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Bufo is a Nebruyin. During the Nebruyin conflict with the Zerg, during the post-Deynar era, Bufo was the second Nebruyin to realize his power. In the RPG Project universe, Bufo is "tapped" by Archon Blade; this may or may not happen in the FB world. Bufo is a miniature Nebruyin with skinny arms and lanky legs. However, his power transforms him into a raging wall.


Transform: After a few turns of charging (the charging reduces later), Bufo transforms into a massive creature of doom. His initial dimensions are 50 feet tall, 40 feet wide and 20 feet long. He grows much larger than that. His strength is also made enormous. He is capable of throwing Ultralisks 40 or 50 feet.

Element Learned from Spekkio:
