of the rock platform meet with a slightly inwards-curving section of the cliff, creating a setting for the mysterious play of shadows when the sun is just right... A small doorway leads inwards to the weyr, and the deep blue of the lake below is tantalizingly close.


  It is a winter afternoon.  The air seems to be getting colder as the sun creeps back down the western sky.  A light breeze picks up, making it seem even colder.


Brown Pilloeth, green Branwyth, and green Vespurath are here.



You leap up to grab Branwyth's straps, and pull yourself up, swinging your leg astride the misty green neckridges.


Branwyth (#266) [Branwyth's Lakeside Ledge of Mystery (#11022)]


Triskells of misty green ensnare her headknobs, tattooing mystic power into every line of this dragon's charismatic frame and scribing spirals of stillwater blue across the solidity of solemn oak. She's as lithe and sleek as smoke, this witch of the woods, with the burning strength of incense imbuing her slender limbs with sensuous and seductive curves. Zeal radiates from the glossy mistletoe that spikes her 'ridges and 'spars, while nightshade saves its dark venom for the crescents of dagger-sharp talons. But that poison is drawn by the pristinity of 'sails as white as a virgin snowfall; drawn by the soul-deep mystery that revels her dark-shadowed eyes.


Worn with enormous pride around Branwyth's neck are a set of brand new riding straps. A deep shine alerts the observer immediately to the meticulously oiled leather, which is deepest royal blue, embossed painstakingly with a design of twisting vines of glossy ebony, the colours of High Reaches Weyr. Light glints off the highly polished surface of the silver buckles which keep the straps fitted snugly against the green hide, and yet allow for further growth.



Tatia climbs up shadowed hide to settle between Vespurath's slender 'ridges.


Vespurath takes off.



Above the Lake


A panorama unfolds beneath:  the bowl beaten flat as it curves out from the lake's chalky waters, dusky earth 'neath the endless stretch of sky above before the Weyr's spindles break the view.  Milky blue-green waters swirl below, tempering the 'lizard filled air with gentle thermals that flow and eddy through the Walls' many cracks and crevices.  Scattered ledges mark the nearby rocks, endless layers of Weyrs tucked into the wall as it sweeps right up to the Star Stones high above.


  It is a winter afternoon.  The air seems to be getting colder as the sun creeps back down the western sky.  A light breeze picks up, making it seem even colder.


Gliding around is Kaitou.


Green Vespurath is here.



Vespurath shimmers for a moment before fading ::between::.


You visualize Above Gar for Branwyth.


Branwyth thinks to you, << Ok, I am now envisioning... >>


Branwyth dissipates ::between:: as lithe and green as mystical green smoke.




You hang, senseless, in the dark nothingness of ::between::... absolute darkness surrounds you, and the profound cold stings you... you wait, and count...








Above Gar


You soar high above the grassy plains of Gar.  From here you can see the hold itself, nestled in the outcrop of a cliff face, and vast fields of farmland and grazing lands.  Herds of animals roam the fields, under the watchful eye of Gar herders.


  It is a winter afternoon.  The day wears on, gray and cold.  A fine mist falls.


Above, although it isn't obvious where she burst in from ::between::, the sparkly form of Vespurath can now be seen spiralling down toward the lake. Sun glints off unseen glimers in her hide, transforming her into a positively lovely sculpure of a dragon. Apparently without even meaning to, she appears majestic -- despite her small form -- graceful movements allowing her to barely touch down upon the earth with a barely-backwing. That done, wings are left out for a moment -- just so everyone catches her full majesty. Ain't she perty? Croon.


With a swirl of air, the misty green tornado that is Branwyth swoops in and lands with precision beside the lake. Her neck swings around to gaze calmly at her clutchmate, Vespurath and then she watches as her rider dismounts.


Lakeside (#15764)


A soft roar sounds from crystalline water tumbling over rocks at the far side of the circular lake. Tiny fish, few in number, dart about beneath the mirror-like surface, jumping in and out of the frothy waves at the bottom of the fall. Large rocks, worn smooth by swimmers using them as jumping ledges, bracket the cooling waterfall, but taper into soft sand.  To the left of the tumbling water, a few metres past the rocks, a jungle garden begins to grow with brightly coloured flowers, shading trees, and soft, lush grass. But it all halts abruptly to make room for a small stone building, the bathhouse.


  It is a winter afternoon.  The day wears on, gray and cold.  A fine mist falls.


Peering at the fish and reflections in the lake are Chereti, Net, Draz, Idoru, Kamikaze, and Spray.


Green Vespurath and green Branwyth are here.


You see Squoch here.


Calais is here.


You slide with great care over Branwyth's neck and down one obligingly extended forearm, until you reach the ground.


Calais whistles to himself, a lilting tune that soars through hill and dale as he builds a roaring fire on the lakeside sand to fend off the creeping mist and light rainfall. Not a great day to be outside, but after finding new workers for his project, he needed an escape. Hearing a noise like a cacophony of ugly birds, Calais looks up to see one... no two, green dragons, /barely/ visible in the mists. Hmmm, visitors, how interesting.


Branwyth senses Calais looking at her.


Sasha chuckles as she slides down and away from Branwyth, pulling hard on the flying straps so that the magnificent green dragon can shrug free of them and swim. with a hearty thump to her beloved's flank, she turns and grins at her friend. " were right....its lovely here...Look Bran a new lake to play in!"



<Local> Branwyth senses that Vespurath's mindvoice sounds with surprise, << Beautiful?  It isn't beautiful here... >> Vespurath sounds genuinely confused.  It's rather not a pretty day.  And then, a faintly appalled sound leaps into her mindvoice, << You go swimming when it's raining? >> Well, not raining, but close enough.


Branwyth sweeps her head around to view her new environment. And then with a playful swish of her tail she begins to make her way into the lake, making suprisingly few splashes for a creature of her size.


Amoung Vespurath's sage-shadowed 'ridges, Tatia swings from her seat as soon as Vespurath lands, using the momentum born of the landing jolt to help her. She tosses a faint, slightly nervous grin toward Sasha as she nods, fingers gripping the straps. "Yeah.. no snow, but it stays nice and warm.. and we've got a waterfall..." That said, she peers at Vespurath as she steps back slightly. "Want your straps off? Or no..." She stops mid-question, turning to glance over her shoulder - at Calais. Oh yes. It is, indeed, 'that one guy.'


<Local> Branwyth senses that she sends playful tendrils of twining vines and flowers through her words. <<Every day is a swimming day....come on Vespurath.>>


<Local> Branwyth senses that Vespurath sends tones that abruptly jump to an almost painfully bright spectrum -- both in color and sound.  << Oooooh!  Maybe I can find Hermie a little friend. >> The green exults, and then, a little bit more timidly, << Will you help me, Branwyth? >>



What landing jolt? Vespurath doesn't make landing jolts. Or rather, that's what she would like to think. However, apparently out of nowhere, the green jerks her head up and watches with accute interest as Branwyth descends into the lake. Immediately, she whips her head around and begins to nudge at Tatia. Perhaps it's a little bit rough in the handling portions of things, but we can just pretend.


Calais sighs from his wistful reverie and walks over to the riders and one dragon still on dry land. He waves slowly. "Hullo." What a greeting...


Sasha's eyes fall upon a person she does not recognise and with an absent smile playing on her lips she introduces herself..after all its only polite. "Um...hi...I'm sorry, I don't think we have met...I am Sasha, Rider of Green Branwyth - more more commonly known these days as the lake monster...sorry she tends to make a bee line for the nearest stretch of water...I hope we are not disturbing you..." she tails off, a mischievous look in her eye...


Calais (#18933)


Tawny eyes, of the kind that betray all of a souls feeling, stare out of a hard lean face and look upon the world with a casual interest. Calais' mouth appears to play with the idea, a faint hint, of a smile, yet his eyes always appear to have a hardened gleam to them. Soft raven black hair covers his head, and, tied back with some string, ends at his broad shoulders. His body is well-muscled, sleek and hard, though thin, and looks to have undergone strenous challenges in the past few turns. His dark tan and the few bright visible scars also adds weight to this assumption. The years and various tasks mark his weathered hands, which look strong and tough.


A dark red cloak is draped over Calais shoulders, where it covers a black shirt. Brown trousers, slightly traveled stained, are encircled by a wher-hide belt, which has not seen oil for weeks. The large brown wher-hide hiking boots on his feet have also seen better days, yet they look comfortable and hardy. A long thin bootknife can be seen at the edge of Calais left boot. A tattoo of interlocking crescent moons wraps around his right arm, while a plain bronze armband lies on his left. A large pack resides on his back, it bulging with various items.  At his side hangs a brown leather scabbard, entwined with silver wire.


Calais wears the knot of a StarCraft Senior Apprentice.


Calais is 21 Turns, 4 months, and 25 days old.


Among Vespurath's sage-shadowed 'ridges, "I /will/," Tatia replies sullenly, frowning at her lifemate as she swiftly unbuckles straps and gathers them in one gloved hand. Once that's done, she moves to stand beside Sasha... or rather, just behind Sasha. She manages a smile for Calais and tilts her head, leaving Vespurath to her own entertainment. "Hey," she greets. Introductions? Sasha seems to be doing quite fine herself.


Calais raises a hand absent-minded through his hair. He grins wryly, "Nope. No bother... its the boys back at camp that bother me. come and have a seat." He gestures with his hand to the fire and lean-to. (yes, no real lean-to) He turns back around, "Oh yea... I'm Calais by the way. Senior Apprentice Starcrafter... at least, I think I'm a Senoir Apprentice, can't be too sure these days."


Branwyth  glides under the water as it begins to deepen, and disappears from sight...for the moment...


Sasha runs a hand through the long runner tail that cascades down her back and then looking out across the lake her body shudders with silent laughter. Branwyth's favourite game...."Well met, Calais. this is my friend Tatia and green Vespurath..." she pauses for a minute seeing a light of recognition in Tatia's eyes..." Oh but I see you already know each other... we just brought the dragons for a change of scenery...its cold up at high reaches at the moment and bathing here will be more comfortable. " she starts to shed her leathers.


Calais stammers, "Uh. Change of scenery... yea... good idea.." He backs up on the sand, almost tripping over a few loose stones. "Well, come join me, Sasha... and of course, you too, Tatia."


Tatia's eyes fly toward Sasha, though she's not /quite/ glaring at her clutchmate.  Her gaze then bounces toward Calais and beyond him to the fire.. and then back to Sasha. Ping pong, perhaps? They widen as the greenrider begins to strip out of leathers, and gloves hands clench together. "Sasha?" she questions. "You're.. going swimming? Don't you want to sit near the fire? Cause.. it's kinda chilly, you know." Ok, so it's not.. but give Tatia a break. She's trying, here.


The moment she's free of her straps, the green shufflegallops over to the water. /Fast/. She wants another Hermie, goshdarnit! *splooshsplash*. Despite the fact that she isn't trying, her movements are at least marginally graceful. It's just a talent Vespurath has. Once in the water, the green basically disappears from view -- along with Branwyth -- off to look for a friend for her little aquatic-creature aquaintance.


Calais hmmms, okay. "Well, swimming is good too. I'll just go sit down now." His cheeks glow a little red, and he wanders through the sparse sand to sit on hsi log.


Sasha flings her clothes into a pile and then with a slightly scornful grin at Tatia she wades into the water. "I have to swim in the lake at the Reaches if i don't do it here...this is much know what Bran is like about water..." gazing across the still surface of the lake she wonders where her lifemate has got to...


Tatia rolls her eyes - a quite safe expression - and giggles softly at Sasha. "Keep Vesp from dragging up any creatures from the bottom, ok?" she calls toward the greenrider before turning back to Calais, pausing a moment before finally moving to stand next to him, looking down. "So," she begins, hands moving to clasp each other behind her back. "How's it going?" Lame start? Hey, it's conversation...


<Local> Branwyth senses that Vespurath begins looking.  With a vengence.  Her mind twirls absently as she does so -- and then, there's a pop of color and sound as she apparently finds something. << Hey Bran -- does this look like Hermie? >> A moment later, she continues with a, << Wait...are you even looking?  Help me out!  Look for another Hermie.  He's lonely.


Calais smiles slowly, "I'm doing good... haven't run into any of the uppers yet." He motions to a seat beside him, "But... I've gathered up a new workforce to finishmy project."


<Local> Branwyth senses that she sends swirls of greeny blue trickling water around her thoughts...<<Why do I need a Hermie when I have a Pilloeth?>>


Sasha slowly dips her shoulders under the cool water and then waits...seeing a ripple out of the corner of her eye she smiles.....could that be the lakemonster approaching....the ripple increases...Sasha prepares herself for the inevitable. "The water is lovely you guys..I don't know why you are huddled around that'd appreciate it so much more after a dip..." her voice carries across the lake and then...


Branwyth erupts out of the water with an enormous sweep of her wings sending sheets of spray into the air and drenching her Sasha.


"Uppers?" Tatia questions, blinking in confusion for a moment before her lips part in a silent 'o'. "Oh.. right.. no Kaz then, huh?" she asks with a faint smile, shifting her weight from foot to foot. "That's good... you'll be a journeyman in no time, I'm sure." A warm smile is thrown down at him, though she still doesn't sit.


Calais's closes his eyes slightly, wondering about the sitting thing. He gives up and just leans back against the log. "Here's to hoping" and he salutes smartly, before picking up a stick to draw in the dirt.


<Local> Branwyth senses that Vespurath pretty much ignores the thought about Pilloeth.  He caught her, but she doesn't have a whole lot to do with the brown.  He's just another brown, after all -- no emotional attachments. << You don't, >> Vespurath then points out, however.  << But I do.  Help me, please?  You don't have anything better to do. >> Good point...sorta.


Sasha chuckles, the water dripping down her face and through her hair. "Oh Dragon of mine you are hair is soaking!" Her arms curl around Branwyth's mistltoe neck before she hauls herself onto one raised foreleg. with a splash she is turfed off and the dragon looks on with amusement. Then as Branwyth looks towards the approaching Vespurath, Sasha seems to share some silent converation with her, before shrugging and wading off into the shallows and running out of the water, shivering and pink with cold.


<Local> Branwyth senses that she sends cool calming lakemist around her words as she soothes Vespurath <<I'm sure we can find you another little friend if that is what you want...but isn't one enough?>>


Tatia turns to watch Sasha for a moment, smiling softly at the antics of greens and 'rider before nodding down at Calais. "And then you'll be able to be posted.. unless you're staying around Gar? Have you decided yet?" She shifts again, finally swinging her arms in front of her to tug at her gloves, pulling them off inch by inch.



Vespurath is beneath the water -- sometimes with Branwyth. She's looking for a friend for Hermie. Isn't that cute? Of course. However, she's not visible, except on those rare occasions that she ripples the lake surface in order to get some air. Of course, the moment she comes up and Nylanth is there, she bursts from the water, sending droplets streaming from emerald wings. Cue brassy trumpet. Mwaha. And then, she sinks back into the water, crooning at him once before disappearing beneath the surface again.



<Local> Branwyth senses that Vespurath's tone is faintly contemptuous.  As if Branwyth should know better.  << /I/ don't need another one -- Hermie needs a friend.  He's lonely when we aren't there.  And he doesn't always want to come. >> Meanwhile, Nylanth makes his entrance and thus, he gets a bright, bouncy, /loud/ greeting from the green. << Nylanth!  Hey!  Come help us look for a friend for Hermie!  And say hi to Tatia and that one guy.  And say hi to...your rider for me. >> So she's absolutely /terrible/ with names.  So sue her.


Calais nods, "Yeah, somewhere north I think. I'm tired of no change of season." He grins, "I like Ista fine, but... I love autumn. Haven't seen that for years, not even in my recent travels." He forgets the stick in his hand and watches the dragons in the lake.


Nylanth flops into the water, rising no concern or care for the large waves accompanied with his ungracious steps as he wades in to meet up with his fellow dragonmates


Sasha runs up the beach and grabs a towel from one of the packs attached to Branwyth's discarded straps, and wraps it around herself, shivering a little, as she approaches the fire. Seeing G'deon she smiles "Hey Gid! I just got out of the water...but Vesp and Bran are still in Nylanth swimming today?"


Tatia grins wryly, finally settling to sit on the log next to Calais as she watches Sasha return. "I'm telling you, come visit 'Reaches.. we've got seasons and then some." Her chin lifts in a nod, and she lifts a hand, now ungloved, to wave at G'deon. "Hey, Gid! Come for a swim or to escape the snow?" she questions, calling loudly toward the bronzerider before turning to smile at Calais. "That's G'deon.. we all were weyrlings together, Sash, Gid and I."


Calais moves to stand, his tall form uncurling from his place beside Tat. He reaches out a hand, "Good day. I'm Calais, Starcrafter." He eases into a warm smile.



"Um... yes?" G'deon replies to Tatia with a grin.  He's already removed his gloves and his jacket is soon to follow.  "Hello Tatia and Sasha, and to you too," he adds to the other man as he stops beside the two on the log, holding out a hand to shake Calais' own.  "My, but it's warm down here."



Sasha pulls her hair out of it's band and begins to comb it through, enjoying the heat of the fire, and letting it dry her and warm her through. The slight blemish on her upper arm is the only sign that she is a drogonrider...and the threadscore is fading to nearly nothing, she notices quietly with satisfaction. "so Gid...where have you been? I didn't see you around this morning...."



"Nice, isn't it?" Tatia notes, grinning up at G'deon as she shoves gloves into her pocket and then stretches her legs out toward the fire. "Certainly a change from the large amount of snow 'Reaches dumped on us." She then turns to tilt her head toward Sasha. "How's the water? Warm?"


Calais slips back into his grooves in the sand and log.


Sasha chuckles, only now starting to warm up. " Its warmer than the lake below Branwyth's weyr...but I'm kinda used to that these days...because if i'm not careful she just flies of the ledge and plummets straight in...."


G'deon stretches his arms for a moment and glances at Sasha.  "This morning?  Just doing sweeps, same as always.  Nylanth and I have that pre-dawn shift, so we often don't get back until mid-morning."  He smiles and removes his jacket, tossing it rather carelessly to the ground.  "Nylanth, did you want to go swimming?  I just need to remove those riding straps..."


"Everything's warmer than that lake," Tatia notes, wrinkling her nose at Sasha before tilting her head toward Calais. "It's nearly frozen.. we've got a /ton/ of snow right now, so Gar feels really nice," she informs him, settling in comfortably." She grins at G'deon for a moment. "Just don't let him take home any pets.. you'll never here the end of it."



Nylanth has already started his way into the water. Had he forgotten to allow the straps to be removed? His bad. With a whuffle and snort back at his rider, he retreats, swaying side to side in anxiety as he awaits to be freed.


G'deon waits until he's sure someone is looking, then he sensuously strips off his Inferno jacket with a roguish grin.


Calais grins slowly, "Snow is great!" The grin slowly fades, "But, I guess if you see it all the time it gets boring, just like here." The stick is picked up again and resumes the light tapping against Cal's leg to a rhythm undefined.



(At this point I got disconnected and was unable to connect again)


Sasha - Dragonrider of Pern